20 | Strangers

3454 Words
Aiyanna . Sunlight streamed in through the curtainless window to rest on my face, goosebumps raced over my skin as a soft and cooling breeze swept over me. The soft buzz of distant talking reached my ears and for a moment I thought I was back in the Tower, that Xavier and Liam had somehow managed to rescue me, and everything would be ok. But then the memories came flooding back, the strange wolf-like people that had slaughtered the entire pack of ferals. I remembered that strange man who had managed to push back my powers with only two words. I slowly blinked by eyes open, adrenaline now spiking and warning bells sounding in my head to get up and assess the situation. I attempted to push myself up when pain stabbed through my shoulder, causing me to gasp, the memory of the ferals teeth ripping into my flesh coming back. Peeking under my shirt I noticed someone had cleaned and bandaged the wound, which already had begun to heal, my body now free of the ferals toxin. Wincing, I pushed myself into sitting position and looked around, noting the almost empty, and large, room I was in, a single chair and bedside table to my right. It was as if someone had removed everything except these three items. My eyes flicked to the open window, stomach dropping when I noticed the bars that had been roughly added. I stood up and quietly tiptoed over to the door, ignoring the ache my body was in, trying the handle as gently as I could in case there was someone on the other side. To my disappointment and horror, the door was locked, making my thoughts a reality. I was a prisoner. My heart thumped against my chest. My eyesight had been blurry but I remembered the two strange men. I had never seen them before, and even with the new group of survivors I would have remembered a face as gorgeous as that. So where did they come from? They were strangely attractive, almost unrealistic which made me question who they were even more. Standing beside the window I peered out, frowning when I noticed the tree line, and just beyond that the tall buildings of the city could just be seen. I was very far from home. How long had they been here? And why had they taken me? I was on the verge of dying, these people didn't owe me anything. Could it be that they wanted information about the Tower? Was it possible they had known about us all this time, while we knew nothing of them? Hearing shouts outside I moved my gaze to the grass area below. Around eight men and women gathered in front of a tall man with ridiculously broad shoulders. The same man that had managed to disapate my powers. He seemed to be instructing the group, their bodies ridged and snapped to attention. After a few moments they all bowed before racing into the forest that surrounded the place I was being held captive. I watched as the man walked gracefully across the grass, his posture and stride demanding respect and attention. A few other people that exited the building stopped as he passed to bow the same as the group that had left, and didn't stand tall until after he had walked past. Just who the hell was this guy? I watched until he entered the building, my mind racing with questions and escape plans. If they wanted information, they were in for a fight. I reached down to grab my powers, knowing I was going to need them, only to have my breath leave in a huff of shock when I was unable to grasp it. I could feel it there, just beyond my reach, but it was as if something was blocking my access. I heard the door handle rattle and the lock click as someone unlocked it, intending on entering my prison room. I backed away and grabbed the single chair as a weapon. I didn't know what this group wanted, but from experience people always demanded something in return for their services. And it wasn't always pleasant. The door swung open and I felt myself faulter. In the doorway stood a very tall, slender and extremely beautiful looking woman, her white blonde hair hung to her waist, and her pale eyes glinted with curiosity. A small smile spread over her face as she placed a hand on her hip, examining my stance and weapon, the sleeveless shirt showed the well toned muscles on her upper arm. "At least you have fire" god, even her voice sounded beautiful. I eyed the woman but didn't lower the chair. The smile only grew bigger "Oh I do hope you give him a hard time, it's exhausting being the only one to challenge his authority" "What?" The word slipped from my mouth before I could stop it. I clamped my mouth shut which only caused the woman to let out a chuckle "There's no need for that, no one here would dare hurt you. This is probably the safest place you could be, actually" she stepped into the room and lent against the wall "Who are you? What do you want?" I demanded "I am Trixa. Healer, Aura and unofficial Beta to the Blood Moon Lycan pack. But don't tell Treyton that" she gave a wink, sounding as if I should know what that meant. But one word did prick my interest "Aura?" The question was quiet, but her eyes sparked with interest "You've heard this word?" I clamped my mouth shut again, causing the gorgeous woman to let out a long sigh "This is going to prove difficult" she mumbled, rubbing her forehead. I hadn't moved from my stance near the rear of the room, chair still in hand. The woman, Trixa, glanced up at me "I understand your hesitation and confusion. Even from my point of view, a strange group of people not only rescue you from a pack of Vargulfs, but we seemed to have kidnapped you as well" I felt the chair in my hands dip "Vargulfs?" "Those wolf like beasts that roam the city. They are twisted, mutated versions of rogue were-wolves" Trixa explained. I raised an eyebrow, my view on that word always made me scoff, but now, this weirdly beautiful women was telling me those things were werewolves? Then what did that make us? "I sense you are confused again" I refocused on Trixa, her eyes briefly flicking to the chair in my hands "Please, the door is unlocked, you are no prisoner here nor are you in danger" "So if I walked out that door now, no one would stop me?" her mouth became a thin line "That's what I thought" I added dryly "It's not like that. The entire pack would part around you from just a glance, but it is not the pack that would try to stop you from leaving" I lowered the chair until a leg touched the ground "The good looking caveman" she gave a small giggled at my statement "Yes, that good looking caveman is our Alpha and King" my head jerked back slightly at that "I believe there are many things we both don't understand, and I would like to give you at least a heads up before meeting with Daegon" "Daegon" the name rolled off my tongue in a breath. The name pulled at that strange sensation in my chest and I rubbed it absent mindedly, not noticing the intense eyes watching my movements "Please" Trixa motioned to the bed for me to sit, but when I didn't move she clicked her tongue and sat down on the end instead, leaning back on her hands and tiltingher head upwards slightly "I am now vulnerable to you, does this show I mean no harm?" I blinked a few times, as if she understood certain instincts I had. I gave a small nod and placed the chair on the ground but kept it between us "Why do you call them Vargulfs?" I knew by asking questions I would have to give answers at some point, but my curiosity was overwhelming "It's what we call unstable rogues, however in this case they are beyond unstable and mentally deranged, unable to shift back to human, but we don't have any other way to describe them" she eyed me carefully "What are they to you humans?" Humans. I hadn't considered myself human since discovering my powers after the fall "Ferals" I said simply. Trixa raised her perfect eyebrow slightly "And the twisted creatures that hunt at night?" "Nightmares" a small chuckle left her lips "You?". "You humans are very simple creatures" Trixa remarked "Bloodfiends. It's what the vampires call their kind that have gone feral and lost their mind" I frowned. She sounded as if this was normal "You talk as if you know what a real vampire is?" an angel like laugh filled the room "My darling, hunting Vampires has been a family tradition" I blinked a few times "Although I am yet to see one here, the only resemblance are the bloodfiends and they are as mindless as the Vargulfs. However, our Beta Treyton said he saw one on the outskirts of the city a few nights back" my ears perked up at that, the memory of the strange man killing that nightmare flashed in my mind "Was he wearing weird old clothes?" my voice was quiet but Trixa heard me, her head whipping in my direction "Indeed, dark hair? Red eyes? You have seen him?" I gave a small nod. The thought that man could be a vampire never crossed my mind, but with the way he manoeuvred, movements to fluid to be natural and strength beyong anything I had seen, it almost made sense. A part of me knew this woman was getting my information easily, but I wasn't giving up anything in relation to the Tower "When?" She continued "What was your interaction? I am extremely curious as to why he left you alive" "Around four or five nights ago, there was an attack on-" I cut myself short before I gave away the Towers existence "-my camp, I was separated and attacked by a nightmare, your...bloodfiend" Trixa raised her eyebrows, ignoring the obvious lie to where I had been attacked "You killed a bloodfiend?" "No, the vampire did" she blinked a few times as that information sunk in. "Wait. So, it killed the bloodfiend, and then left you alive? Why?" I shrugged "I didn't exactly ask for it's opinion" I leant against the wall and crossed my arms "It just smiled at me and disappeared" Trixa looked troubled. Suddenly she snapped out of her thoughts flashing a bright smile "Daegon wishes to see you now" she stood and walked over to the door, holding it open for me. I didn't move "And what if I don't want to meet him? Not like I owe him a thanks for kidnapping me" she sighed "Look human, you either come willingly, or Daegon will command one of the others to drag you there. Your choice" I regarded the tall woman, her curious eyes staring intently at me. I knew she was serious. If I was dragged before a man I didn't know, the end result would be far bloodier than simply complying now. "Aiyanna" Trixa looked confused for a moment. There was something about this strange women that felt like I could trust her intentions weren't unjust "My names is Aiyanna" her smile grew even bigger "Well Aiyanna, let's go stir some trouble with the King, shall we?" ~*~ Liam . The council members stood silently around the table, eyes intent on Liam as he worked out a search plan. When Xavier returned and explained what happened he had sent out his pack to find and rescue Aiyanna, but when they had arrived all they found were pieces of ferals everywhere. The shield above the Tower still held however, and that had given hope that Aiyanna was at least still alive. That and the bond they shared was still there. It was extremely faint, barely more than a whisper, but there. Rohnan was beside himself, he had still been kicking and screaming when Xavier brought him back to the Tower. It had taken Liam commanding him to return to his home to stop the child from racing back out to find his mum. Liam had almost exhausted all the packs power trying to find a trace of Aiyanna in the pile of death that they found. But all any of the pack members could pick up was a strange and foreign smell, something none of them had come across before. Which posed the question: were there other creatures out there besides the nightmare and ferals? The noises in the room came rushing back, three council members were arguing with each other on what was more important: rescuing their Luna, or finding a replacement for the sheild. A low and long growl emanated from Liam, silencing everyone in the room. Xavier looked over, his eyes red from lack of sleep and possibly crying, not that he would ever admit that "Our main, and only concern, is locating and rescuing Aiyanna. Until there is proof she is dead..." the word caught in the Alpha's throat, but he continued "we will continue our efforts to find her, before there is even a consideration on her replacement" the men and women shrunk slightly under his anger "The shield is holding, it hasn't shown an signs of wavering and the other Aura's have indicated it's as strong as ever. But we can only take that as her still being alive" he added "We have no leads. Where do you suggest we start?" Jax piped up. He wasn't on the council, or part of the pack, but he had insisted on helping find Aiyanna, and wouldn't back down when told no. Liam sensed it had something to do with his daughter Clarice. "We extend our search, work in a grid outwards from where we know she last was. There has to be something to give us a direction" Liam instructed. He stood back, noticing Xaviers eyes had not left him. His anger and frustration rolled off his body in waves as he struggled to hide it from the pack link. He had barely said a word to Liam since returning "everyone out" he barked "Jax, if you want to help head down to the scouting station and inform Braydon to form the next group" everyone nodded and left. Except Xavier. When the door was shut firmly behind Jax the air inside the room went cold "I know you blame me for th-" Liam started "If you had been with her, being her mate and Alpha, she would still be here" he growled, cutting his Alpha off. The beast inside stirred at the challenge "instead you hide behind walls she built with her own hands" Xavier had pushed Liam's control before, but this was different. There was a shift in his attitude towards his Alpha "You sound just like her" Liam bit back "That's because I know her!" Xavier practically yelled. Liam froze, trying to keep his anger under control "If you are implying I don't know my Luna-" "Damn right I am" the Beta stood tall and faced his Alpha "She's just an accessory to you, your life line. If it wasn't for her, you'd have gone feral years ago" a deep growl rumbled around the room "Watch your tongue Xavier" Liam warned, curling his hands into fists in order to control his anger. He pushed Xavier with his mind, attempting to get him to yeild before things escalated. But Xavier wasn't bowing this time "No" the word caused the beast to howl in anger in Liam's mind "I have watched you use and abuse Aiyanna for too long. She is the true Alpha, I have known for a long time now, only accepting you out of respect for our friendship, and Aiyanna's decision" Liam's anger dipped for a moment, he hadn't expected Xavier to figure it out "but now with her missing, possibly dead, I no longer have the patience, or respect, to tolerate your imposter authority" "Aiyanna gave up the title willingly, this is my pack to command, you'd do well to remember that" Liam replied angrily, stalking forward "She may have given up the title, but that doesn't change what she is, or what you are. You're not even an Aura Liam" Liam felt as if the breath in his lungs had been pulled from his body. All this time he thought Xavier was just another soldier, following orders, his trust worthy Beta doing his bidding. But Xavier had been watching closer than that, he had seen the small slips in Liam's power. That it wasn't his powers that Aiyanna and the others were contributing to. And Xavier was an Aura, almost as powerful as Aiyanna. Which meant Xavier now knew he could challenge Liam, and win, for title of Alpha. "You are over stepping a line Xavier. Regardless of how you feel about my authority I am the Alpha of this pack, and Aiyanna's mate" Xavier's eyes narrowed "And I'm wondering if that is even real, or just another collar you've attempted to latch around Aiyanna's neck" the beast seized control. Liam shot forward, his fist connecting with Xavier's jaw, sending him flying across the room. Liam pulled on the collected powers of the other Aura's, feeling the panic a few members had at the sudden shift. He stood with his fists still clenched, chest rising and falling rapidly as Liam fought to stay in control. Aiyanna wasn't here to force that beast back this time Xavier gave a short chuckle, rubbing his jaw as he stood. His eyes changed to bright blue, feeling his beta draw on his Aura powers "If it wasn't for your friendship with Aiyanna, you would be dead already. She is my Luna, not a pet I choose to have" Liam growled "You know, if it wasn't for Aiyanna stopping you from accessing the pack's powers a few days ago, I never would have put two and two together" Liam's shoulders tensed. He thought he had shut the pack off during that conversation "She helped you hide that, just so you would appear as the Alpha. But she's been pulling the strings all along, even if she didn't know it" "This conversation is finished. When we locate and rescue Aiyanna your position as Beta is forfeit, I can no longer trust your intentions are in the best interest for the pack and the Tower" Xavier let out a scoff "There's no need, I relinquish my position as your Beta, my loyalties lie with our true Alpha. Once Aiyanna is back, I will do everything in my power to convince her the best decision for the Entire Tower, herself and Rohnan, is to remove you as Alpha" Xavier strode up to Liam, his physique seeming to grow as he struggled to remain calm. There was no fear or hesitation as there previously had been, just rage "And that your supposed "bond" is nothing more than a farse. Her actual mate is still yet to be found. You're just in the way" he brushed past Liam, severing his tie to him as he did. Xavier was still part of the pack, just no longer connected, or controlled, by Liam. Xavier paused at the door "Stay away from Rohnan, his feelings on this resonate with my own. Until Aiyanna returns he is under my protection" the door closed loudly as he left. A moment passed before Liam gripped the table and threw it across the room. He felt his eyes change, canines elongating as the beast gained more control, he hunched over as he struggled to keep it from winning. The audacity Xavier had, the sheer disrespect after everything they had been through. He not only dared to accuse him of being unfit as the Alpha, but that his connection to his Luna and mate was fake. If it wasn't for Aiyanna missing, he would have ripped Xavier apart. Standing tall he drew in a few deep breaths, focusing on releasing his rage and with it, the beasts control. He ran a hand through his hair, canines back to normal as he considered his options. Aiyanna came first, one thing was for sure was she had been hurt, her blood mingled with the ferals at the attack sight. Which meant she needed his full attention. He would deal with Xavier later.
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