Author's note.

167 Words

,  Hello!!!!! Dear cupcakes and sugars.  I am really happy that you supported my story. Today I wanted all of you to give some important information regarding my stories. 1)  This story has another sequel and that is " AN INNOCENT BRIDE OF LUCIFER" . I will update it soon. I hope you will give your love to that story like you had given to " destined with lucifer" 2) I have also updated a  new story "DYNAMITE ; the revenge of a mother and wife". It's a story about a Raw agent . This story contains action , thrill, romance and romance. I had already updated it . You can read it and if you liked it please save it in library.  Please !!!! support this book as I wanted to participate in the contest of Dreame  . I will be happy that you will support my that book like you used to do .  Thank

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