Never Leave Me

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Bane P.O.V My anger was boiling over and Tobis was so close to coming out. I had to fight to keep him under control. Who did he think he was? The things he did to her, you don’t do to mate. You’re supposed to cherish them. Love them. Worship the ground they f*****g walk on. The abuse Bailey suffered wasn’t what mates do. Her last words to him were making me happy and breaking my heart at the same time. He broke her, it was written all over her face whenever Rouges were brought up. Even now, with him standing there she was being strong, but I could feel how scared she was. I don’t know if she was scared for herself, or for us. I tightened my grip around her, letting her know I was still here for her. I could feel her let out a breath of relief, and it made me smile. “I will get you to change your mind. You were mine first, and you will be mine last. “ I didn’t get a chance to let my anger out on him as he left right after saying those words. How could he think that she would ever be his? She is MINE and I’ll kill him if he touches her. He’s done enough to break my beautiful girl, I won’t let him get close enough to do that again. I don’t care what happens. I felt her sink into my lap, breathing heavily. Was she on the verge of having a panic attack? I couldn’t tell. Dammit! I needed to mark her, our connection would be complete after that and I would be able to tell. I gently rubbed her back, drawing soft circles every once in awhile. I hated to see her like this. She needed to get out of here. I stood, picking her up bridal style once on my feet. I turned to the Alpha’s at the table, their eyes were wide and they seemed a little flustered. “Alpha Fox will need a few hours. I will send word when she is ready to attend this meeting. Please, carry on. Our Beta’s will be taking our place. “ I made my point without having to use much authority. They all understood, thankfully. Egan took my spot as I moved out of the way and Chase came over to me before sitting down. “This is hard for me. I’m so used to her needing me. But I know you’re the best for her right now. Take care of her.” His voice was calm and soft and he spoke without his eyes leaving her. She was curled up against my chest, with her eyes closed but I could tell they were talking to each other. Chase nodded to me and I left with her while he stayed in her place. Victoria followed me, as did the three of her guys. “I’ll make a perimeter around your lodge, we’ll all be guarding her until this is over.” Cam said with a straight face, but I could tell by the way his jaw clenched he was angry. “She’s lucky to have you guys, you know that right?” I said, looking over at the three of them as we walked towards my lodge. They gave a nod, their eyes saying so much more. They had such admiration towards her, it warmed my heart. “She’s like our little sister. We’ll always protect her. “ Matt said as he walked backwards next to Cam. Once we got to the lodge, I waited outside with Bailey still in my arms and Victoria next to us. The guys wanted to check out the inside before we went in, which was great because I hadn’t thought about that. Victoria was smoothing Bailey’s hair out with one of her hands, whispering soft support. I loved that my beta female was already just as smitten with my mate as I was. It was important for my pack to love her, to want to protect her. I could see that wasn’t going to be a problem. The guys came out, giving us the all clear and I quickly took her to my bed and gently set her down. Except she didn’t let go of me. “Please don’t leave me. Don’t leave me. “ She kept repeating, tears silently falling from her eyes. “Oh baby, I’m not leaving you. I promise Foxy. But you gotta let go for just a few minutes.”I cooed softly, stroking her cheek. She looked up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes and nodded before letting go. I shuffled around my room and grabbed her one of my shirts to wear again. I tossed it on the bed next to her and smiled. “Change into that, I’m going to get you something to drink and a snack.” I didn’t give her a chance to respond before heading downstairs. Once in the kitchen, I leaned against the counter and sighed, placing my head in my hands. At this point, I just wanted to take her home. Did we really need to be at the Summit? Especially with that Rouge making his appearance. With a heavy sigh, I pushed off the counter and grabbed some waters and snacks before heading back to my room. When I walked in, my eyes about came out of my head. Her back was facing me as she slowly pulled her shirt over her head. I held back the growl and gasp I was wanting to release. Her back had so many scars on it, my heart was shattering. I slowly walked up to her, placing the items in my hand on the chair in front of the bed. She slowly unclasped her bra and placed it in font of her before grabbing my shirt. I was inches from her now and it was like she sensed my presence because she paused. “Dominic did most of those. “She whispered, not moving an inch. “Do they hurt?” I tried to keep my voice from breaking, but I was finding it difficult. She gave a small nod and I frowned. “Not all the time, but since he’s here, they’ve been hurting so much more than normal. “ I could hear her trying to told back tears. I leaned down and placed a kiss to her shoulder, causing her to shiver. “I’ll find a way to make the pain go away, I swear Foxy.” I whispered in her ear, placing another kiss to her shoulder before helping her put the shirt on. I was fighting Tobis so much on everything that just happened. He didn’t understand why I didn’t just mark here right then and there. His primal instincts were taking over. I had to explain to him like a four year old that our mate needs time and that she’s struggling with a lot. We are not pushing her into anything. Natta. Zip. Zero. He, of course, grumbled and went into the back of my mind to sulk. Wolves. I shook my head and handed Bailey a bottle of water. She took a couple sips before placing it on the night stand and looking at me. It looked like she wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words, so I broke the silence. “Come on love, let’s take a little nap while we’re coming off the emotional roller coaster.” I said, climbing over her and pulling her to me before covering us both up. She didn’t even fight how close I was holding her, and I wasn’t going to complain. “Bane?” She said softly and I was curious why she was so quiet. “Yes love?” “Please don’t leave me. Not now. Not ever.” If I wasn’t a werewolf, I wouldn’t have been able to hear what she said. It was just below a whisper and it was heartbreaking. I pulled her closer to me, holding her as tight as possible. “I’d never leave you. Not now. Not ever. You are my life, my love, my world. We’ll figure this out together don’t you worry. “ I kissed the top o f her head. I could practically feel her smile and happiness ooze off of her. “Bane?” “Hmm?” “I think I love you. Wait- no.” She paused and my heart was racing as she turned slowly to face me. “I do love you.” I could tell she was scared of my reaction. I was stunned, happy, nervous, everything all at once. Then it was like her words clicked in my brain and I smiled. “I love you too, Foxy.” I said, placing a kiss to her forehead. “Get some sleep beautiful.” It was strange how I’d only met her less than twenty four hours ago, and yet here I was saying that I loved her, and meaning it. I will never in my life understand the full power of the mate bond the Goddess had bestowed on us. I’ll never question it either though. This woman in my arms is my world. She may be broken, but I’m here to put her back together. I’ll be dammed if I let that Luther get in the way of her happiness. 
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