Chapter Five

2089 Words

Chapter FiveI can’t stop staring at his beautiful face as he lays me down onto the bed. He tries to get up, but I keep hanging on with my arms tightly wound around the back of his neck. “You’re a beautiful woman, Tess.” His lips tempt me with every word he speaks. His eyes hypnotize me. I want to ask him why me, when he looks like the sort of guy who could get any woman he sets his sights on. But there’s something in the way he looks at me that makes me swallow my doubts and questions. He dives down into the crook of my neck, biting and nibbling on my skin until I can’t stand the tickles anymore. Then he prizes my hands apart and forces them onto the pillow either side of my face. He looks down at me almost like a predator, ready to devour me, and I cannot wait. “Let me touch you,” I w

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