19 - You Will Comply

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She woke up with a banging headache and pain in her shoulder that was nearly unbearable. She would definitely need a visit to the doctor and some stronger pain meds in the very near future.  The sound of giggling and laughter was floating down the hall into her room. Zane! That was Zane laughing. He had been up and she wasn’t there.  Trying her fastest to get down the hall in pain she entered the office to find Zane sitting on Dimitri’s lap with one arm wrapped around him and they both were on her computer chatting with a very familiar voice on the other end. And that giggle. That was Arianna.  “What is going on in here?” Rayne said with pain inflected in her voice but trying to seem happy. “Mommy! Daddy and Unca Kris said it is great that we are all a family now. And when Unca Kris gets back from Greece we are all going to live on the ranch! Isn’t that the best thing ever?” Rayne was taken aback by the fact that number one, Zane called Dimitri ‘Daddy’ and number two, that Dimitri seemed fine with it.  There were a lot of details to work out and discuss, weren’t there? Did she just go with it and live her life like this from now on? She winced at moving too much and Dimitri stood.  “Alright man I have to go. She is in pain and I need to have her looked at.  We will check in with you again tomorrow. Take care Ari.” Dimitri said half smiling.  “Alright Zane go get dressed while I take care of mommy.” Zane hopped down from his chair and sauntered into his room like he owned the place. Rayne looked at Dimitri wide-eyed and questioning.  “Dimitri, we haven’t even talked about any of this.”  “We have little to discuss. I was an ass. I love you and my son and want to do right by you for the rest of our lives.  What else is there to say? You want to hear I am sorry? Well I am, very but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still rules you must follow blue eyes.  First one is to get the shoulder looked at. Second is to have my way with you. Third, we probably ought to discuss the ranch, marriage and a few other things like that.” She was dumbfounded. Who the hell was this guy? Exactly who she had always seen and he never let out.  Her smile was small but poignant and he was over her in an instant. “And don’t think for one second I am this mushy man who no longer ties up his woman and pleases her with spankings. Clear?” She snickered, “Crystal.”  He walked her into the room and proceeded to pull out jeans and a tank top for her to slip on.  “We can call Chelsea down the street. Her son goes to school with Zane and she will likely keep him while we are gone.” Pointing to her phone, Dimitri handed it to her.  “Hey Chelsea, yeah girl I am ok. A burglar knocked me around pretty good and I really need to get my shoulder looked at. Is there anyway Zane can…Really? That would be the best. I seriously owe you one. Oh? are you sure? Well I will ask him but I am sure he will want to stay. Thanks Chelsea I will walk him down shortly.” She hung up and sat on the edge of the bed. The pain was annoying and her hip was hurting too.  “Chelsea said he can stay the night. They are going to swim, eat outside and make a fort in the living room. I will have to ask him but it might be good. She has twins, Rachelle and Rhodes, the are both in Zane’s class.”  “Are they safe?” Dimitri asked with speculation.  “Yes her husband is a cop and they are well behaved. Zane has stayed there many times. Will you help me put on this bra please I can’t seem too…” The look of hunger on his face took Rayne by surprise. She smiled and popped him on the arm. “I can’t dress myself and you are thinking of s*x. Stop it, Deviant.”  “When it comes to you, I will always think this way. I thought that was obvious.”  She dressed slowly and waited on Dimitri’s return. Zane was close behind with his sleeping bag, backpack and Mr. Piggy. “So Mr. Piggy has been good enough to go? I thought he was on lockdown?”  Zane looked at the pig and back to his mom. “He has to go; he doesn’t listen and I can’t trust him here with the others.”  Dimitri snickered and so did Rayne. Poor piggy, one day he might be good, one day. Dropping off Zane with Chelsea, Rayne was loaded into the Audi, Dimitri rented and hauled off to the free-standing Emergency Room about five minutes away. Rayne filled out forms and explained what had happened. They x-rayed her head, shoulder/arm and her hip to be sure. There was a tiny hairline fracture in her arm and it was quite swollen at the shoulder joint which warranted a sling. Rayne was confined to the sling for four weeks and then to return for another set of x-rays. Dimitri assured the doctor they would be back and she would comply. Sticking her tongue out at him he leaned in and kissed her lips, grazing his tongue over hers. Rayne’s entire body shivered.  “Oh you will comply my dear. I have ways of making sure.”  That smile, the one she had missed for almost seven years was staring back at her in love.  They had been a few hours at the ER and finally being home all she wanted to do was take off her bra and cease the pain it was causing on her shoulder. The house was quiet. So much bad had happened in one evening here she was ready to pack up and move on.  “Can you help me take off my bra and put on something comfortable?”  Scooping her up his growl was deep seated and hungry. “I will definitely make you comfortable.”    
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