Chapter 3

945 Words
Mariah POV I’m walking to the field, mad and confused. Who the hell thinks he is kissing and grabbing me like that? Ugh, I hate that my body reacted now that it did. Stupid hormones. f*****g asshat Alpha, if he ever tries that again, I will chop his d**k off. I tried to calm down before I arrived at the field. I can sense him behind me, and it only irritates me more. Sparring should help relieve some of this anger. I finally arrive at the field and see that many are sparring already. “Your late Miss Cruz.” Mr. Peters says “I’m sorry it won’t happen again.” I reply. “Find a partner and start sparring.” Mr. Peters says “I’ll be her partner.” Logan says. I smile at him and walk towards him. “You, okay?” He asks worriedly. “I’m fine.” I say it with a smile. “Okay, Ready? Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy on you.” He says it with a smirk. I raise my eyebrow. "Don't; I’m sure I can handle you.” I say it with an innocent smile. We go to our spots, and we get ready to start sparring. When I hear a low growl, I look back and see Nick fuming. Oh, this would be fun. The teacher blows the whistle, and we begin. He launches at me, and I avoid jumping to the side and landing a soft kick to his side. He looks at me and smiles. We keep sparring, but not normally. Like everyone else, we are flirting more than throwing real hits. Nick is watching us. I can tell he is trying to remain passive so no one notices he is mad, but from the way his knuckles are turning white, I can tell my plan to get him mad for what he did earlier worked perfectly. Logan launches at me one more time, and I trip him, making him fall. I turn him, get on him, and hold his hands up. “Surrender?” I whisper seductively. “Never.” He smirks and flips us over. He is now on top of me, pinning my hands to the ground. We are starting at each other until a growl catches our attention. Nick is fuming and angry, and Logan is smirking. The teacher blows his whistle, signaling that class is over. "Ok, students, that’s all for today. See you guys tomorrow.” Mr. Peters says Logan gets off me and gets me up. “That was fun; you should be my partner every day.” Logan says. “Maybe I should.” I say and wink. “U shouldn’t.” Nick spits mad. Why is he listening to me behind me? I turn to look at him and roll my eyes. “You aren’t my boss.” I am annoyed. “I’ll see you tonight, Logan.” I tell him with a smile. I walk past Nick, bumping on his shoulder, and walk towards the school. The rest of the day went by fast, and it was finally time to go home. I walk out of the school and see that the guys and Rose are waiting by the car for me. I get in the car, and everyone is talking about their day. I’m annoyed that Nick keeps looking at me through the view mirror. So, I decide to put my air pods on and listen to music until we get home. The ride went slowly since I was ignoring everyone. We finally arrived at our house. Josh gets out first and pulls the chair forward so I can get out. I climbed out fast, feeling his stare burn through me. Walking to the house, I heard them talking. “Be ready by 8:15, bro; I’ll pick you guys up for the party.” Nick says. “Sounds good, bro.” Josh replies. I walk into the house and groan. “Hey princess, how was your day?” My father asks. “Hey daddy, it was okay.” I reply. “Your mom and me are going to the packhouse for some business; if you want, just order some pizza," Dad says. "It's ok, Daddy. Josh and I are actually going to a party later on; we will just eat over there.” I reply. "Alright, that sounds good. You guys have fun.” Dad replies. I head to my room and take a nap until it is time to start getting ready. My alarm rings, and I wake up. I looked at my phone; it was already seven p.m. I strip off my clothes and head to my bathroom to get in the tub. 25 minutes went by, and I finally got out of the bath. I put my hair in a messy bun and started applying some makeup. I go for some gold eyeshadow with black wing liner and some red lipstick. After I finish with my make-up, I start getting dressed. I put my red crop top on and some short denim jeans with some white sneakers. I go in the closet and grab my red crossbody bag. I fold my bikini and put it inside my bag in case I decide to get in the pool tonight. I have lipstick and keys inside the bag as well. I started heading downstairs to meet with my brother. “Damn, you look beautiful, sis.” Josh says. “Thank you, brother; you look handsome too.” I reply with a smile. My brother's phone dings, and he lets me know Nick is waiting for us outside. Well, here goes nothing.
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