Chapter Eighteen - The Warden

1213 Words

Liam didn’t want the warden inside the Keep, so he met the man at his home in the village.  Dennis had always reminded him more of a court jester than the master of a prison.  He was short and round, with a massive belly that hung over his breeches, but skinny legs like twigs.  His hair was thick and greasy, while his face was as smooth and hairless as a boy’s.  You couldn’t know that the man was truly heartless or sinister until you looked into his cold gray eyes, or noted the dark bags that were always hanging under them.  “I suppose you are here about the sickness,” He said with a heavy sigh.  He set a glass in front of the duke, and poured brandy from a crystal decanter.  Liam wasn’t actually there about the outbreak, but it was a convenient lead in to the more sensitive topic of th

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