Episode 11

2314 Words
Helping my mom serve dinner made her notice it all, but she didn't want to bring the topic while dad was present so, she waited until dinner was over. "What's up with you?" My mom asked immediately after she entered my room while I wasdoing my homework. "Nothing" I said despite I couldn't help smiling. "Look here young lady, I've known you since birth so I can tell difference between you being normal and over cheerful" My mom gave me a warning glare. "Am I been over cheerful?" I asked with uncertainty written all over my face. "Come on Natalie, what's with you?" My mom asked with a silly smirk but she sounded desperate. "You don't give up, do you?" I asked hearing how determined she was from her thoughts. "Yeah" she admitted quite confidently. "Okay mom...you won" I said standing from my reading table to my bed where she could sit next to me. "Adrian-" I started. "I knew it was all about him" my mom chortled rolling her eyes playfully. "But you weren't sure" I retorted. "Well...he asked me out" I added plainly but my mom was so focused trying to learn the full details. "So, what did you say?" She asked all eager and anxious. "Relax mom" I chuckled. "Well I am relaxed,it's just...you are making me tense, what's with the suspense?" she complained and I laughed. "Okay...well, I didn't say anything" I confessed. "What!? You didn't say anything?" My mom blared in alarm. "Well...I hardly know him mom, and jumping into agreement like that, I'm afraid I'm not ready yet" I said and she smiled. "You know I'm proud of how you've grown, I'm really proud of you, you are very careful in making decisions and I'm glad about that, but Adrian's a good guy and you both love each other, well. If you are to take it from me, I would say you go for it" she said holding my hands and caressing them warmly. "I know mom, that's why he decided to court me for now , he wants to impress me" I said and I got that kind of look that tells me you should have said that in the first place. "Seriously! I like the guy" She confessed and we both laughed. My mom left after a lot of prep talk and we talked for long before she finally left for her room, I sighed and laid on my bed, I turned to my bedside table to see Adrian's letter, I have totally forgotten all about it, I took it and open it slowly, what was completely surprise me, it reads.. "Hey Nat...it's Adrian, and I'll like to talk to you, I've wronged you and I'll like to apologise, please let me,here's my number, call me please, I need to talk to you" not much I thought after reading out loud, I took out my phone and texted him "Hey... It's Nat" I was waiting for the reply when I doze off. *** "Hey" I heard someone called as I settled down in class the second day, it was Kate. "Oh, hi" I greeted back briefly glancing at her side. "How are you?" She asked trying to start a conversation. "I'm good and you " I replied casually, "I'm great, um...actually there's a drama show this noon at the theater and I thought you...might love to come watch" she said really hoping I'll come with Adrian. "Sorry...I would have loved to but I'm sorry, I've got training- "Well...I checked your schedule, your training isn't till 2 and it by 12 and we've got free session by then" she said hoping to change my mind, holy s**t, how did she even know...stalker! I concluded in my head. "I.... I- "We'll be there" Adrian cut in, smiling as he walked over to us. "Oh Adrian! Well....um sure, thanks" Kate replied all red, I was kinda upset though. "See you guys there" she said before finally leaving. "Adrian...you know better than anyone this is a very bad idea, you can't- "Stop worrying about me, I'll be fine, I promise" He cut me short but that doesn't relieve me, not in a bit, if only he knows I can't stay where there's too much people. "Okay" I said forcing a smile then students started rushing in, time for class. I was still worried on how everything's gonna be by 12, what if I faint? I know Adrian's trying this to control his phobia and I wanted so much to help but I'm not too sure I can, I took out a bottle of orange juice from my locker after classes, I just finish consuming it when I saw Adrian, he hasn't really been in class, out of three classes, he was only in 1, I wonder what he's been up to. "Hey" he called walking towards me. "Hey" I replied closing my locker. "I just saw your message, my phone was faulty so I had to take it to the technician" he explained, now I understand why he hasn't been in class. "Shall we?" He asked and at first I didn't know what he meant until I remembered the drama show. "Oh... Sure" I said trying not to show my disapproval as he gestured his hand in a British way and I held it walking with him, he's been acting so different this few days, I didn't blame him though, from what I read from Ashley this morning, she has been tutoring him what to do and how to do it, it really surprised me to know that little girl sure is something. We got to the theatre and take our seat in the 3rd row, sitting down alone caused me an headache, so many thoughts that I couldn't make out, it got to a point I couldn't hear what the actors and actress was saying, but their thoughts was loud and audible for me to make out, Kate was among the actresses and was trying to impress Adrian with her acting , I take a look at Adrian who wasn't any better, but he was doing a better job than me in hiding it, then I started feeling dizzy and weak, I stood all of a sudden and left the theatre despite the murmurs which was probably about why I stood, Adrian didn't waste time in following me and he held me immediately he caught up with me, and that was on the last floor of that same building. "Nat??" He called and I face him with my tear-filled eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked worried but I only hugged him, I didn't have the strength to say anything, and the fact that I find it hard to tell him about my ability didn't give me a chance to talk. "Did the drama make you cry?" He asked hugging me back. "No" I said feeling calm again, then I slowly released him. "Then what is it?" He asked looking straight into my face. "It's nothing Adrian" I said but his sudden stiffness was enough to tell me he did not believe that, I wanted to know what was on his mind, I was damn curious, maybe that might give me a clue to know whether to tell him or not about my ability, I free myself from him and look straight into his eyes. "Somethings wrong isn't it?" He asked suddenly suspicious. "Nothing" I said changing my mind about telling him. "Okay...but if you wanna talk about it, I'm always here" he said and Kate appeared right at the time. "Um...sorry if I'm interrupting something, I was just worried why you suddenly left" She said coyly, despite glad she approached us like that, thinking we might be making out at the time. "Why I suddenly left or why he suddenly left?" I asked unable to take her pretense anymore, I felt suddenly irritated by it. "What!?" She asked completely taken aback by my sudden outburst. "You know what...it's time you stop acting nice, it doesn't suit you" I said and that left both Kate and Adrian with a wide look of shock. "Nat! Why would you say such?" Adrian asked upset at me for being rude. "Believe me I just want to be your friend" She said acting innocent that makes me even more mad. I could guess she was making me the bad guy right to Adrian. "Really? Like you choose yellow outfit because Adrian likes yellow or like you bumped into him intentionally to get his attention or the you're acting so nice to make him like you. How does that really makes you my friend? I said and her mouth dropped the looks on Adrian's face was unreadable. "Let's go Adrian" I said taking his hand and led him down the stairs, "Hold on a second" Adrian said as we were close to the game arena. "How do you know all those things?" He asked and I bit my lower lip in regret. I said too much I guess. "I've been noticing her" I lied trying not to show my anxious. "I don't think so" he said narrowing his face at me. "Adrian please... I'm drained right now please let's just go" I pleaded leaving him behind but he ran after me. I knew all my actions was giving him suspicions but I don't know how to cope, he was watching me so closely during karate training, and I could guess he was speculating, I've got to tell him I just don't know how or when. By the time we were done Mrs Smith was gone so we we had to walk. For some reason I don't know , he was quiet, right at that time I heard a thought, we were in danger or I was in danger. "Run!" I shouted and we started running, he was damn confused, I took the hidden route at the abandoned store but it seems we were cornered at both side, I was so mad. "What the f**k! What in the world!" Adrian cursed trying to catch his breath. "Hey! Remember me?" The ginger haired guy asked. "What do you want d**k?" I said and before he could take an action of throwing me the log in his hand I dodged pulling Adrian with me. "It's Dickson" he corrected harshly. "It does sound pretty much like d**k" I mocked with a snicker and he smirked taking a plank from the second guy beside him. "And I'm gonna change it's tone" He declared moving forward and the other boys followed, I knew his moves perfectly, despite going to a Chinese school, he was no match, he was Sandra's friend and ex, and he was a talented person but a bully. "Adrian move out of the way,!" I said getting ready for what's coming next, "You can't handle them alone" He whispered not wanting to stay far off. "Stay out of this Adrian, I don't want you to get hurt" I warned then I heard one of them thinking to throw me plank to distract me. He sure did but I dodged making it hit the one behind me Dickson came running towards me I swiftly slide low to make him fall but he somersaulted avoiding my legs as they move under him, they were five and four of them was around Adrian only one was behind me, I grabbed the one behind me hitting his head on the wall, then I hit him by making a vault over him and kicking him in the crotch. "What do you think?" I heard Dickson asked his arm around Adrian's neck, my heart dropped, no I thought, the rage welling up in me is enough to explode me, Adrian was struggling to free himself from his grasp but he couldn't get free. "Let him go...he has nothing to do with this" I stuttered but he smirked instead. "Get on your knees or I'll hit him" he threatened and from his thoughts he mean it, I slowly knelt down biting my lip in anger, two of his gang held my two hands behind me. "Acting tough huh?" He mocked and I could hear his thoughts loud and clear, they were planning to harass me then video it, my heart sank feeling so helpless. Adrian was being held by one of them while I was held by three, one each on the hand and the other pulling my hair to face Dickson, then my first shirt button was slowly undone by Dickson, he licked his lips as he undid the second one, I struggled to free myself but their hold was firm, my eye was red in anger then the 3rd button came open exposing my white inner vest, then he took out a small knife shoving it under my nose, I knew where it was going, but all of a sudden my brain registered an unknown rage, the next thing I saw was the guy holding Adrian in the air, and a plank on Dickson's head and when the two holding me try to fight their face was suddenly facing the earth, I was so surprised that I couldn't say anything, suddenly they all took out a small knife but I was ready, and so was Adrian, I smiled after seeing they all have a cut, one was about to stab Adrian but I kicked a stone next to my feet which hit his head before the action was taken. Adrian gave me a wink as he hit a guy with his head, then hit him on the face, he was strong, really strong but he has fear...which was his enemy but he just conquered it, he laughed as they all took to their heels but when he was about to face me, we met with a hug, I was really indebted to him. --------------------
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