Chapter 6

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Cole All that talk about my reasons for the way I travelled across the country created a pang in my chest that wouldn't go away all throughout dinner. I'd begun to truly enjoy myself for the first time in years, forgetting my curse. I got lost in the feeling of what I could only assume must be what it felt like to actually belong somewhere, to be part of a family. Harley's question had brought me crashing back to reality - my General father was still looking for me, there were still two others to find and the military research centre needed to be stopped and destroyed once and for all. I sat down on the sofa, my heart heavy for momentarily forgetting April. Sure, I'd fallen in love with the girl from my childhood through the words that we'd written to each other in our shared diary - but she was my destined soul mate. I'd kissed her sleeping lips and my tattoo had appeared, burning my skin with the snow covered tree. It was the sign that she was the one who could complete me, and help me control the power within me. I pulled out the photo Rhett had given me of April. I knew he'd stolen it from Emily's files at the orphanage, but I didn't care. I'd never had the courage to ask her for the photo so I was glad that he did. Brushing the picture with my thumb lovingly, I looked down at her smiling face with a sense of wistfulness. If only… I heard a sound behind me and whirled around to find Harley standing there, her face pale. "I'm sorry, I… thought you'd gone to sleep and got a fright when I saw you," she stammered, her eyes darting from my face to the photograph I held. No point in hiding the picture now, I held it out for her to see. "She was a friend of mine from the orphanage. She disappeared about six years ago and no one was able to find her," I explained, unable to contain the sigh as she passed me the picture and I put it away safely in my bag. "I'm sorry," she replied in a near whisper. She looked like she was about to say something more but stopped herself, heading to the kitchen instead. "I'm making some warm milk. Would you like some?" I gratefully accepted the offer, hoping it would help me sleep. And yet, even after finishing the mug of warm milk I felt my mind spinning in circles. Harley and I sat on the sofa and she put on a movie I hadn't seen about a "lady of the night" who gets paid to be a companion of this rich CEO and takes her on a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive. It was at that point that I completely lost interest, although Harley seemed engrossed - typical chick flick. It might have looked like I was watching the movie, but my mind was fixed on formulating my plans going forward. Rhett had heard some chatter about a guy who might be August. The military had apparently stormed a small town down South and torn apart a caravan park looking for a woman and her son. It sounded rather suspicious to me. I felt Harley leaning heavily against me and looked down to see her eyes closed, her fast asleep. She looked so incredibly peaceful, her unusually dark lashes falling gracefully against her rosy cheeks, her hair falling messily around her. She looked like an angel. I bent my head down and pressed my lips to her forehead, breathing in her sweet smell that threatened to draw me in until I was consumed by her. She smelled of magnolias so it was probably her shampoo or something like that, but it suited her. I can't say how long I sat there staring at her, although I did catch myself when I started to make comparisons between her and April. I'd long since stopped looking at each blonde haired, blue eyed girl as if she were potentially April - especially knowing that April would have probably dyed her hair or tried to change her appearance to avoid the military. Emily had tried to convince me that there was a chance that they had got to her, and that April might already be in their custody. I refused to believe it though. I can't tell you why or how, but I knew she was still out there somewhere. At some point, I fell asleep, Harley still pressed up against my side. It was probably the best sleep I'd had in years! I'm not sure if it was the warm milk that did the trick or the comfortable companionship which set me at ease, but when Harley finally started stirring beside me, I opened my eyes only to be momentarily disoriented. "Oh goodness, sorry! I must have fallen asleep during Pretty Woman," she exclaimed, straightening herself beside me. "Not a problem, I also fell asleep," I reassured her with a smile. "It must have been the warm milk," she smiled back, cheeks still slightly pink. "It always works." She looked around the room, noting that the sun was already peeping through the closed curtains. "Want some coffee?" I nodded, grateful for the chance to put some distance between us as I became painfully aware of the tightness in my pants indicating morning wood. She got up and made us coffee, allowing me to get my hormone driven body under control. By the time she returned, it was as if nothing had happened and we sat sipping on our coffee as we waited for Jay to wake up. Conversation turned from the types of bikes we liked, to some of the places I'd photographed, and even included some of our pet peeves about society. It was great to just chat, no strings attached. "Good morning," Jay yawned as he excited his bedroom, his eyes still bleary with sleep. "We need to get an early start. Got those rally bikes coming in today, so both of you get ready and we'll get started." I washed up Harley and my mugs as she set out bowls and cereal for us. I decided to skip breakfast, opting for a shower to start the day instead. I stood in the shower, letting the warm water pelt my upper back and let rivulets run down my skin. It was heavenly, and made me wish that the whole drama with the military would be over so that I could live a normal life. I felt myself get angry with the situation I was in. Angry with my father who thought nothing of his son apart from using me as a weapon. Angry at the lives they'd destroyed in the quest for power. It wasn't until I looked down that I realised what I'd done. Ice covered the shower floor, the water instantly freezing into icicles as it hit my skin and fell to the floor like shattering glass. I'd lost control for the first time since I'd kissed April six years ago.
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