I will fight for injustice!!!!!

1958 Words

Third person's    P. O. V ................. ^^^^^^^^^^..................  ....................................................  Neha was still in deep thoughts of Tara and  Derek. She realized that Derek has special place for Tara inside his heart. She also noticed that the way Derek  stare Tara, the care  and love in his eyes are clearly visible.  She is little bit confused, that is  real Or some act of Derek to approach Tara as, she don't wanted Tara to break again.  Her chain of thoughts about Derek breaked by the warm hug of Tara.  Neha  di( sister)!!! , you know today Ananya di told me that you , uncle and Ananya di will be settled in India permanently. I'm so much happy about you, said Tara with  happy face.  So, now my Tara is happy, asked Neha with warm smile.  No... Super

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