Chapter 21

5472 Words
Year 2 1993 //Ginny, Dobby's Freedom and Reuniting Friends// The monster that had petrified Hermione Granger, Colin Creevy and Justin Flinch-Fletchly and had murdered Moaning Myrtle was dead. It’s massive body slammed down onto the wet floor with a loud bang before laying motionless with blood trickling out of its mouth. Robyn stared at it with a white face with her mouth slightly open in shock, she then looked to Riddle and saw his face muscles clench his jaw. She smirked up at him, "Don't you know Riddle?" She mused, gaining his attention, "Potter's are hard to kill." A small thump caused Robyn to look away from Riddle and saw Harry on his hands and knees with blood pouring from his arm and dirt and scrapes covering his face. She scrambled over to him and hugged him tightly with both arms as Harry winced slightly but reciprocated and wrapped his good arm around her, "I'm okay." He whispered and Robyn pulled back and looked at his arm with wide eyes. There was a gaping hole in his arm with blood covering his arm and dirt clearly inside. He cupped her cheek and pulled her gaze to him, "I'm okay." She gulped then nodded slightly as his gaze turned to Ginny who was beside them, "Ginny..." he murmered and Robyn helped him crawl over to her and they both sat beside Ginny with worried expressions. “Remarkable, isn’t it?” Riddle leered from above them, “How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body. I guess you have a little more than a minute to live.” Robyn shook her head and a tear slipped down her dirt covered face as she stared at her motionless red-haired, “So, will end the famous Harry Potter. On his knees in the Chamber of Secrets. Defeated at last by the Dark Lord he so unwisely challenged.” Riddle turned his gaze to Robyn, “And when I am back to my body, I will show everyone that Robyn Potter is no more invisible than her brother in fro nt of the whole school. Thus, end the lives of Harry and Robyn Potter. You’ll both be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry and Robyn.” Another tear slid down Robyn's cheek then closed her eyes for a fleeting moment then opened them and found herself looking at the diary and furrowed her brow and picked up the book and ran her hands over the page. ...leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen-year-old self in it’s pages... ...Back to my body... The words of Tom Riddle rang in her ears as she stared at the book. He was still a memory in his diary. She tightened her grip on the book as she looked up at Riddle, who was smirking down at them. "No." She whispered with a fierce expression as she placed the book on Harry's lap and nodded slightly. Riddle laughed softly at her words but Robyn stood and slyly nudged the fang toward Harry so it hit his knee too. She could see Harry frowning as she did so but she had faith in her brother as she stepped over Ginny's body toward Tom Riddle, "This is not over yet." "Oh really?" He mused, "Robyn Potter, come for a final stand without wand or defense." "I don't need a wand or a sword." Robyn said blankly, "I have my friends who need me and I will not let you tarnish their existence." "Oh?" He laughed and looked down at her with his gaze narrowed, "How do you plan to stop me?" "By taking you out, the way you came in." She told him just as Harry plunged the fang through a page of the dairy. Riddle let out a yell as light burst from his chest as a white hole appeared then Harry raised the fang again and stabbed the opposite page, causing Riddle's face to glow bright white and he reached for his face with his eyes wide. She let out a breath just as Harry stabbed the front of the book, digging the fang through all of its pages. Riddle screamed in pain then glared as he reached out to Robyn with a disappearing hand, she stumbled backward and fell onto the floor looking up at Riddle as he flung his arms out and glowed bright blinding white with light firing out from all his body. She lifted her hand up and shielded her eyes as Riddle imploded in a shower of bright white sparks. A small groan caused Robyn to turned around and saw Ginny's eyes opening. Robyn crawled over to her as Ginny pulled herself into a sitting position and looked around at the twins, “Harry, Robyn.” Ginny gasped, “It was me! But I swear, I didn’t mean to…Riddle made me.” Robyn nodded understandingly and rubbed her back comfortingly as Ginny looked at Harry then at his arm, “Harry, you’re hurt.” “Don’t worry. Ginny.” Harry assured, “Robyn, you need to get Ginny and yourself out, you know the way." Robyn shook her head quickly, “I’m not going to leave you, Harry.” She told him firmly and he lowered his gaze and Robyn reached over and held his hand. She then heard the sound of wings and looked at the end of the pathway and saw Fawkes flying toward them and he landed beside Harry and tucked his wings away. She smiled softly, "Thank you, Fawkes." Fawkes let out a small coo then looked up at Harry as he whispered, “You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn’t quick enough.” The phoenix leaned over Harry’s cut and titled his head then tears dripped down onto Hagrid wound and the skin began to heal. Robyn's jaw dropped in amazement tear drops landed on the cut skin and it began to heal up. Harry breathed a smile, “Of course. Dumbledore told us. Phoenix tears have healing powers. Thanks. It all right now, Ginny. It’s over.” Harry smiled softly as he looked between Robyn and Harry, “It’s just a memory." *** “You three realize, of course, that in the last few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules?” Professor Dumbledore stated as he looked up at Robyn, Ron and Harry who were stood infront of his desk. “Yes, sir.” The three mumbled quietly, “And there is sufficient evidence to expel you three?” Professor Dumbledore continued with a raised eyebrow, “Yes, sir.” “Therefore, it seems only fitting…” Robyn closed her eyes and let out a nervous breath of air, “That the three of you receive Special Awards for the Services to the School” Robyn’s head snapped up and she looked between her brother and best friend with wide eyes, “And – let me see – yes, I think two hundred points apiece, which, I believe should be more than enough to secure Gryffindor the House Cup. And now, Mr. Weasley, if you, would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe, we want out gamekeeper back.” Ron grinned as he took the letters from Professor Dumbledore d and walked out the office clutching the letters in his hand. Professor Dumbledore turned to Robyn and Harry once Ron left and smiled, “First, Harry, Robyn, I want to thank you. You must have shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing by that could have called Fawkes to you both. Secondly, I sense that you’re both troubled by something. Am I right?” Robyn looked at Harry before she replied, “It’s just, you see, sir, we couldn’t help noticing certain things. Certain similarities. Between Tom Riddle and Harry and I.” “You can both speak Parseltongue, Harry, Robyn, because Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue.” Professor Dumbledore explained, “If I’m not mistaken, he transformed some of his own powers to you two the night he gave you those scars.” Robyn felt her throat tighten in disgust at the words and she glanced down at her body. Voldemort was a part of them. “Voldemort,” Harry began looking at his sister shocked, “put a bit of himself in us?” “Not intentionally, but…yes.” Professor Dumbledore nodded as he sat behind his desk again and looked up at them as Robyn mumbled, “I suppose we should be in Slytherin, seeing as Voldemort was in Slytherin too." She had a small frown on her face as she spoke, “It’s true, Robyn.” Professor Dumbledore confirmed, “You and Harry do possess many of the qualities Voldemort himself prizes. Resourcefulness. Determination. If I might say so myself, a certain disregard for the rules. Yet, the Sorting Hat placed you both in Gryffindor." “Only began we asked it to.” Harry pointed out quickly, “Exactly.” Professor Dumbledore grinned, “Which makes you both very different from Voldemort. It’s now out abilities that show what we truly are, Harry. It’s our choices. If you want proof that you belong if Gryffindor, Harry, Robyn, I suggest you look more closely at this.” He handed Harry the sword of Gryffindor gently then looked up at Robyn expectantly, “Robyn, I assume you know what this is?” “It’s the Sword of Gryffindor, sir.” Robyn said glancing down at the sword in Harry grasp, “It’s said that only a true Gryffindor can wield the sword. Meaning, only a true Gryffindor could have pulled it out of the hat." Professor Dumbledore nodded proudly with a twinkle in his eye. The door of Dumbledore’s office unlocked with a loud click and Robyn and Harry turned to see Lucius Malfoy stroll toward them a cane grasped in his gloved hand and peeking out from behind him was someone every familiar. “Dobby?” Robyn and Harry gasped in unison, “This is your Master? The family you serve is the Malfoy’s?” Harry inquired incredulously, the house elf nodded shyly as he lifted his gaze to look up at Lucius with a nervous expression. Robyn watched as Lucius narrowed his eyes and tightened his jaw as he hissed out through gritted teeth, “I’ll deal with you later." Lucius then snapped his gaze to Professor Dumbledore, who was behind Robyn and Harry, and walked forward with Dobby scurrying behind him. He walked forward then pointed his cane at Harry and Robyn and glared, “Out of my way, Potter’s.” Harry grasped Robyn’s hand and moved her back with him as they glared at Malfoy as he turned to Professor Dumbledore and looked down at him, “So, you’ve returned?" “Yes.” Established Professor Dumbledore plainly, “When the governor’s heard that Arthur Weasley’s daughter had been taken into the Chamber, they saw it fit to summon me back.” Malfoy spat, “Ridiculous." “Curiously, several of them seemed under the impression that you would curse their families if they didn’t agree to suspend me in the first place, Lucius.” Robyn raised an eyebrow as she looked at Malfoy who clenched his jaw even harder and Robyn could almost see his temple throbbing. “How dare you?!” Snarled Malfoy with his eyes ablaze, “From the beginning, my only concern has been, and always will be, the welfare of this school and of course ts students.” He glanced at Harry and Robyn before back at Professor Dumbledore, “I assume the culprit has been identified?” “Oh yes.” Nodded Professor Dumbledore, “And…” squeaked Malfoy, “Who was it?” “It was Voldemort. Only this time, he chose to act through someone else." Professor Dumbledore pulled out the diary and placed it on the desk before him, “By means of this.” He nudged it to Lucius, who picked it up and ran his eyes over it. Something tugged on her cloak and she looked down to see Dobby staring up at her with his wide eyes. She nudged Harry, who looked at her, then she motioned down to Dobby as they looked down at Dobby. The house else let out a small whimper and nodded toward his Master and Robyn furrowed her brow, he then nodded toward the diary in Lucius's hand and she frowned. “Fortunately, our young Mr and Miss Potter discovered it.” Robyn detected the coldness in his voice as Professor Dumbledore spoke to Lucius as she stared at Malfoy, “One only hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort’s old school things find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible could be…severe." “Well,” Lucius muttered bitterly turning to the two Potters “let’s hope that Mr and Miss Potter will always be around to save the day." “Don’t worry,” Harry said as he and sister stared at Lucius with hard eyes, “we will be.” Malfoy turned to Dumbledore with a curt nod, “Dumbledore.” He addressed then turned on his heal, “Come, Dobby. We’re leavin." Dobby scurrying in front of him, Malfoy kicked the house elf who yelped and whimpered as he landed on the stone floor with a small thump. He stood up quickly and walked down the steps out Dumbledore's office, the door swinging shut behind them. Robyn stared after the pair then glanced at the diary that was on the table and a small gasp escaped her lips when she realised why Dobby kept pointing to the diary. Malfoy was the one who put the diary in the school, putting Ginny Weasley in danger. Dobby had also warned them before when he came to their room, he said there was a plot - that had to be Malfoy. “Sir?” Harry asked and Robyn looked up at her brother as he spoke, “I wonder if I could have that.” Harry nodded at the diary. Dumbledore nodded and Robyn walked over and picked it up whilst her brother kicked off his shoe and slid off his sock then handed Robyn it to her. She grimaced slightly then placed it in the pages of the dairy. Robyn then ran out Dumbledore’s office with Harry beside her and they rushed down the steps of the eagle and ran down the corridor before turning into a corridor that led to the back exit of Hogwarts, where they saw Malfoy senior and Dobby. The twins glanced at each other and ran toward the pair, “Mr. Malfoy!” Harry shouted, “Mr. Malfoy!” Robyn called and saw Dobby stop to look up at them, Mr. Malfoy turned to face the two Potter’s as Robyn looked up at him with blank expression, “I have something of yours.” She thrust the diary into Lucius’s hand and he glared down at her as he spat, “Mine? I don’t know what you’re talking about." “I think you do, sir.” Robyn contradicted, “We think you slipped it into Ginny Weasley’s cauldron that day in Diagon Alley.” Harry continued with his lips twitching into a smirk, “You do, do you?” Questioned Malfoy testily and he thrust the diary into Dobby’s chest angrily and Robyn forced herself not smirk. She watched as Lucius leaned forward so he was in Harry and her face and narrowed his eyes, “Why don’t you prove it?” The silence from the two Potter’s cause a small smirk to flash on his lips as he thought he'd won but that was far from the truth, he then looked at Dobby, “Come Dobby.” He spun on his heal and walked away with his cane in his hand, Dobby looked up at Robyn and Harry, and Robyn smiled as she whispered softly to him, “Open it.” Dobby looked up at the two curiously and obeyed and opened it and it turned to the page where Harry's folded sock lay. Robyn felt her heart warm as Dobby's eyes widened in awe, “Dobby.” Malfoy called without glancing backward, “Master has given Dobby a sock.” Dobby said amazed, “Master has presented Dobby with clothes.” “What?” Shot Lucius and Robyn watched as he spun around with a confused expression, “I didn’t –“ Then his eyes landed on the folded up item in the pages of the book and his jaw slacked as it opened softly, “Dobby is…free.” A smiled appeared on the house-elf’s face as he looked up at his master. Robyn smirked at the shocked expression on Malfoy's face then looked at Harryas raised his trouser up slightly to show Harry’s missing sock, “You lost me my servant!” Lucius hissed loudly, his voice full of anger, and he pulled out his wand from its sheath and moved toward them with his face full of rage, and Dobby stepped before the two Potter’s with his hand out, “You shall not harm Harry and Robyn Potter!” He ordered, “Avada –“ Robyn’s eyes widened as Lucius began to say an ‘unforgivable curse’ However, before he could finish Dobby waved his hand and a tiny blue explosion send Lucius Malfoy flying backward and landing on the stone floor 10 meters away. Robyn looked upon the blonde haired man as he jumped to his feet his once perfect blonde hair messy as he glowered down at them, “Your parents were meddlesome fools too. Mark my words, Potter’s. One day soon you are both going to meet the same sticky end." He wheeled around and marched out the corridor with his back hunch. Dobby turned to his two friends and looked up at them in awe, “Harry and Robyn Potter freed Dobby.” The house elf said, still slightly shocked, “How can Dobby ever repay them?” The twins looked at each other with a small smile before turning to their tiny friend, “Just promise us something.” Robyn answered, “Anything, miss.” Dobby nodded quickl and Harry laughed softly, “Never try to save our lives again." Robyn sat on the hospital bed twenty minutes later with Madam Pompfrey fussing over her. She was as banged up as Harry but she had a nasty bleeding scrape on her leg from when Harry pulled her down onto the ground and a few smaller ones on her face. She winced slightly as Madam Pompfrey pressed on her scrape, causing Madam Pompfrey to huff, "Honestly, Miss. Potter, I hope you don't make a habbit of this." A small blush formed on her face as she responded, "I'll try not to, Ma'am." She narrowed her eyes at the second year, who sent her an apologetic smile, before walking away to tend to Harry. Robyn bit her lip as she got up from her bed and looked at Hermione with a small frown on her face then it turned into a small smile as she walked over to her. She sat down beside Hermione and placed her hand on Hermione's frozen arm and smiled softly just as Ron sat beside her. He looked at Hermione then at Robyn, "I still can't believe you found what the creature was and where it was hiding by yourself." Ron breathed in awe and Robyn shook her head as she looked at him, "I didn't." She denied, "Hermione left a few unintentional cues for me and I worked off them." "Still." Ron mumbled, "There was still Harry and I to figure it out." "But then you had to deal with Lockhart." Ron let a small smile slid onto his lips then the pair looked up at Professor Lockhart, who was a few beds away with a dazed look on his face as he looked around. Robyn saw his eyes land on the book beside him. It was his Magical Me book with the picture of himself grinning widely and winking. Lockhart gasped in shock and breathed, "Is that me?" He looked up at Ron and grinned widely, "Hay, hay, Ron, guess what? I wrote a book!" Robyn raised an eyebrow with a smile twitching at her lips. Ron nodded slowly with an awkward smile on his lips and Lockhart grinned widely, "Wow! I'm amazing!" He then turned his attention to Robyn, "I have a book!" She nodded and put here thumbs up to him in encouragingly. If only Lockhart's old self to could see him now. Robyn watched as Lockhart turned to Madam Pompfrey and laughed as he pointed to his book, "Its me!" Robyn rolled her eyes as Ron whispered into her ear, "He's probably smarter now than he was before he lost his memory." She let out a small laugh and shook her head slightly as she then said, "That's another DADA teacher gone." "Oh yeah." Ron sniggered, "We need to stop getting rid of the DADA teachers." It then occurred to Robyn that she and Harry had the been the cause for the loss of last years DADA teacher, Professor Quirral, and this year they, well Ron and Harry, had caused the memory loss of Professor Lockhart. Robyn laughed under her breath as she commented with a smirk on her lips, "We will, when they stop employing nut-jobs." *** A week later, it was leading up end of terms exams and everyone was sat in the Great Hall tucking into dinner. Robyn lifted the fork to her mouth and ate the pile of mash potatoes as she watched Ron speak to Dean about what happened, "Yeah, yeah," He said with a half-hearted shrug, "It was a fierce battle, I nearly got bit the creature. But, I was smarter than the creature." Robyn raised an eyebrow as she listened but decided to keep quiet as she amused herself. Beside her Harry, who was sat beside Robyn, was rolling his eyes as he watched Ron speak up himself. Before Ron could talk anymore, there was someone shouting down the Gryffindor table at the Potter twins, “Harry! Robyn!” Robyn and Harry leaned backward to see Neville grinning excitedly at them them, “It’s Hermione!” Robyn's furrowed her brow, she was in the hospital, right? She glanced at Harry then looked back at Neville but her eyes locked with someone else. Her jaw dropped in shock as she stared at the bushy haired girl, "Hermione." She breathed then swung her legs off the bench and squealed excitedly before running down the isle between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff table toward Hermione, who had also broken out into a dash with her cloak flowing behind her. Robyn let out an involuntary happy whimper before she and Hermione collided into a tight hug. Almost immediately Robyn's ear was filled with squealing from Hermione but Robyn didn't care, she was too happy that her friend was now longer petrified. Robyn giggled then pulled back as Harry pulled Hermione into a hug and she watched with a wide smile on her face. Harry pulled back after a few seconds and stood beside Robyn as Hermione turned to Ron and started lift her hands up to hug him but stopped and they thend shock hands with awkward smiles. “Umm…” Ron stammered, “Welcome back Hermione.” Robyn laughed behind her hand at the awkwardness between the two friends. “It’s good to be back.” Hermione answered, not being able to remove the smile from her face then looked between the three, “Congratulations! I can’t believe you solved it.” “Well,” Harry blushed with a glance at Ron and Robyn, “we had loads of help from you.” “We couldn’t have don’t it without you.” Robyn added honestly, “Thanks.” Hermione blushed and Robyn smiled softly and rubbed her arm. Behind them, Professor McGonagall tapped her glass with the end of her fork Robyn turned as Professor McGonagall tapped her glass, grabbing the other students gaze too as she called, “Could I have your attention, please?” Robyn walked over to where she was sitting and sat between Dean and Hermione on the bench and looked up at the teachers table as Dumbledore raised himself to his feet and looked down at all the students over his half-moon spectials, “Before we begin our feast, lets give a round of applause to Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully administered to all those who had been petrified.” Robyn clapped loudly as she looked at the two teachers with a wide smile, they both wore blushed cheeks as they waved at her, “Also, in the wake of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled." Everyone burst into loud claps and cheers at his words. Robyn, herself, gasped then squealed as she clapped loudly before Robyn high fiving Dean happily, "Good!" Dean shouted over the applause, "I haven't started studying yet!" Robyn's eyes widened then she relaxed and shook her head with a small smile on her face. There was no one in the room who looked upset...well...except for Hermione who looked downtrodden as she looked at the table and mumbled in sadness and irritation. Robyn giggled at the look on Hermione's expression and then looked toward her brother but found her eyes landed on someone on the Slytherin table who was high-fiving his friends with a look of joy on his face. This had to be the first time that Robyn had seen her and Malfoy look happy at the same thing! Usually, they had different interests but apparently hating exams was something that both had in common! She locked eyes with Malfoy then quickly looked away at Fred and George Weasley. Just when it seemed that the clapping and joy would never it, the door to the Hall swung open and clapped stopped as all eyes turned to the person coming into the room. “Sorry I’m late." Robyn felt a wider smile form on her face as she looked at her half-giant friend, Hagrid. He looked around at the crowd and coughed under his breath nervously, "The owl that delivered my release paper got all lost ‘n confused.” Robyn looked at Ron with a small smirk as he looked down with a nervous expression and gulped, “Some ruddy bird named Errol." Hagrid stopped beside Harry, Ron, Hermione and Robyn and looked down at them with a grateful smile on his face, “I jus’ want to say…that if it wasn’t for you, Harry and Robyn…you two an’ Ron…and Hermione of course. I would err…I’d still be you know where. So I’d just like to say…Thanks.” Robyn smiled softly and watched as Harry got to his feet and quickly copied him and they both stood and looked up at Hagrid. “There no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid.” Harry grinned in truth and Robyn nodded in agreement then shehugged the giant around the middle and Harry quickly joined her. She could feel that Hagrid was surpised then he relaxed and patted their backs happily. At the teachers table, Dumbledore stood slowly and began to clap, soon accompanied by the other teachers as they gazed at Hagrid. Robyn looked from the side and at the teacher then stepped back as she started to clap with a wide smile on her face. To their right, Ron and Hermione started clapping loudly and, in no time, the whole hall was clapping – apart from Malfoy and his crew. She giggled softly and felt tears well up in her eyes as she saw the shocked expression on Hagrid's expression as she ran his eyes over the crowds who were all applauding for him! She could tell that he’d never got an applause like this – ever! Robyn stepped back as people started coming over and shaking his hand, congradulating and telling him how much they missed him. A happy tear slid down her cheek and she breathed softly to calm herself down as Hagrid himself wiped a few from his cheeks. Then, Hagrid opened his arms in joy and pumped his fists in the air. Robyn looked at Harry happily and before looking back at their Harry, happiness clear on both on both of their faces. All was well. *** "I still cannot believe we didn't have any exams." Hermione complained a months later in the Hogwarts express as they made their way to the Kings Cross Station. Robyn let out a small groan and dropped her head back on her seat. This was all Hermione had been doing since the announcements and they have no escape on the Hogwarts Express that had been moving for the past hour and half, leaving only half an hour of the trip. "Do you ever shut up?" Fred moaned from beside Hermione, who shot him a dirty look. Harry sniggeed under his breath as he placed a card down on the table. Harry and the Weasley boys were playing exploding snap for the last half an hour and everyone was already starting to get bored. "No, she doesn't." Ron mumbled, which quickly was followed by a squeak of pain as Hermione hit his arm angrily. Robyn laughed softly then looked at at Hermione as she said, "Would you like it if test you, 'mione?" "Yes! Please!" Hermione squealed and stood and got her bag down and searched through her books. Opposite her, George huffed in annoyance and Robyn raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. He glanced at Hermione with wide eyes and flicked his gaze between Robyn and Harry, clearly he wasn't happy about listening to Hermione do a test. Robyn shrugged in response then looked at Hermione as she handed her a DADA book and she opened it to a random page and started, "In what year was the Vampire revolt in Batholum lead to the murder of Lord Raphlec?" "1789." "What was was the agreement signed by the trolls clans of east asia in 1903 to reduce conflicts?" "The Regulation of Himalaya Mountains." "Explain the reason for the begining of the war between wizards and vampires in the 19th century." "The first trigger was the murder of Lady Willamth...." This bath and forth of questions continued for ten minutes, when they stopped because the cards exploded - covering their carriage in black smoke. Around an hour and half later, the train screeched to a halt at Kings Cross. Robyn looked outside and saw family members waiting for their children, she shifted her gaze back into the compartment and saw Harry scribbling down their home number on a piece on two parchment, "This is a telephone number, Ron." Harry explained as he handed him the piece of paper then Hermione another as everyone got up and started getting their thing down, Robyn grabbed her bag as Harry said to Ron, "I taught your father to use a telephone last summer, he'll know. Call me at the Dursley's, okay?" "Yeah." Robyn nodded quickly, "I think Harry and I will go insane if we're left alone with Dudley only to talk to." Hermiome furrowed her brow as they walked off the train with the others, "Your Aunt and Uncle be proud, though, won't they?" She asked in confusion and Robyn forced herself not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the idea. She brushed her hair over his shoulder as she walked with the others to the enchanted barrier, "When they hear what you did this year?" "Proud?" Harry gasped in shock, "Proud? Are you mad? All those time's we could have died and we didn't manage it? They'll be furious." And together, the four of them walked through the gate-way to the muggle world. End of Year 2

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