Chapter 10

1792 Words

“Liam, you st*pid, st*pid … give it back!” I was on the balcony watching a beautiful sunset, just relaxing after a hard day of working. The next king never rested. There was always something he had to get done. Just like now. I sighed and closed my eyes, as I heard my siblings argue. I just took a moment to pull myself together before I turned around and walked inside, where I saw Liam holding a small ribbon that I knew Laelia used to tie her braid with and it was her favorite. He was practically dancing around her, laughing as she jumped for it. Liam was much taller than her and holding it above her head, was no problem. Laelia had grown so much over the years though. It was clear she was not a child anymore. She had turned fifteen and was already growing fast into the adult she would

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