Chapter Five

2687 Words

Chapter FiveI’m still terrified; my heart is hammering in my throat, and my knees are jelly, and yet I’m thrilled to see Liam again. I just wish it were under different circumstances… Forcing myself to look away from the horrifying image of the dead guy in the gangster hat on the floor, I instead opt to just look at Liam’s face. He rescued me. Again. “Where would I be without you? You totally saved me just now,” I mumble, looking into his eyes again. “Probably at home. Safe,” he remarks dryly. Fair point. “At home, bored, more like it,” I respond. Although the entire k********g experience was obviously terrifying, part of me is serious about the ‘bored’ remark. I haven’t had this much excitement in my life, ever. And that’s not entirely a bad thing. “Now what?” I ask, looking around.

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