21 | Escape

3274 Words
Aiyanna I stood near a desk that sat to the side of a large room. Trixa had disappeared shortly after bringing me here, claiming she would be back. Two large men stood at the door, eyes directed ahead and posture stiff. They, like everyone else I had seen so far, were weirdly attractive to the point it was strange. I tried to keep calm while quietly surveying the room, weighing up my options. I felt that if I tried to leave now, the two big men would defiantly stop me. Which meant my only chance had been in that room with Trixa. I cursed inwardly. I again reached out to my powers instinctively, expecting that strange sensation of being just out of reach, instead I felt my mind brush the edge briefly. Whatever had been blocking my powers were significantly weaker here than in the prison room I was too distracted on trying to fully grasp my powers I didn't hear the heavy footfalls coming up the hallway outside the room. The door swung open roughly, narrowly missing the man to the left. I felt the air shift as a tall, ridiculously good-looking man, with broad shoulders and arms the size of my thigh entered the room. With features chiselled to perfection, it even made the dark and stony look on his face attractive. As he gazed around the room, stirring something inside my chest. It was the good-looking caveman. Trixa's...King? When his eyes landed on me, beautiful shades of green and gold, I quivered with desire, a primal part screaming out to this man to ravage me with his hands and mouth. I kept my face neutral as we stared at each other, time seeming to stand still, everyone waiting for their Alpha's reaction. I could feel myself almost begging him to move, to let my hands explore those large muscles, to feel his hair between my fingers... "Honestly" her high voice drifted from behind Daegon as Trixa stepped around the large man, perfectly gorgeous features stunning, snapping me from my fantasies of what this man could do. She flicked her long, white blonde hair over her shoulder, hand on hip "if you two try to start ripping each others clothes off in front of everyone, I can, and will, put you both in time out" her smirk told me she knew something I didn't The Lycan King gave out a warning growl, watching the others in the room shrink from the immense power this man exuded. Trixa, however, seemed unfazed by his hostility, instead she strutted towards where I was standing, her long slender legs carrying her swiftly forward; she was almost in front of me in three strides, her eyes now glowing brightly. Regardless of our little talk earlier, I still didn't know what these people wanted. I felt myself tense, feet moving into a defensive position as I forced through that blocking barrier and gripped my Aura power. It was a weak hold, but it was better than nothing. Trixa's glowing pale blue eyes widened, advance faltering. Over her shoulder I saw Daegon take a step in our direction, a look crossing his stony face that was almost irritation. "You can access our powers? But...you're human?" She sounded unsure of herself, that confident demeanour slipping slightly to show a hint of fear, she looked over her shoulder at Daegon. I looked between her and the Alpha, heart quickening as I tried to plan an escape route if they attacked me now. Even though every part of my being was screaming that the large and dominating man would not harm me, the survival part knew better than that "Impossible. This world and its humans are not compatible with our magic" his deep voice sent a shiver down my spine, but I held my neutral exterior "I think after everything that's happened Daegon, the impossible we knew back home, is now highly probable in this world" Trixa regarded me, her eyes enchanting and perfectly full lips pursed "this just got interesting" "How is it you have access to our Aura power?" Daegon demanded. I glared at the Alpha, clenching my jaw tight. Trixa tisked "You aren't going to get answers from someone who is in complete flight mode Eggie. You haven't even heard her speak" the smile she gave was comforting, but these people had kidnapped me from the Tower, and I felt far from comfortable. "She will answer my questions whether she wants to or not" Daegon growled. I felt my stomach drop. If I didn't get out now, they were never going to let me leave until they had all information on myself, and the Tower. There was a window to my right. I had assessed the height when I was first brought in here, it was nothing compared to the heights I had leapt from, however I did sense there were powers around this building that could potentially effect how my Aura worked. The surrounding trees indicated we were far outside the city, which meant getting back was going to be a struggle; it could take me days, and I didn't know where my gun and hunting knife were. That meant I would have to navigate the city without any physical protection. First things first. I needed to escape. "You can't be serious Eggi-" "While we are in the presence of strangers, potential enemies, you will address me as Alpha or King, is that understood Trixa?" The Lycan Kings voice boomed around us, shaking the air with power. I saw Trixa stiffen, face scrunching up in annoyance as the pair glared at each other, but the she-wolf kept her mouth shut, bowing her head slightly in submission. Those forest green eyes turned back to me, flicking to golden yellow when they locked with mine. I felt him pull on his powers and reach out, intending on finding my weakness', those strange blocking wards waning further as he did so. That weird sensation I had been experiencing lately pulled in my chest again, and I felt my own Aura respond in full without my control, almost answering to this strange man. My eyes changed to purple as our powers collided, a voice drifting into my head, almost stopping me from carrying out my escape plan Mate... I saw the confusion and shock cross the Alpha's face and I knew he had heard it too. Rage replaced the other emotions as he opened his mouth to bark an order. Before he had a chance I felt my body move on instinct, turning me towards the window I dove through the glass, feeling a few shards slice my skin. As I had predicted, there were wards around the compound, restricting my powers from surfacing further, but I still managed to take a significant hold. I rolled as I hit the ground, the force knocking the wind from my lungs and jarring my body. I didn't waste a moment as I propelled myself across the yard, I could hear the Alpha shouting orders as the ground shook beneath me, his pack in pursuit. I pushed myself to run faster, reaching the edge of the forest quickly, hoping it was the right direction towards the city. ~*~ Daegon Her smell hit Daegon before he even entered the hallway, scent lingering where she had walked only minutes earlier. It was as sweet as honey and warm like sunhine, it reminded him of the fresh breeze as dawn was about to break, or the dewy air just before it rained. It was comfort smells mixed with spice, and for a moment, Daegon was reminded of home. It was intoxicating, in a way he had never experienced before. He felt his Aura tingle, arriving at the door to the makeshift study. Trixa had sought him out as instructed, filling him in on the the encounters the humans had with vargulfs and bloodfiends. They had strange and simple ways of viewing those beasts. Typical. Daegon flung open the door, feeling the surprise ripple around the room, wide greeny-blue orbs filled with fire turned towards him, his wolf howling somewhere in his mind as her defiant eyes locked with his. He felt himself bristle. The thought of making her submit to him, especially sexually, was arousing and almost as intoxicating as her smell. He clamped his jaw tightly, he needed to stay clear-headed and focused. He knew she was his mate, but he also knew she could not feel the mate bond as he did. Good. Rejecting her would be much easier. He watched as her body quivered slightly, his chest tightening in response as his wolf tried to urge him towards the human. Her own primal instincts were trying to pull them closer, but to his surprise she stayed where she was, face neutral. This woman was resilient. As Trixa moved towards the woman she revealed her ability to use their Aura powers, irritating Daegon and sending shock rippling through the pack link. He had hoped his blocking spell would restrict her access, but again she showed that she was much stronger than any of them could have predicted. For a human, she was annoyingly interesting. But when their powers connected, sending shock waves of electricity through his system he heard that whisper, her now purple eyes widening in surprise, indicating she had heard it to and realisation dawned on her strangely attractive features. Damn. As Daegon opened his mouth to order everyone from the room this woman did something he had not expected... She dove out the window. He blinked at the broken glass for a moment, everyones eyes in the room staring at the gaping hole, just as surprised at their King. A moment passed, Daegon felt as she grabbed a significant amount of power and raced from the compound, his wards barely even stopping her grasp. Which raised a troubling question: with this much power, was she connected to the dark aura? Snapping out of the shock he barked orders to pursue her, the ground beginning to shake as his pack raced after the woman. Trixa started laughing, her voice like bells as it filled the room. Daegon turned his confused eyes to the healer "She's not going to make this easy for you Daegon" she quickly tied her hair back in a ponytail, preparing to go after Aiyanna to keep her safe "the goddesses made sure rejecting her wasn't going to be as black and white as you'd hoped" she gave a wink before diving out the window, pulling on her powers as she did. Daegon let out an irritated sigh. He had hoped closing off the access to her power would restrict the human from revealing her Aura before he could figure out how a non-magical being could use magic to such a powerful extent. Again, he had underestimated her will, and now he needed to drag her back to get the answers he sought. She was becoming more troublesome, worrying Daegon that she might bring more problems than he and his pack already had. Breathing out an angry sigh and removing his clothes he swiftly followed Trixa through the broken window, pulling his wolf forward and instructing his pack as he raced into the forest. He caught her scent easily, the intoxicating smells causing his concentration to faulter. Daegon growled in frustration. The sooner he rejected this human, the quicker he could focus on getting his pack back home. ~*~ Aiyanna Adrenaline pumped through me as I tried to reach more of my powers, but I was still weak from the feral attack, the toxins that had run rampant through my body had taken a toll on my strength. I just hoped I could hold out long enough to get close to the Tower. I knew that was a long stretch, it was days on foot with my gun, knife and supplies. With nothing but the clothes on my back and fading strength I was nothing more than a moving target. I needed to find a safe house. A howl sounded from somewhere behind me, the sound sending a shiver through my body. It was the King's, Daegon. How I knew puzzled me, but the word that had whispered in my mind when our powers collided cause my stomach to flip and heart to beat faster. Liam was my mate, wasn't he? The bond we shared indicated he was. Or did we get it wrong? I felt the ground shake as the pack grew closer. I pushed aside my thoughts, I needed to concentrate on getting to the city, I could worry about the other details later when I was safe. The smell of metal drifted to my nose, indicating I wasn't far off the city, my chest tightening with hope. I should have known not to hope in situations like this. I heard a branch snap to my right, body acting on instinct as I dropped to the ground, something sailing through the air where I had been a moment before, sliding a few feet before coming to a stop. I scrambled to stand as I faced my attacker, heart practically stopping when I came face to face with Daegon. Completely. Butt. Naked. My cheeks burned as my eyes unwillingly travelled downwards before I managed to turn and race away, mind flatlining at the size of his manhood that my eyes had managed to peek at. Damn pervert I growled at myself. Never had I cared for how big a man was, my interest in affection was very limited and even Liam's size was something I cared little about. But in that moment, my body had almost forced me to surrender. What the hell was wrong with me? I felt Daegon's hand grip my arm, swinging me around. I had not expected the sudden direction change, not even noticing his presence as I normally would. I tumbled to the ground, coming to a stop against a tree and knocking the breath from my lungs. I could hear Daegon panting as he walked closer while I gasped for air, his confidence that he had caught me was predictable. As he reached down to pull me to my feet I spun myself on the ground, sweeping his feet from under him, body landing with a thump as I scrambled off again, his howl of rage following. I felt a smile tug at my mouth; he was just another predictable male, expecting a small woman to not give much of a fight. My smugness was short-lived as something clipped my heels, sending me sprawling on my hands and face. Before I had a chance to recover a heavy pressure pushed my body further into the grass, hands gripped and pinned behind my back as an aura power held my own at bay. It was his Aura, Daegon's, and suddenly my body was reacting in a different way, almost begging for further contact. "Stop resisting woman, I am not going to harm you," his voice rumbled close to my ear. As much as I wanted his breath to wash over my skin I growled back at him, struggling to break his hold "Go to hell asshole!" I grunted. I felt his knee press in the middle of my back, an image of his manhood close to my body caused a lust to ignite within me "As far as I am concerned, this is hell" he mumbled in reply. Without warning Daegon flipped me onto my back, one hand locking both my hands above my head and the other gripping my throat, his naked body pressed against me. I could feel my cheeks burning, but I was determined not to give in "Just kill me already, you won't break me" I snarled. His eyes narrowed, a dark look crossing his face, anger radiating off him as I tried to break his hold "If killing you were easy woman, I would have done so already" his voice was cold. He was serious. I clamped my jaw shut, stopping the next insult. Whatever this bond was, it was the only thing stopping him from ending my life, but that didn't mean he wasn't capable of harming me either. I watched as the muscle in his jaw flexed, eyes flicking briefly to my lips, and to my horror, I felt a pressure build against my torso where his extremities were located. My body reacted beyond my will, becoming aroused as my excitement grew, knowing he was turned on. I bit my tongue to stop myself from begging for more, to have him inside me while his hands ravished my body. I heard a low growl rumble in his chest, hand tightening around my throat as he lent closer, eyes hungry as a primal part of him emerged. Electricity shot through me from where his hand was locked on my skin, my arousal growing and head swooning with the possibility my desires would be fulfilled... That internal switch moved more than it had in years, emotions wanting to run rampant with this guy. I felt my senses snap back to reality as the realisation of what was about to happen. This man was a stranger. As far as I was concerned, this was not consensual. A memory of my past life came to mind, causing my body to freeze, the trauma of that experience threatening to take hold before switching to defence. Acting on instinct, I gripped my powers and used them to throw Daegon away, his back connecting with a tree as I scrambled to my feet, head spinning as I urged my legs to move. Trying, and almost failing, to get as far away from this crazed man as I could. I made it a few feet before Trixa stepped from behind a tree, eyes glowing and hands raised. I was too preoccupied with Daegon I hadn't felt her presence, or as she had drawn on her magic. I pulled on my own Aura, cursing at how weak it was, to defend against this woman in order to get away. I gritted my teeth and pushed past my exhaustion, ignoring my warning bells of the danger as I grasped more power than I should. Trixa's arm dipped slightly, eyebrows raising in shock as the tang of her fear hit my nose. That was the second time I had surprised her, with being able to use magic and how much I had access to, and I wasn't even at full strength. I was about to use my powers when strong hands clamped around my shoulders, an unusual feeling spreading through my body and a foreign presence entering my mind. I heard a wolf howling somewhere as all other sounds dulled, Daegon's voice drifting in "Be still" I felt my body freeze, mind going fuzzy as I fought to regain control "sleep woman" Daegon growled, his powers baring down on my mind so intensely I felt my knees buckle. I tried to push back, realising only then that Trixa's power had joined with her Alpha's. Against one, I could have succeeded, but in my weakened state, I was helpless against these two. I felt as Daegon scooped me into his arms, my body limp as my mind was pushed further into sleep. Rohnan's face flashed in my mind, his tears as Xavier had dragged him away. I felt a small whimper leave my throat at the pain he would be in. Just before I slipped into unconsciousness, something from deep within my mind growled in defiance, causing Daegon to pause. Then darkness pulled me under.

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