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Bane P.O.V My heart was breaking as she spoke about what happened to her. That Rouge was going to pay for what he did. I had a hard time controlling my wolf as she spoke about it. He wanted to come out and rip everyone who even looked at her to shreds. She could see that, and she was still calm about it. It made asking her to accept me as her mate so much easier. We both knew we needed each other. I knew I would have to open up to her about my past. My father. Not yet though. Not here. I could feel his eyes on us as we made our way back to the party. The first night of the Summit was always just relaxation before the next day when we dove in head first. I had a feeling this years was going to be so much different though. I now had an alliance with Crimson Fang, that put my pack in a great position. Bailey took my hand and pulled me towards the four guys she was with earlier. Even though I had a ping of jealousy, I knew she was mine. “Boys, be nice.” She said as we stopped in front of them. “Bane, let me introduce you to my guys.” She said smiling at them, and then me. “Chase is my Beta and my best friend. “ The other guys groaned as she spoke, and I looked at them with a raised brow. “I thought I was your best friend?” “No, I am.” “Dudes, I’ve known her longer than any of you, so shut it.” Chase rolled his eyes at them and I couldn’t help the slight chuckle that came from me. These guys were crazy. “Cam is my Gamma and our lead warrior. “ Bailey continued. “Ty and Matt are Deltas. They all are my rocks, couldn’t do this Alpha thing without them.” I could see the love and admiration she had for them in her eyes. I couldn’t even be jealous. My wolf wanted me to, but he also couldn’t deny the fact that these five had a ridiculously strong bond. “It’s a pleasure to meet you guys.” I said, squeezing Bailey’s hand gently. “Same. “ They spoke in unison, and then looked at each other with weird faces before they all busted out laughing. They were definitely something else. I could feel a presence behind me and turned around, smiling. “Hey V, where’s Egan?” She smiled at me, then looked at Bailey. ‘She’s absolutely stunning Boss.’ She linked me and I smiled, glancing at my mate. She really as a stunning creature. “Oh he’s around here somewhere. I just wanted to meet the Luna. “ She was beaming and I couldn’t blame her. Everyone in our pack wanted their Luna. “Foxy, this is Veronica, my Beta’s mate.” I smiled and Bailey turned to Veronica. “Hello. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” So polite, just as a Luna should be. Little did she know V wasn’t normal. Veronica pulled her from me into a hug, probably squeezing too tightly. “I’m so freakin’ happy to meet you!! Finally someone to do something with! “ She was basically oozing excitement. I couldn’t help but chuckle. The look on Bailey’s face was priceless, even her guys laughed. “Don’t scare her off, Veronica. He just found her.” Egan’s voice came from behind her and I laughed at the look she gave him. “If his face didn’t do that, then I think we’re good.” She teased, and I glared at her. Now it was my mate’s turn to laugh. Gods that sound was so beautiful. “Says someone who wakes up to that face every morning.” I shot back, pointing at Egan. I’ve never heard Veronica laugh so hard and the shock on Egan’s face was totally worth it. “If I could get everyone’s attention!” A voice boomed through the room and we all turned to look at who it came from. One of the council members was standing at the front of everyone, holding up a glass of champagne. “It’s been a great night, so glad all of you decided to join us. We’ll be starting our morning a little later than normal, 9am sharp Alphas. Enjoy the rest of the night!” There were cheers after this statement and I just shook my head. I wasn’t exactly excited to be here. I looked down at Bailey and leaned close to her ear. “Wanna get out of here?” I asked and she didn’t waste any time replying. “Absolutely. “ She said with a smile, gripping my hand tightly. I didn’t plan on mating her this weekend. I wanted her to be comfortable, and in a place she felt at ease. But I couldn’t let her sleep alone, not now that I’ve found her. I kissed her forehead and let go of her hand. “I’ll meet you right outside then.” With that, I walked away from her, heading for the doors. We did have a busy day tomorrow, and I wanted to spend as much time getting to know her has possible. I didn’t know what was going to happen with our packs. She was an Alpha, I’m an Alpha. It was a hard place to be in, definitely something we were going to have to talk about soon. Bailey P.O.V. “I’m really excited for you, B. “ I heard Chase say behind me as Bane left. I had a feeling he left me here to say goodnight to the guys, and I was thankful. I turned to face him, trying to hide the sadness and guilt in my eyes. “I honestly didn’t expect him to be so…..nice.” I said softly, looking down at my feet. I felt Chase step closer and lift my face with his finger. “You of all people deserve nice, Bailey. I can tell he’s good for you. Plus,” He pulled his hand away from my face and grinned. “I think he knows I’ll rip his heart out if he even thinks of hurting you.” He gave a slight shrug and I couldn’t help but laugh. “His second seems pretty amazing too, so I think this was just meant to happen. “ He continued, glancing over at Veronica and Egan. “Who knows, maybe us guys will find our mates in their pack. Things work out in the strangest of ways.” I nodded as he spoke. He had some truth, the new pack that Bane was Alpha of was new, meaning new wolves and the possibility of mates for my guys. Though, come to think of it, I couldn’t ever remember visiting his old pack. I’d have to ask him what the name was. “I’m going to head out, Bane is waiting for me. Don’t be out too late, we do still have to focus in the morning.” I didn’t use my Alpha tone, but the guys knew I meant business. They nodded and in unison replied with a yes ma’am, making me smile. Maybe being mates with a male Alpha had it’s benefits. He could take over for both packs and she could take a break from the taunting duties as Alpha and focus on being a Luna. It was definitely on the table. I waved to Veronica and Egan before heading towards the doors that lead outside. I was stopped just short by a tall, brooding male Alpha. He looked very much like Bane, it was kind of freaky. “Alpha Fox, glad to see you in such high spirits after what happened to you.” His voice was annoying, like he was trying to cause me to falter how I was acting. I nodded and gave him a smile. “Thank you. If you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.” I said as kindly, and to the point as possible. I took a step to the side and tried to get around him. He blocked me yet again. “My son is a lucky wolf. Though, if you were my mate, I would have already rejected you, do to you being defiled and all. “ His words cut deep as he gave a slight smirk. I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off by a deep growl coming from behind the man. “Stay. Away. From. Her.” His voice was extremely dark, it sent shivers down my spine. His Alpha aura was so much stronger than I had thought, but then I remembered how he was earlier, when I was telling him about what happened. It was the same aura, meaning his wolf was in control. I slipped around the man in front of me while he was distracted and walked towards Bane, standing in front of him. ‘His name is Tobis, by the way. ‘ I hadn’t heard her voice in ages. Since the rejection, and everything that happened, she had stayed tucked deep down. I hadn’t heard from her in six months. “Tobis, “ I said softly, approaching him with my hands out towards him. I didn’t even get a reaction out of him. He was still intensely starting at the man that was talking to me. ‘Let me take over. I’ll calm him down.’ Her voice was still as sweet as I remembered as I let her take over. I felt my eyes shift to black. “Tobis.” I heard her say, standing inches from his face. He finally turned his eyes to her as they widened with shock. “I couldn’t feel you at first, I thought...I thought you were gone.” He managed to say, his voice still as dark as before, though it was laced with fear and concern. “Give Bane back to Bailey.” My wolf stated simply, giving me control back at the same time Tobis gave Bane control back. I felt the sparks in my hand as he grabbed it and pulled me close to him, burying his nose into my neck and inhaling. “I’m sorry.” He whispered and I just squeezed his hand. “Let’s get going. We have a lot to talk about before we get to bed.” I said with a smile and he started to pull me out of the hall. I glanced back at the Alpha, who was wearing this awful smirk and I inhaled sharply. Once we were outside and walked several feet from the Hall entrance, I stopped, pulling Bane into a stop as well. He turned to look at me, his eyebrow raised in question. “Who was that?” I asked, avoiding his eyes, other wise I knew I wouldn’t get an answer. “He’s my father.” Bane said without hesitation. I snapped my head up and looked straight at him. “You’re pack is the one that split from an existing pack?” I was stunned, actually. He just nodded his head and squeezed my hand tightly before pulling me to walk again. I didn’t realize until we’d already passed my lodge that we were going to his, which was at the very end. So much farther than mine was. My feet were literally throbbing. I stopped half way and leaned against him as I took my shoes off. “I could have carried you, you know.” He said, grinning like a fool. I rolled my eyes and held his hand again, carrying my shoes in my other hand. “My lodge was the first one next to the Hall, so I wasn’t expecting to walk five miles in heels. “ I groaned. He laughed and it sounded amazing. “A bit dramatic are we? It’s not five miles.” He said as his shoulders still shook from laughter. I shrugged. “When you’re wearing heels, everything is dramatic.” I said as seriously as possible, which didn’t work because he still laughed at me. “Look, see, not five miles.” He said a few moments later as we walked up to the porch of the last lodge. He pulled his key out and unlocked it, pulling me inside. The lodges were all equally decorated and set up. I suppose to make everyone feel equal or something like that. I set my shoes by the door before following Bane up the stairs to his room. Plopping down on the bed, I groaned. “We forgot to stop at my lodge so I could get clothes. “ I whined, ready to get out of this dress. I heard Bane chuckle and then there was a black shirt over my face. “Here, you can wear my shirt to bed. “ His tone came out a little more possessive than I think he intended, which made me giggle. I hopped up and headed to the bathroom to slip into the comfortable t-shirt he gave me. I also used the time to wipe my make up off. I left the bathroom and saw that Bane was already in bed. I smiled to myself. I could totally get used to seeing him like this every night. Looking up from his book, I saw his eyes fighting the blackness. “You’re incredibly beautiful. “ He managed, trying to hide the drool that seeped from the corner of his mouth. “I definitely like you in my shirt. I’ll probably make it a mandatory thing, unless you have something better.” He wiggled his eyebrows before laughing. “I might. “ I said with a slight shrug and a little giggle as I reached the bed. He leaned up and pulled me on to the bed before pulling the covers over us. I couldn’t help but cuddle up closer to him. The sparks that came from us touching were making me more needy than I normally was. “I’m so glad I found you, Foxy.” He mumbled as his lips pressed against the top of my head. “Me too.” I gave a content sigh as I felt my eyelids drooping. “I should warn you, I normally have nightmares.” I said softly, feeling him stiffen slightly before relaxing. “Hopefully, tonight I can take them away.” His word had so many emotions attached to them, it made me smile. “I hope so.” That was the last thing I remember saying before I let the darkness consume me. I felt safe in his arms, like nothing could touch me. So much for talking before bed. 
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