
2186 Words
Kayden  A knock on my door pulls me from my work.  “Come in” I call out as I exit out of the spreadsheet I’ve been working on.  “Excuse me but your parents have arrived… Shall I find Princess Taryn?” A maid says from the door.  “She’s in the library, I’ll get her. Thank you Susan” I get up from my desk and stretch before heading towards the library where Taryn is. I get to the door and see it’s ajar, I can hear voices. My mother is inside, talking very loudly to Taryn.  I push inside and see Taryn sitting in the reading nook, our eyes meet and she looks terrified.  “Mother.. I asked you to wait for me…” I begin  “Hush.. I haven’t seen this little girl in so long. Let me enjoy seeing her now!” She waves a hand at me telling me to back off.  “Are you okay with this?” I ask Taryn, I don’t want her to feel overwhelmed. She nods her head and smiles, I lean in and kiss her. My mother ohhs at us as I pull away.  “I’m so happy you two found each other once more! Can I expect a wedding in the future?” She is practically jumping with joy.  “Yes Mother.. I asked Taryn just the other day to marry me and she said yes” I tell her as Taryn nods happily at her.  “Oh let me see the ring” She grabs Taryn’s hand and pulls it up to look at the ring on her finger. A gasp comes from her throat as she sees the ring, a tear falls from the corner of her eye.  “This… this was..” She chokes on her words.  “My mothers.. I know.. I mean I remember it” Taryn finishes for her.  My mother pulls Taryn into her arms and starts to cry as she holds her.  “I’ll leave you guys to talk.. I’m going to go find dad” I say as I excuse myself. I walk down the hallways to find my dad staring out a window just outside my office.  “Father, how are you?” I ask as I bow to him. He may not be King anymore but he is still my Father and he deserves respect.  “Kayden… A King bows to no one” He says to me, I straighten up and nod  “Old habits” I shrug.  “I am happy for you, I thought long ago that Taryn had died. I’m very happy I was wrong”  We start walking to my office, sitting down on the couch, he turns to me.  “Is she well?” He says finally after us sitting in silence.  “She’s getting there, when I first found her she was mute. She’s been through a lot”  “That’s understandable, do you think she remembers much about what happened?” He hangs his head sadly.  “I haven’t really gotten into it with her, but she is aware of what happened… I didn’t want to bring up any bad memories for her, they won’t do any good” I explain, he nods in agreement.  “When can I see her?” He asks, his head in his hands.  “Whenever mom decides to release her I suppose” I stand up “Shall we go find them? I left them in the library, Taryn spends most of her time in there”  We head back down towards the library and they aren’t there anymore.  “I wonder where they went,” Dad says as we start searching the castle.  Taryn? Where are you?  Oh Kai! Your mother is showing me my mom’s wedding dress...Don’t come though I was just about to try it on and I don’t want you to see it!  “I know where they are.. Mom is having her try on her mothers wedding dress. They asked to be alone. We will see them at dinner” I tell my dad.  “Oh alright then.. I need to lay down for a while.. I’ll see you in a while son.. It’s good to see you” He gives me a pat on my shoulder and heads towards his old room.      I head back to my own office and finish up the work I had been doing, leaving me open for the rest of the week. I glance at the clock and see I have enough time for a shower before dinner.      As the water washes over me I think about the day I found Taryn, how thin and fragile she was. Now she is getting strong, coming into her own and taking control of her powers.      She’s come a long way but I have so much to show her still, how to control and master her powers, it took me years to learn it all. Things are going to change so much for her in the coming months, once we are married. There will be certain expectations of us both. Producing and heir being one of the biggest and most important responsibilities, one I don't think we are ready for yet.      I turn off the shower and step out, drying off. I get dressed and head towards the dining room. I find my parents with Taryn sitting at the dining table with Theodora, they are all chatting and laughing. Taryn sees me and smiles waving me over to sit beside her.  “Ah Kayden, where have you been? We are starving” My mom teases as she winks at me.  “Did you have a good afternoon?” I ask Taryn “Yes.. it was very nice to learn about my mothers life before…” She trails off before shaking her head and smiling.  “I have decided to wear my moms wedding dress when we get married” She smiles with her eyes now. I can tell she is excited.  “I can’t wait to see you in it” I squeeze her hand.  “She looks beautiful in it, she will make a gorgeous bride.. Not that it is a surprise, she is a beautiful young woman” My mother smiles widely at us. I can see Taryn blush deeply beside me.  “Well, knowing you, I’m sure the wedding is already planned out to a t” I tease “Oh I have ideas. Us girls are going to start the planning in a few days, right Taryn?” Mom smiles and Taryn nods in agreement.  “I can’t wait” She replies,  “I never dreamed I would have all this, a family and people in my life who care about me. Someone who really truly loves me. I feel like I'm still in a dream and I don’t want to wake up from it” I hear my mom sniffle and dad wipes his eyes. Theodora sits silently, but I can tell she is emotional by the way her body stiffens.  “Well sweetheart.. You have us now, and we are certainly not a dream… we aren’t going anywhere. We are so glad to have you home” Mom half whispers, her voice cracking as she speaks.      Dinner is served a few minutes later, I always have chicken dishes made as it’s one of the only things Taryn will eat. Tonight it is BBQ chicken breast with roasted vegetables and salad on the side. She barely eats anything which I expected, when she gets nervous she loses her appetite. I make a mental note to have something brought to our room later for her to have a snack, I’m sure once her nerves wear off she will be starving.      We sit and chat for a few hours after dinner before Taryn says she is tired and is going to bed. We say goodnight and I go upstairs with her.  “Want to have a bath?” I ask as we get to our room.  “That sounds amazing” She slips off her shoes and goes to the dresser pulling out a pj set.  “I’ll get the bath going” I say as I turn to the bathroom and go fill up the tub. Once it’s filled up I g back to the bedroom,  “Ready for you” I say as I walk up to her, she’s still dressed.      I run my hands over her shirt, pulling at the hem and sliding it over her head. Her lace bra is next, I unlatch it and toss it to the side. Her skirt is tight, with a zipper at the side. I unzip it and slide it past her backside and down her slender legs. Her panties are the only thing left, as my hand grazes over the front I can feel the heat coming off her. I take my time with them, kissing her hips and the inside of her thighs as I hook my fingers into the top of the fabric of the panties.      She moans as I gently nip at her hip bone, I finish undressing her and lift her up off her feet. I carry her princess style to the bathroom and place her inside the hot water.  “Join me?” She whispers as she grabs my hand.      I don’t need to be asked twice, I pull off my t-shirt and peel off my pants and boxers. I slide into the water behind her and she leans back into me once I’m settled. I wrap my arms around her and my hands land on her plump breasts. I start slowly massaging them, she nuzzles her head into my chest and moans.  “I’m sorry if today was overwhelming for you. I can ask my mom to tone it down” I offer, I feel her shake her head.  “No.. Please don’t. It’s actually really nice. She has told me so much about my mom and dad… things I never knew… it makes me feel like maybe my mom is still here.. At least a part of her”  “Okay, As long as you are not overwhelmed, I know she can be a handful sometimes”  “She’s really nice, I like her”  “I’m glad, I know she really likes you too. Not as much as I do though” I say as I kiss her neck.  “Oh? How much do you like me?” She’s teasing me now, playing a game.  “Should I show you?” She nods      My hand slides down her stomach and between her legs. She pushes her hips towards the sky, giving me better access to her. My fingers slide inside her wet, hot core. Her breathing hitches in her chest, I watch as her breasts rise and fall with each staggered breath she takes. My own erection presses against the small of her back. After a minute Taryn surprises me by suddenly moving, my fingers slide out of her, she turns to face me. As she sits on my pal she holds onto my erection and guides it inside of herself slowly.      Now it’s my turn to moan, it turns me on even more when she takes charge and decides how we are going to play. She wedges her legs on either side of me and thrusts her chest into my face as she starts to ride me, bouncing up and down over and over again. I start to suck on her n*****s as she takes full control over me.     Her grip tightens, a tell that she’s almost there. I feel her nails dig into my shoulders as she releases, I allow myself to release after she is done, spilling my seed everywhere, making the water around us cloudy.      She lays limply on me now, I pull the plug in the tub and stand up with her clinging to me. I turn the shower on and wash us off before I step us out of the water. I wrap a towel around us and walk back to the bedroom. She is already almost asleep by the time I lay her on the bed, I crawl in behind her and pull her into me.  “I don’t just like you Taryn, I love you” I whisper as I kiss her cheek softly. She mumbles something but she’s too out of it for it to make any sense.
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