14 | When worlds collide

2678 Words
Xavier's voice cut through our argument, both sets of eyes snapping to him, the anger and annoyance that hit me was confusing; he had never been this irate towards me. But I felt it in my chest, how mad he was, how upset he had been when I had leapt from that wall. I watched from his eyes how the scene had unfolded, the panic and fear that ripped through him almost bringing tears to my eyes, niggling that switch deep inside me at his emotions. My anger died in an instant, regret stabbing at my heart as understanding set it. I saw Liam look at me in confusion, his own anger dwindling away when he felt my emotions respond in the way he had been trying to explain. He still didn't understand that screaming at me would never change things. I swallowed, shame replacing my anger "I never want to be the one to come and tell Rohnan that his mum would not be coming home" he added quietly. Tears welled in my eyes at that statement. I let out a shaky breath, feeling more deflated then I had in a long time "I'm sorry Xavier. I often forget feeling and emotions are effected by my actions" I glanced over at the Alpha "Yours included Liam" our Alpha ran his hand through his hair. Xavier was a blessing, I often took for granted his presence; if he had not been here this conversation would have continued in the hostile direction, leading to a fight that would not have ended pretty. I decided then that I needed to explain what I had seen, and experienced. This was no longer just about me, or the Tower. "There's something you both need to see" I closed off my link to all others except Liam and Xavier, allowing me to recount my memories of the night. I saw Xavier stiffen at the sight of the nightmare, a sharp hiss as he drew in a breath when it had sliced my back open. But when the unnatural man's face appeared both men went ridged, a strange feeling ripping through them as they watched the moment unfold. And when the strange man disappeared I heard a low growl emanate from Liam. "What the hell was that?" I shrugged, obviously just as confused as he was. Liam let out a grunt, gripping his chest as he breathed out a "what the" I frowned at him, only then feeling his wolf attempting to break out. I looked at Xavier, eyes wide in panic; why they hell was it reacting this way? "What's wrong?" "It's...it's like it wants.....agh what the hell" he grunted, falling to the floor on one knee, hand still gripping his chest. I lurched forward, hand grabbing his shoulder as a sudden rage flowed through me; it was coming from his wolf! I felt as my powers entered his body, soothing that beast and pushing it away. My hand warmed where it was connected to the Alpha and after a while I felt his human presence regain control. Liam's eyes locked with mine, beads of sweat forming on his forehead "what the hell was that?" I just stared at him, unable to give and answer "It was like my wolf inside became enraged by the sight of that man" Xavier piped up, I glanced at him, only then understanding how close we had been to total chaos in the tower. If I hadn't closed off our link, and the pack had reacted the same way as the Alpha.... I couldn't even allow myself to think of the consequences. "Why weren't you affected the same way?" I questioned, staring at Xavier. He gave a small shrug "Don't get me wrong, I felt the rage and disgust that Alpha Liam did, but somehow I was able to keep it under control" Questions flew through my head Was it because Xavier was different from the rest? Because he was a first Gen Aura did that give him the ability to have more control? I looked back down at Liam, feeling his hand cover mine as his breathing evened out. Things were becoming increasingly difficult and confusing, the possibility that this threat was due to Clarice and I connecting was becoming a reality. "This is all connected. I just don't know how" I murmured, helping Liam to stand, his tall figure towering over me "With not knowing exactly why we are the way we are, or why some of us have powers and others don't, makes figuring that out a little bit harder" I gave Xavier a face "You think? We thought we had figured out the majority of what our new world was like, how to live in it. This just throws a whole different spanner into the works" I allowed Liam to lean off me for a few more moments before I pulled away, his disappointment at the separation rolling off him. I felt myself shiver in want, almost needing his touch but I dug my nails into the palms of my hands; I would not let the bond make me submit, not after that accusation earlier. "I need to think on this for a bit. There's something I'm not seeing. I'll call a meeting when I figure it out" I crossed my arms over my chest and looked between the two men. Indicating it was time for them to leave "We still haven't discussed your insatiable need to throw yourself into danger" I looked at Liam with an irritated face "I think for once we can both agree that there are now bigger things to worry about then my need to save my people" I replied coldly, not moving. After a few moments Liam turned and left. Xavier stood for a few seconds longer, face unreadable as he stared at me. I reached out with my Aura powers, trying to brush his, to gauge his reaction to this. Shock forced the breath from my throat when I felt he had closed himself off. Odd. Without an explanation he turned and followed his Alpha from my apartment, leaving me standing there, stunned. ~*~ Daegon Muffled screams drifted to Daegon's ears, the sting in his chest indicated one of his Lycan's had died. A groan left his throat, body in agony as he assessed his situation. Wiggling a few limbs he knew he was back in his human form, allowing a slight gap between his body and the debris after the witch had dropped something large and heavy on top of Daegon. He struggled to push himself up, a heavy weight baring down on him, prohibiting the Lycan King from rising. Pulling on his powers he managed to push the debris away enough for him to crawl through a small opening. Falling to the ground, mud splashing up his arm panic stabbed his chest when he realised it wasn't water that had turned the ground to slosh, it was the blood of both feral rogues and his pack members. Pulling his wolf back to the surface Daegon looked around, searching for the dark Aura, the rage and blood lust that boiled in his stomach caused Daegon to see red; he was going to rip the creature to pieces. Snapping his jaws in frustration his eyes came to rest on Trixa who was laying on the ground where she had been pinned down by the witch, unmoving. He raced over, claws tearing through a rogue feral in the process. 'Trixa, get up!' Daegon yelled at her through their pack link as he brought down another beast, the vampires were all standing on different parts of the broken mansion, their blood red eyes watching the slaughter with a wicked smile on their face. Trixa let out a small yelp of pain, her body shuddering as the agony resonated through their link. 'Daegon....she...' the healer started, her voice fading as she raised her head to looked at her King, eyes almost desperate 'Stop her...before she.....destroys...'. Trixa's head fell back to the ground, her words broken and confusing. Unexpectedly the ground beneath them shuddered, shaking the trees and the mountains. The whole area fell quiet as both the feral rogues and his pack looked around frantically; it felt as if the air itself was holding it's breath. The maniacal cackled that drifted to Daegon cause his head to snap up at the Dark Aura as she floated high above them all. Those dark tendrils were weaving around her frame, that unnatural light from both crystals pulsing as the ancient words continued to spill from her mouth. The hairs on Daegon's wolf form raised, his stomach twisting, animal instincts telling him that something terrible was about to happen. Nerezza turned her crazed and glowing red eyes to the pair, the whites completely covered with black, fangs so long they almost touched the bottom of her chin as she hissed at them, her wicked voice drifting into his mind "you are to late. The world I am going to create will have your mutts as my slaves" Nerezza's voice, accompanied by many others, felt like nails on a chalkboard in his head as he desperately tried to push her out, but her powers had grown beyond his ability to handle 'when I am done with this world and the next, everything you knew, everything you held dear, will be gone' the earth shuddered again before heaving, throwing many of his pack to the ground as Daegon stood over Trixa, teeth bared at the witch 'One day I will sink my teeth into your neck witch. You will die by my hand before I leave this world' he howled in response. Nerezza sneered back, raising her hands above her head she screamed a word that felt as if the entire planet responded to. A bright flash blinded Daegon, the ground shuddering and heaving again before darkness swallowed them whole... ~*~ Aiyanna I sat in Alpha Liam's war room at his side, listening to the council go through the weekly reports and problems. My mind had drifted away, disconnected from the pack as I replayed the attack and strange encounter with that man again, trying to make sense of the situation. I could feel Liam's eyes occasionally flick to my figure, his annoyance at my clear mental and emotional absence washing over me every now and again. Everything they spoke about felt really mundane, the broken pipes on level four, the cracked windows on level eight. The over consumption of alcohol the night after a full moon. The world was shifting again, only this time no one was noticing, it had been silent and slow, only those with strong Aura abilities able to sense the movement. I new something was coming, but I was still unsure as to what it was, the air around me felt stale, as if it were holding its breath. I heard my name being called and snapped my head up to stare at one of the older ladies that handled the stock, she, and everyone else, was staring at me, waiting for an answer to a question I hadn't heard. I cleared my throat nervously "Sorry Beth, I didn't hear you" "When I said attending the council meetings, I didn't mean just physically" Liam growled, I ignored him as Beth cleared her voice nervously "Many people are questioning what is happening with the ferals. The past few weeks have changed since the last group of survivors arrived" her eyes flicked to Liam for a moment "there are many questions, and to few answers" I let out a sigh. The people within the tower saw more than I had expected and the disturbing attacks at dusk had not gone unnoticed "The increase of attacks has been unsettling. And unfortunately I don't have the answers for you either, or for the people. I believe I have just as many questions as you do" I glanced at Liam, I knew I couldn't let slip my encounter with the strange man, or that my suspicions the attacks were related to the new group to. "We are monitoring the situation Beth, there are many things we still don't know about this new world" Liam's rough voice interjected "for now we will continue to do what we can, there has been no indication that there will be a breach of the wall or barrier. I will call on a meeting to discuss moving the crops closer this coming spring, as we have already begun harvest for winter, stocks are high, and we have fixed the problem with the food spoilage. With that said, as concerning as the attacks may be there is no cause for alarm. Continue your daily tasks, scouting training will be paused until further notice for anyone inexperienced and add an extra body of watchers per shift just to be sure we have all angles covered and monitored" I stared at the Alpha for a moment, surprised that in less than thirty seconds he had managed to divert the panic of the feral attacks to positive productivity, without giving away any details on what we were working on, while also implementing a new routine. I forgot for a moment how controlling he could be, seeing him direct and lead in a way that was completely different to the possessive and overbearing nature he had towards me. It was almost attractive. Liam looked at me, an eyebrow raised and eyes glinting when I realised I had broadcasted that little feeling to the whole pack. I felt my cheeks flush, looking away quickly as the other council members agreed on Liam's decision. When the meeting finished I practically ran from the room, knowing full well of I stayed things would get hot and heavy with Liam and I had bigger things to deal with. I expected to feel disappointed or frustration from the Alpha as I fled, but instead amusement rippled through the link, causing me to blush harder. I needed somewhere to think. ~*~ I sat on the rooftop, overlooking the city, the decay and small florishes of life that now grew in between the debris was intriguing. It showed how quickly mother nature wanted to take back her earth, even small trees were beginning to sprout in between the cracks in the pavement. On my way up here i narrowly avoided Glen, the scowl on his face and angry eyes told me he wasn't done with how things had ended between Rohnan, him and I. I had also heard that his wife was causing a scene down in the laundry room, acting as if she were above them all. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, even I had ended up in the laundry at one point, we all knew we had to pull our weight, and help where needed, so no one was above each other. I dangled my legs over the edge, the temptation to push off niggling in my stomach, to feel the air rush past, adrenaline course through me, wrapping myself in my powers before splatting on the ground and transport myself to a building nearby. I let out a heavy sigh. If I had these powers before the fall, I wouldn't have been the scared and lonely woman I had been. I thought about my next move. We all needed answers, and hiding behind these walls wasn't going to provide any. That weird sensation I felt the night of the nightmare attack resurfaced, it wasn't as intense or overwhelming, but it was there. That was another puzzle to this ever increasing picture, why was I experiencing emotions that weren't mine or my packs? I stared over the buildings, watching the sun rise higher. I needed answers, and I was only going to find them in city below me. I needed to find that man, the possibility that he was an Aura like Clarice giving me hope there was someone who could understand her abilities better than I. I stood quickly to go pack for my next scouting mission.
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