Chapter 2

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Mariah POV I start walking away when I hear an annoying, pitchy voice calling Nick. I look back and see Mila running towards him. "Babe, there you are," I hear Mila say. I roll my eyes, “I swear they are meant for each other, both annoying as hell," I laugh. I finally reach my classroom and peek through the door window that Mr. Villanueva already started the math lesson. "Ughh, this asshole made me late," I groan. "Are you going to stand there or come in, Ms. Cruz?" Mr. Villanueva says. "f**k, a great way to start the freaking school year," I think to myself as I'm walking in the classroom. The rest of the morning goes smoothly and fast. Now it's time for lunch. I put my things in the locker and headed to the cafeteria to meet with Rose and the others. I walk into the cafeteria and see none other than Alpha asshat kissing with someone that's not Mila. How can Mila stay with an annoying playboy like him? Then again, she is the same. Since they aren't mates, they don't mind sharing each other. "Yuck," I cringe just at the thought. As a cue, I see him look at me and wink. I quickly turn away. "Bastard," I say between gritted teeth. I stand in line and wait to grab my lunch. I grabbed a burger, some tots, and water. I make my way to the table and see that everyone is there. Thank the Goddess. "Hey, what took you so long," says Rose. "The lines were full," I reply. "It's crazy we have so many new students this year," My brother says. “Yesss, a lot of hot new guys," Rose says and wiggles her eyebrows. I giggle at that, and the guy’s growl. So, possessive these freaking men. We eat lunch and discuss how our day is going when I feel a hand wrap around my shoulder. "Hey, beautiful," Logan says. "Hi," I reply and blush. I hear my brother growl, and Nick is holding his phone so tight that his knuckles are white. What is wrong with these guys today? "Easy, Josh, I'm just being friendly. There's no need for all this aggressiveness," Logan says with a light smirk. “Oh, he is good," I think and hold back a giggle. "Anyways, I'm here to invite all of you to a back-to-school party tonight at my house if you want to come," he says. “I never say no to a party," Rose says and bashes her lashes. "We will be there; what time does it start?" Josh asks. "9:00 pm. See you guys there and see you later, beautiful," Logan says. He reaches over, kisses me on the cheek, and walks away. I blush and look around. I see my best friend looking at me and wiggling her eyebrows while my brother and Nick have mad expressions. Oh, good Goddess, they need to grow up. “So, what are you wearing?” Rose asks. “Oh, I have the perfect outfit for tonight," I smirk. I can see Nick fuming from my eyes, but who cares? I am not his property. He suddenly gets up and pushes his chair so hard it falls back. I cringe at the sudden movement. “What the hell?” Rose screech. "You good, bro?" Josh asks, worried. "I'm fine," he says through gritted teeth and leaves the cafeteria. What the hell is Nick's problem today? Someone needs to get laid today. I laugh at my thoughts. Oh well, it's not my problem. Lunch is over, and we all go our separate ways to our next class. Lord, I have to spar next with the alpha asshat. It's going to be an extended period. I'm walking to the field where the class takes place. I'm so distracted that I don't see anyone around. When I feel someone grab me from behind and slam me against the building wall. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Nick POV I see her walking distracted and I follow her. Its not like anyone would think anything about it I have the same class she has. I see that the coast is clear, and I catch up to her. I grab her neck from behind and slam her against the wall. “What the f**k is your problem Nick” she spits angrily. “You are my problem” I reply gripping her neck a little tighter. “I did nothing to you, Now unhand me” she says and her eyes blaze. “You did more than nothing, since when you flirt with guys?” I spit angry. She looks at me confused and pouts her lips. I can’t help but to lick my lips wonder if her lips taste just as good as she smells. Her smell drives me crazy. Why do she have to smell like my two favorite fruit pineapple with a hint of coconut. I look at her slowly. Damn this woman is gorgeous I think to myself while I admire her breasts. She takes me off my trans when she growls. “I can flirt with whoever I want Nick I’m not your property.” She yells. I close the distant between us and she gasps. “Yet” I whisper to her ear. I feel her shiver and I smirk satisfy with the reaction I’m getting from her. I know that my best friend would kill me if he saw us like this, but I can’t help myself when she is this close to me all I want to do is get a taste of her right here and now. I lean in and run my tongue down her neck. She rewards me with a moan that drives me and my wolf crazy. “What are you doing Nick” she says breathing heavy. “Having a taste of what’s going to be mine soon.” I breath down her neck. I can tell she is about to complain so I slam against hers. f**k she tastes so good. I grind my hard on against her and she gasps. I take that as an opportunity and explore her mouth with my tongue. I let go of her neck and run my hands down slowly down her back until it reaches her peachy ass and I grip it. We stop kissing to catch our breaths and I lean my forehead against hers. “f**k, you drive me crazy Riah.” I say between breaths. She closes her eyes to catch her breath. When she finally opens, she is glaring at me. All of a sudden, she pushes me, and I land on my ass. I look at her confused. “Never kiss me again do you understand, I will never be one of your bed warmers.” She yells angry and walks away. “Oh, we will see about that.” I say between gritted teeth.
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