Chapter 5

1434 Words
Harley Would you think bad of me if I admitted that I'd been slightly jealous of Emily, thinking she was this gorgeous hunk's girlfriend? Probably not. The way he chatted to Jay, including me in the conversation every now and then - it felt as if he belonged in our home, like we'd all been friends for years. It was strange, but in a nice way. It's not like I had many friends. The girls in the town were prissy princesses who didn't get their nails dirty, and the guys were threatened by me. I knew more about mechanics than they did, and I was a good shot with the pistol Jay insisted I learn to shoot. He wasn't allowed to own a gun, the whole 'spending time in jail' thing against his name, so I'm not so sure where he got the weapon, but it's not something I was going to ask. Anyway, the guys in town generally ignored me, except when they needed something fixed. Actually getting to engage with someone my age was sort of refreshing. I'm not saying that I hadn't had any boyfriends in my nineteen-ish years. I'd had two, and both of them wanted to change me to suit their idea of what a girlfriend should be - so they obviously didn't last more than a few months. Cole seemed different though, like he wouldn't go for a girl if he didn't agree with her life choices. He didn't seem to put on an act around Jay and me, and it was refreshing. "Angel, we're headed to the garage. You can get the invoices done this morning. Cole is going to help fix a few bikes in payment for me fixing his," Jay announced, grabbing his hat from the rack from the door before he turned to Cole. "Ready kid?" "Yes sir," Cole responded with a grin, his ice blue eyes glinting with an emotion I couldn't put my finger on. I sighed and fetched my laptop, settling down at the kitchen table where I had a good view of the two men out by the garage. I hated the paperwork side of the business, but without invoices customers don't pay. And sadly, we needed money in order to survive. I sipped my tea, savouring the honey and lemon flavoured goodness for a moment before I launched myself into my paperwork. Three invoices in, I took a break and made myself some more tea. I settled back down into my chair and took a sip… which I promptly choked on. The most gorgeous figure of a man stood shirtless, sweat glistening on his tattooed skin as he knelt beside a motorcycle. "With that view, I won't get anything done," I muttered to myself, my mouth salivating slightly. I caved into my temptation, making up a pitcher of lemonade to take out to Jay and Cole (aka the studmuffin). I guess I was a sucker for punishment, but I had the inexplicable need to get closer to him. "Brought you men something cold to drink," I announced, setting the pitcher and glasses on the workbench between where Jay and Cole worked. "Thanks angel," Jay responded, pouring a glass. "It's as hot as hades today." Cole accepted the glass gratefully from Jay and took a sip before he turned those ice blue eyes my way. "Yeah, thanks Harley. You read my mind," he said with a wink. I resisted the urge to melt into a swooning puddle as my mind went completely fangirl on me. He pushed his black hair back from his forehead and downed the lemonade, placing the glass back onto the workbench before he went back to work. From where I stood I could inspect the tattoos which ran down his back; mostly tribal, a pair of wings and a snow covered tree between his shoulder blades. I found tattoos fascinating. I had one, from before I came to Jay. I'd wanted another but Jay pulled the papabear on me and refused to give permission until I turned 21; not that I necessarily needed his permission, it's just that I'd rather not have a grumpy Jay to deal with. He, on the other hand, was covered with tats. But I guess they all linked with either his gang life or prison life so I think that was why he was so reluctant for me to have any. "I've told Cole he can spend the week on the couch," Jay said to me, forcing me to tear my eyes from the younger man. "He'll help me with the bikes that will be coming in tomorrow from the rally and it will save him from having to find a place to sleep." I nodded wordlessly, not entirely sure how I should respond. "So, do I still even have a job here?" I found myself asking as I crossed my arms and pouted. "Or am I banished to desk work?" Jay chuckle and pulled me into a one armed hug, squeezing my shoulder. "Ah, angel. You know I'm not replacing you out here, it's just nice to have someone who has the muscle to strip a bike without needing help." I was about to protest but he was right. "Fine, I'm still going to help out though," I grumbled, feeling somewhat like a spoiled child. What can I say? I enjoyed my job and no studmuffin was going to take it from me. I pulled on my overalls and began working on the bike I'd abandoned yesterday. The heat was almost unbearable and I stripped out of the overall within half an hour. No wonder why Cole was shirtless! Even in my jeans and tank top I felt like I was sweating bullets! "Damn, this heat is unreal!" I complained to no one in particular, pulling my hair into a high ponytail to get it off my neck and twisting my shirt into a knot in the front, revealing my stomach. I caught Cole's eyes rake over me appreciatively and I felt rather smug about that. I knew I had a decent body. The day flew by faster than I thought possible, although I have to admit that it slowed down considerably when Jay reminded me that the invoices still needed to be completed. It did allow me to make dinner while I finished the paperwork so I can't exactly complain. "Smells delicious, angel," Jay beamed as he sniffed the air. I took a look at his grease stained jeans and groaned inwardly at his carelessness - and his refusal to wear the darn overall I'd bought him. Cole's clothes, on the other hand, were spotless. They both sat down and Jay said grace before we dug into the spaghetti and meatballs I'd made. "So what made you decide to backpack across the country?" I asked Cole, twirling my fork in my spaghetti. He took time chewing his mouthful before he answered. "I guess it had to do with my quest to find good material to photograph, to find inspiration." The way he said it made me doubt the truthfulness of his answer, but I guessed he might be on the run from the law. He wouldn't be the first to have done so, but the fact that he didn't feel safe to confide in us didn't sit well. I mean, Jay was an ex-con himself so there wouldn't be judgement from us. Jay also must have sensed that he wasn't telling the complete truth as his eyebrow twitched like it did when he suspected someone was trying to bullshit him. We let it go, not probing further. We settled into our usual evening routine, saying goodnight to each other as we went to our separate sleeping quarters. I settled down with the book I had been reading but just couldn't focus. After the fifth time I had read the same line, I closed the book in frustration and decided to get some sleep. Clearly I was more tired than I'd thought - only I couldn't fall asleep. An hour later, I gave up and decided to get some warm milk. I stepped quietly into the lounge, careful not to make a noise in case Cole was sleeping. Only he was awake, sitting on the edge of the sofa with his back to me. Over his shoulder I could see that he was staring down at a photo of a girl, her blonde hair, blue eyes and bright smile so familiar. And then I realised it, as sobering as being slashed with ice cold water. That blonde girl was me.
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