Chapter 8

1696 Words
Another year passed before I saw her. My father threw a glorious ball. It was Laelia’s birthday after all, and everyone came to celebrate the fact my sister had turned six. My father had not given her a horse. I learned shortly after returning, so I had a special gift for her. I smiled, as I saw her happily and very kindly greeting her guests. Everyone swooned over how adorable she was in her beautiful white and golden dress. She certainly would grow up to be a very beautiful princess, one my father, me and all my brothers would have to protect and keep safely away from all those nasty men out there. Yes, she would never be married, I thought. Unless she one day found herself a man, that could take on all of us. As if that would ever happen. I was watching my sister, when she suddenly appeared, doing a beautiful curtsy beside her mother, and then crouching down giving my sister this beautiful necklace she had not even wrapped. I watched Serina and my sister laugh, as I was certain Serina was telling her a story about the necklace or maybe how beautiful it would look on her. I could not hear them from where I stood, but I was uncertain if I maybe had gone deaf. The world stopped as I watched her. Serina. She really was a woman now. She had changed a lot. So beautiful. I had never before seen anyone like her. Her long blond hair fell down her back, like a beautiful waterfall. Her eyes had the same wildness and kindness, and the long dark blue dress she wore hugged her curves in a way that would drive any man or prince out there crazy. “Don’t think about it,” I heard a voice say. I looked to my left where Will had appeared. I had barely seen him all evening, and now he decided to appear. “What?” I asked innocently. “Let her be, brother. It has been three years. Now let it go,” he said. I took a sip of my drink before handing it to him. “I am in love with her,” I told him harshly. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back fiercely. “For someone in love with her, you clearly haven’t kept track of her, or do you not see the man beside her?” I looked back at Serina, now noticing the man standing beside her. That was not her father. No, it was clearly a young lord, maybe a duke. He might be a little older than her, but it could not be more than a year or two. She had her arm connected with his, as he led them away from my sister and over to some other people, who they began to talk to. “Who is he?” I asked. “Her fiancé,” he told me. “Her what?!” “You didn’t know?” he asked. “No! How do you know, brother?” I asked and grabbed his collar with one hand. He looked down at my hand annoyed and that was when Henry interfered. He had just turned sixteen and had all the women falling for him. He was a man now, and quite a jokester, but even he knew that a fight was not right for the occasion. “Are you two trying to ruin Laelia’s birthday?” he asked in a low voice. We looked at each other shortly before Henry felt like he had to interfere and pulled us away from one another before placing himself in the middle. “She is our sister!” he said. “Let us not ruin this! And I am surprised I am the one saying it. Usually, it is me who you have to stop from fighting anyone.” I sighed, annoyed, and turned away before looking over at where Serina was. “Well, look who turned into a beautiful woman,” Henry said, following my eyes. “Call her beautiful one more time and I will run you through,” I told him. “So, that is what this is about,” he said and smiled teasingly. “Don’t worry, I don’t go for the married ones.” “You are such a liar,” I told him. He just laughed as he walked away, at least not heading over to where Serina was. I could not stop staring at her, and like she could feel my eyes, she slowly turned and met them. Hers, becoming bigger and filled with shock, as she looked at me. But it was only shortly, then they turned angrier. She looked away, handing over her cup to her fiancé before leaving the party. “Don’t go,” Will said, placing himself in front of me. “Get out of my way.” “Just let her get married to Lord Byron.” “Byron? Where have I heard that name before,” I whispered to myself. “Just let it be, James,” he said. “Will, get out of my way or I will remove you,” I told him. He sighed, shaking his head and then finally he turned his side to me, holding out his arm and looking at me like he couldn’t be more disappointed. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!” I ignored his little threat before storming past him and followed Serina. She had disappeared into the hallway, where fewer people were before she turned a corner. I just barely saw her and quickly followed her. I continued to do so, until she was in a hallway where there were no people. I was just about to grab her arm, when she stopped and said: “Why did you follow me?” “What do you mean?” I asked. She turned around, tears in her eyes and looking like she had been hurt badly. “You shouldn’t have,” she told me. “Serina-“ “Don’t!” she said. “Don’t say my name!” “Then what am I supposed to call you then?” I asked. “Nothing! You aren’t even supposed to be here with me! You are supposed to be back at that party celebrating your younger sister’s birthday!” “I had to see you,” I told her. She shook her head, and as I tried getting closer, she took a step back, holding up her hand and telling me not to come closer. I froze on the spot, looking at her confused. “I thought you were going to wait for me,” I said. “Wait for you? I WAITED.” “No, you didn’t!” “You think I wanted this?! You think I want to marry Lord Byron?!” “Clearly you do, or you wouldn’t have said yes,” I said a little angrily. “Oh yeah?” I nodded. “James, have you even told your father anything about us?” she asked. I felt myself freeze, hearing her words. I knew in order to be able to be with Serina, I needed to convince my father that she was right for me. That her being my queen would not weaken this kingdom or me, but I had not said a word. “I needed … time. I need time,” I said. “I gave you time! Three years, to be exact.” “I was in a war for two of them!” “And the last year?” she asked. I was quiet. I had not used this year, to talk about her. I guessed I had more time, but could I really be so surprised she had chosen to marry someone else? She was twenty now. She was going to be old, in some people’s eyes, or maybe a disgrace in her parents’ eyes, if she did not marry soon. “Well?” “I …” “I knew it,” she said as the tears spilled and she threw her arms into the air, looking defeated. “Did you even want me?!” “Of course, I did! I do!” “Then what is holding you back because something has to … maybe my title truly means something?” “Never!” I said and walked closer. “I want you. I will always want you!” She shook her head a little, her long blond hair going back and forth as she tried to keep herself together as the tears continued to run down her cheeks. “Well, you can’t have me,” she said. “Serina …” “Time is up.” “Please, don’t go,” I said and took a step closer. “I want you!” “I … I can’t wait anymore. Something in me tells me that even if I gave you a year or two, you still wouldn’t have found a way.” “But I will. Just give me a year!” “I can’t!” she yelled. “My father is sick!” I looked at her shocked, as she wiped away her tears. “Why do you think there is so much pressure on me?! If I don’t marry me and my mother will lose everything! I don’t have time, James!” She took a deep breath before pulling herself together. I watched her, lost for words. As a woman, the laws said she could not inherit. It always went to the son. With Lord Byron she could at least keep her home, plus whatever he provided. “Let me help then. I can keep you safe, even if I cannot marry you just yet,” I said. She shook her head. “I cannot be a secret, James. I refuse to live like that.” “Serina-“ “I have to go back now. I am sorry. I cannot wait any longer.” “Serina!” But she did not listen to me. She just walked away.
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