
370 Words
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. ***** Andro is a land ruled by a King and a Queen, it began with a god named Sapin, the Andro people believes that Sapin is the beginning of all things. Sapin was never seen by anyone, but its power was felt by many, the old Andro people was living their life, worshipping and believing the god Sapin, until the darkness of a man was felt, the seven deadly sins. To conquer the man's dark side and to avoid the war of humanity, Sapin the God, made himself into humans, a wife and a husband, the first King and Queen of Andro, distributing his immeasurable power to conquer all, Sapin made it into two, the King and Queen ruled and made the Laws of Andro, limiting the man's desires and greed. With their peaceful life for so long, the King and Queen had a triplets, two boys and a girl, gifting them with power, Winelimid or Win, the first born. Son of the night and dark, conquering the negativity of all things. Wanelimid, the second born, the daughter of the gifts and peace. And Wonelimid, the last born, son of the light and joy. Living in the world of Humans, these deity blooded children grew with the sins of man, the King and Queen had lose control of the three, their greed for power and envy was too much for them, fighting against each other, killing the King and Queen to obtain the greatest power of the god of all things, until the last essence of Sapin was felt and woke, the last drop of the God's power was thrown in the entire Land of Andro to erase their memories of the Family of Deities and their dark history. Since the incident, Andro people lived without a ruler, banishing the power of the gods in their lives as the three impudent children was cursed and their power was sealed that no one knows, but that was the beginning of the imbalance world of humans.
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