chapter 25

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Nicole. our little get away was amazing, I don't think I could've asked fora better time. getting to know him better, getting to just be with him. it was nice. the ride back wasnt to bad and I fell asleep Siri most of it. he woke me up when we were outside my apartment, I'm just gonna grab some things and then stay at his house tonight. I don't have work in the morning and I'm gonna hang out with me whiskers. we got to my door and it looked like it'd been kicked repeatedly I looked at Nathan and he looked at me pulling me behind him some and grabbing the he's from my hand " stay behaved me" I didn't speak. I wanted to throw up, who'd break into my tiny apartment it isnt like I have much. he opens the door not using the key after he realizes it's not locked. as he steps in he looks around and I follow behind slowly " I didn't have food on the end table" I whisper pointing to the table full of crap but the couch he just nods checking the kitchen " stay here let me check the bedroom" I nod holding myself up on the counter who would do this? what did they even find that they wanted other than food. he comes back and holds me in his arms as I try to breath him in " no one is here but someone obviously overrode the alarm so just grab what you need for a couple days until I figure this out" I just nod again going to my room, I look aroun and my bed is unmade, my drawers are open and I go to look my top one which was full of things like panties and bras is now empty. I sit on the floor and put my head in my hands and cry. I'm not sure how long it was before he came in getting behind me and holding me " baby it's okay we will figure this out" he coos at me my body shaking from crying " Samuel" I sob and he pulls back some as I look around again " are you sure? how do you know?" " he took my underwear, there's a note" I feel his body tense before he gets up to find the note. he curses " little one just get what you need and let's go home I am calling my chef. I'll be right in the living room" I try to clean my face as I stand I don't even know what I was going to get the note was short and simple - shouldn't run. see you soon - I knew immediately it was him. I don't understand what he wants or why he's so fixed on me it isn't like he likes me the way I am anyways. I want to scream but I don't, I just throw a few extra things in a bag and go out and find Nathan pacing my small living room on the phone. " no I want him brought in. I want this over with" there's a pauses. " okay let me know if you find anything" and he hangs up turning and he sees me he gives me a small smile grabbing my bag " everything will be okay" I just look down and he grabs my chin " no ma'am we aren't doing that. you can be scared. you can be pissed. hell you can scream if you want but you aren't shutting me out again" I sigh closing my eyes trying to keep my tears from falling as I nod mu head he kisses my lips " got some people one it and they are gonna check for him. we will get him until then you are safe at me place" " thank you" I finally whisper out. but he doesn't say anything he just grabs my hand and leads me back to his truck. we made it to his house and I laid down cuddling with me whiskers while he did whatever it is he was doing. I didn't want to move from the bed. I just wanted to hide away. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up and hear him talking with someone out in the kitchen and I blush hearing the conversation. I guess that's one why to stop myself from thinking about what happened. Nathan. I'm f*****g pissed this asshole broke into her leave and it looked like he stuck around for a while making himself at home. thankfully the chef is gonna have a few guys start looking into it and I'll take it over when I go in, now I just want to make sure she's okay and isn't going to run again. I called Luca and filled him in and if course he came right over with Katelynn and Hadley but since she's fallen asleep the girls left to go find something for dinner Katelynn said it'd help get her mind off of things once she woke up and saw she had people here who care. I agree with that. Luca hands me a beer from my fridge and I lean against the counter sigh I out " it'll all be okay man just give them time to get the evidence" I take a long drink " I know I know I just hate her being scared, I just wish we were back in our hotel in our little bubble" he chuckles " how'd things go?" I raise a brow at him and look around making sure we're still alone " thought id wake up and itd all be a dream" he nods understanding " any details? " I laugh " aren't you having enough s*x not to hear about mine" he shrugs " curious if you are faking it or actually happy in that department as well" the memories being a smile to my face " look honestly I'm not giving you everything because that's ours but we had s*x but it felt different, not all the extra stuff that fun but this felt like we were actually connecting on a difference level" he chuckles " love" I nod still smiling like an idiot " I told her and she told me she loves me. and we just couldn't leave our bubble after that." he pats my shoulders " she sucked my d**k in a storage closet man. like wasn't my idea got on her knees and did it. " he looks at me amused " told ya the right one would be way more fun than forcing yourself to be happy". I sigh out " I just had no idea I could need a woman this way." he chuckles " trust me when I say it doesn't get any easier. the need just gets worse and you just gotta give into it" I take a sip " I believe you on that one" " so how was the game?" " fantastic. we enjoyed it really I thought she'd be upset they lost but she was just on cloud nine being there" mr whiskers runs in and I see Nicole walking out of my room. now in her short shorts and one of my shirts her hair pulled up. her face a little red from crying but she looks alot better than she did. she comes in smiling shyly and I wrap an arm around her pulling her in kissing her head " how'd you sleep?" " good I think I needed it" I smile down at her " hope you don't mind Luca and the family came to check on you the girls went to grab dinner" she looks at Luca surprised " y'all didn't have to go through all that trouble". he waves his hand " no trouble at all that's what we're here for. Kate will be happy to see you. be Oreos she nu be a bit extra she tends to get that way" I chuckle at this as he laughs then Katelynn and Hadley come through the door with bags of things as soon as she sees Nicole is awake she pulls her from me into a hug. " I'm so sorry. I should've checked your places and not just on Mr whiskers. we got you a few things and racks for dinner. anything you need I'm here" I smile at them. " honest I think I'm okay. I was shocked for sure but I wasn't there so that helps I think. and I'm glad you didn't go there I have no idea what he would've done. so please don't feel bad." Katelyn nods hugging her again " this is going to call for an adult girls day soon. the boys can watch had just me and you" Nicole smiles at this " that sounds amazing" we sat down and enjoyed the food and I enjoyed the company. Hadley had definitely missed Nathan as she was stuck to his side most of them evening " oh guys before I forget mama said they are going to come to the house again this year for thanksgiving and she expects both of you" Luca says pointing at Nathan and I and Nathan just nods like he already knew this was coming and Katelynn laughs I'm assuming at the expression on my face. Nathan turns to me and his eyebrows scrunch " I'm fine with that I normally spend it with them unless you have other plans" I shake my head still thinking, we need really celebrated the holidays growing up and when I was old enough my parents usually went out of town doing whatever it is they do so I'd pick up extra shifts where I could to stay. I clear my throat " uh yeah if you'll have me sounds fun" Katelynn smiles at me and Nathan kisses my head I don't want to get emotional in front of everyone and I think he can Sense that so he changes the conversation. I'm throwing my things away in the kitchen when his strong arms wrap around me holding me close to his body " how are you holding up with everything including that bomb that got dropped" we had a long conversation about my parents the other night so he understands the relationship a little better. I lean back into help just letting him hold me for a minute " I trust you will do what you can. and until then unfortunately I'll be looking over my shoulder. the rest I guess I'm just shocked to be invited, involved. not really sure what a family Thanksgiving looks like" he chuckles in my ear kissing it lightly " chaos " he breathes and I giggle Turning to face him and he's smiling me, that smile that just pulls me in and makes me believe everything will be okay " as for the rest. I've got you I'll make sure you stay safe." " I don't wanna crash your bachelor pad for to long." he smirks at me leaning down so his nose traces mine " it hasn't been one of those for a while now. and you are more than welcome to stay as long as you please " he kisses me slipping his tongue in and a wrap my arms around him getting lost in the kiss we hear a throat clear and I hide my face in his chest " Kate wants to go over the menu before you to get carried away in here" Nathan flips him off and he just walks away laughing. I told Katelynn I'd bring a couple sides and we'd come over early to help them out so she wasn't so stressed and she was happy with that. Hadley didn't want to leave but with Nathan going into work in the morning and her going into daycare Katelynn told her she had to go home which she then turned and gave Nathan the cutest pout I have ever seen and I saw him caving so fast before Luca picked her up promising extra bedtime stories. I had showered and was in Nathan's tee snuggling Mr whiskers when he came into the room " that cat has made itself a place in my bed " he says shaking his head " Mr whiskers " he just rolls his eyes at me as he crawls in bed pulling me towards his body " he can't have my bed and my woman" I giggled turning to cuddling into his chest after I kissed his lips lightly " I love you little one" he whispers into my hair I place a kiss on his chest. " I love you too babe" and I really thought I'd have nightmares or at least dream of the worst outcome of this Samuel crap but to my surprise I slept peacefully in his arms until his alarm went off the next morning
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