21 - Aged Bourbon & Dreamstates

1262 Words
In that moment Dimitri vowed silently to never let his ego or fear get the best of him. He would be there no matter what arose between them. No matter what came at them. And that boy, he was amazing. Looking just like his Drakos bloodline but so much in his words and heart, like his mother.  Placing her purse near her nightstand, he took out her phone and plugged it in setting it on top. Walking the house to ensure everything was shut down and locked, Dimitri checked the time. Eight thirty in the evening. It was to entirely early for him to sleep but he wanted so badly to curl next to Rayne. Walking back into the bedroom he slipped on some shorts and walked out to the Audi to get some things. His phone and charger, the briefcase from the trunk and bottle of bourbon as well.  He heard distinctively, “Hey neighbor! Is Rayne alright?” He rolled his eyes before turning to greet the man walking towards him. Obviously from previous conversation and description this was Chelsea’ husband, the detective. “Hello.” Dimitri said flatly.  “I am Theuss Claremont, Chelsea’s husband? Zane is staying with us tonight?” He held out his hand and Dimitri took it.  He was feeling much more social after his evening with Rayne. He even partially smiled. “Dimitri Drakos. Pleasure is mine. And look, thank you for having Zane this evening, Rayne is really in need of the silence and rest after what happened.”  “So you are…. a friend? A new boyfriend? Forgive me, knowing Rayne for many years now, the detective in me is protectively curious.” Dimitri paused for a moment. He didn’t like being questioned but the fact that this man who didn’t have to give two damns about Rayne or Zane, truly was concerned for her safety.  There was respect in his next words to Theuss.  “We were once engaged and my head was way to far up my ass to realize what I had. I am back and we are moving forward. I didn’t know about Zane until a few days ago. So there is that as well. I am prepared to be the husband and father I should have been before.” This was a very vulnerable statement for Dimitri to make but it was the truth. Theuss looked him up and down and smiled shaking his hand again. “I like that. A man with integrity. Well I am sure Rayne is all the better for you being back in her life. She never spoke of Zane’s father so we never pried but she is one hell of a woman and mother. There is no denying that.”  Dimitri smiled and nodded. “Always has been a great woman. And now I see with the great mother she has become...”  “Look the kids are building a fort and I need some down time. Care to grab a chair and we can sit out here and have a few drinks?”  Drinks in the driveway? Outside? This was a foreign concept to Dimitri but with the last month he endured, a drink with manly conversation might not be so bad. “Yes that sounds good. I am going to check on Rayne and put on a shirt. I will be right back out.” Theuss high fived him and nodded going to get his drinks and a chair from his house.  Dimitri knew some of this was likely to feel out and see if Theuss had a good feeling about him as a companion for Rayne. That was entirely fine as it was nice to know in his absence Rayne had befriended genuinely kind friends.  He walked into the house and grabbed a t-shirt from the bottom drawer. Standing at the end of the bed in his grey shorts and white t-shirt, Dimitri watched the soft rise and fall of her breathing. Her purple strands were sprawled out on the pillow in a fan and she looked serene. Satisfied she was entirely out, Dimitri put his briefcase on the end of the bed. Opening it as quietly as possibly he dug under folders and files for a moment pulling out a small black velvet bag. Dropping the item out of it into his palm, he walked over to her sleeping form. She was laying on her right side and he softly took her left hand in his. Sliding on the ring he so long ago tossed away in anger, he smiled.  When she had walked out of his life, he was wrought with more grief than even the death of his brother created in his soul.  The ring was retrieved from the recklessly cast in the trash and regarded in that black velvet bag with him ever since. It went him everywhere. He would buy her a new one if she so desired but the intent and love that caused its purchase in the first place would never be matched. How stupid he had been and he was going to make everything out of this second chance. Never would he allow her to walk out of his life again.  The ring in place and her soundly sleeping, Dimitri found a chair in the dining room and headed outside with his large, pricey bottle of Van Winkle’s Family Reserve 20-year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This was nearly twenty-three hundred dollars a bottle but once hit your tongue, you knew why.  Theuss was already planted in the driveway with a stogie in one hand and a small table next to him with two empty glasses, some alcohol bottles and a few beers.   “There you are. I didn’t know if you liked scotch or vodka, I brought both. And of course a few beers just in case.” Dimitri placed his chair and held up the aged bourbon.  “Geezus man that s**t is over two thousand a bottle!” Theuss said in a half laugh. “Good to know you are aware of outstanding bourbon. Let’s start with this. Its been a long f*****g month and I need it.” Theuss held out both glasses and allowed Dimitri to pour them both.  They both clinked glasses and took a hearty sip.  “So you want to know if I am good for her?” Dimitri asked candidly.   Theuss laughed, “Not just that. I don’t have many male friends close to home and being a detective, I have to be selective so… A little of both those reasons.” Dimitri nodded and took another sip.  He proceeded to tell Theuss who he was and what he did for a living. Well, mostly.  They chatted about football and baseball preferences. They talked of women and the past. It was honestly just a good time had by both to have conversation and outstanding Bourbon.  They were outside nearly an hour and half enjoying the much-needed man time.  ~~~ She was sound asleep and unclear on how long. The sound of her flamboyant rocker ringtone cause Rayne to awaken slightly. Quiet drugged from her pain pill, it was hard to focus. She couldn’t get her eyes to aim on anything in particular. Fumbling madly to gain control of her phone she was able to see enough to swipe it on.  The sound of extreme interference and static cause her to flinch.  “Hello? Hello?” she said in a groggy tone. “Ray…. You… please! hear me? …. tell my …. not dead. “and the line went lifeless.   Rayne sent the phone down and tried to come out of her hazy pain pill blur but it was no use. She had always been susceptible to medicine, hitting her hard than most.  She lay back down and tried to call for Dimitri before she could, sleep overtook her once more. 

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