
211 Words
Sometimes the feeling of happiness is like the weather forecast. It tells you that it will be all sunshine and rainbows, but at that very moment, you want to take a walk in the park. Thunderstorms strike and heavy rain falls, damping your mood in an instant and, honestly, there is nothing you can do about it. I know people say that the world is filled with uncertainties, and we should take everything that happens with a pinch of salt because we might not know what the universe will bring our way next. But couldn't the universe look for someone else to screw with? Couldn't it have looked upon me with pity and taken his bullshit to the next person? Couldn't it have seen the innocence in my eyes and allowed me to enjoy a little bit of peace even though it was just for a few moments? Yeah, I know I am just rambling on because the universe didn't give a s**t about me. It didn't even consider that I was a child before it blew its mighty wind of chaos in my direction. I always thought that I deserved this hand the universe had dealt me. Because I was only 8 years old when my whole life changed forever.
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