
2175 Words
    I wake in the morning to the sun on my skin, I open my eyes and look around. I expect to see Kayden in bed beside me but he’s not there. I move my hand over the space he was last and it’s cold. I pull the sheets around me and curl into a ball on the bed.  He left? Something is not right…  Why would he leave? Did I do something wrong?      I lay there for a minute before I start to get up. My body is sore, my hips feel like they have been pulled from the sockets. My breasts are tender and feel heavy. I look down and see a few small bruises on my arms and my thighs. As I’m about to get up to my feet the door opens.  “Good morning!” Kayden comes into the room holding a tray.  “I thought you had left..” I whisper “Of course not.. I wanted to surprise you with let me help you sit down” He puts the tray down and comes over to me, holding my hands as I sit back down on the bed, his eyes linger over the bruises on my skin. I try to hide myself as his eyes pierce into me.  “I’m so sorry” He hangs his head as he pulls a sheet up over my after I’m settled back on the bed.  “Don’t be.. I don’t regret it one bit” I tell him as I place my hand on his chest. He is shirtless, wearing his boxers and nothing else. He looks really good, his body is toned and fit.   “You said you thought I’d left.. Taryn, I am never going to leave you. Not ever.. Don’t be afraid of that okay?” He says as he puts his finger under my chin and lifts my face but to his, he gives me a kiss.      I feel relief and stupid at the same time. Last night was the best night I ever remember having and now I feel as if I’ve put a downer on it by thinking he would leave me after. My mind is running a thousand miles per second and I feel overwhelmed by it all. All these new emotions running through me, all the new sensations.      Kayden sits down beside me and pulls the tray onto his lap. There is a fresh fruit salad and yogurt and a muffin along with some orange juice.  “It’s not much but better than nothing” He shrugs as he forks a strawberry and brings it to my mouth. I bite down on it and the flavor is so rich, I moan as I chew it. My stomach responds with a grumble. Kayden laughs and feeds me another bite. I lean against his shoulder as he feeds me the salad.  “So what are we doing today?” I asks after a few minutes  “Well I thought it would be nice to spend the day here and relax for the day before going back. We need to start your training as soon as possible”  “Training?” I repeat confused.  “We need to get your powers under control. There’s a lot for you to learn” He moves the tray back to the table and pulls me between his legs so I’m against his chest, I lean back and snuggle into him.     I watch as he fiddles with his hands for a moment before he speaks, “I have something for you… it was your mothers. Now it’s yours.” He takes my hand and slides a delicate ring onto my ring finger. It is beautiful, reminding me of a small leaf with tiny diamonds wrapped all around it.  “It’s beautiful,” A flashback of my mother wearing it when I was a child hits me hard. I remember her telling me that my father gave it to her when he proposed and one day it would be passed down to me. I feel honored to have it as my own now, tears sting in my eyes as I look at it on my slender finger. It is a perfect fit.  “My parents are coming back to see you, I sent word to them last week and they are very excited to see you”      My stomach knots at his words. I haven’t seen them in so long, what if I’m a disappointment to them. Not what they remember or what they expected me to be. The last thing I want is to have my family not like me. I feel myself start to sweat.  “Hey, relax.. They are going to love you.. Mom would light a candle for you every year on your birthday and dad has your picture on his desk. They never forgot about you Taryn”  “Yeah but what if I’m not what they expect?”  “They don’t have any expectations of you, they are just thankful you’re alive” He assures me.   “I hope you’re right” I say as he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.      We stay like this for a while, just enjoying each others company and comfort. After a while Kayden puts on a movie for us and I fall asleep less than half way through it.  “Taryn, it’s time to wake up” I hear him whisper in my ear  “Mhmm.. what time is it?” I mumble as I wipe at my eyes.  “It’s almost five, I have a surprise for you.. Go have a shower and get dressed.. Meet me outside in twenty minutes, okay?” He gestures for me to go to the adjoining bathroom. I nod and get up and stretch, my body is still very sore but not unbearable. I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the shower, I decide to have a quick bath instead, to soak my muscles.      Fifteen minutes later I am getting out and drying myself off. I look around and see a change of clothes on the counter. I pick them up, it’s a light dress, no panties or a bra, just the dress. I slip it on and look in the mirror.      I slide on a pair of flats on the floor beside me and comb my hair, braiding it down my back. I make my way through the small cabin and out the front door. Kayden is sitting on the step waiting for me.  “You look beautiful” He says as he issues my cheek and holds my hand. We start walking down a pathway, towards the lake.  “Where are we going?” I ask as I follow closely behind him. He doesn’t answer, just smiles at me and winks.      A few minutes later I see it, there is a small fire and blankets and pillows near it. Kayden has set up a nighttime picnic for us. There is a basket filled with food and a bottle of wine with two glasses beside it.  “I wanted our last night together, alone to be something to remember. After tonight things are going to change so much, for both of us. The kingdom will be pushing for our wedding to happen immediately and when my parents come, I’m sure mom will want to spend every waking minute with you. We will be training hard and will not have a lot of alone time like this for a while.. So I want to give you a night to remember until the next time we can have this.. I promise I will make sure to make it happen soon” He sits down and pulls me down on the blankets with him.  I fall onto his chest and plant a kiss on his lips before rolling off him.  “It’s amazing Kayden, thank you”  I smile.  “I like it when you call me Kai… do you think you could do that  more?” He asks as he strokes my hand with his thumb.  I nod, “Of course.. I’ll only call you Kai from now on”  “Thank you Taryn” “What do we have for dinner?” I ask as I peek into the basket.      Potato salad, fried chicken and chocolate covered strawberries. Kayden divides the food onto plates for us while I pour the wine. As we eat, we talk and laugh at silly things and nothing at all.  The wine is getting to me, but I don't mind. I feel completely safe with him, I know I have nothing to worry about.      After we eat we settle down on the pillows and watch the flames of the fire. I feel so happy and at peace, as I watch the flames, I see shapes and figures jumping out of the fire. I look at Kayden to see if he sees them too, he’s watching me.  “It happens because of your powers, you are in close proximity to something you have control over, your emotions have sway over it. If you’re happy you will see controlled patterns, when your mad or sad it will seem uncontrolled and erratic” He explains      I look closer at the flames to try and make out the shapes, it looks like birds flying around, playing with each other. I smile and watch it peacefully.      After a while, I move so I’m facing him, “Thank you so much for tonight. I can’t remember the last time I felt so much love and happiness… it really means a lot to me”  “Taryn… I would do anything for you.. Anything at all” He says softly. My heart feels so full, like it might explode any second. I lean forward and kiss him, a greedy and needy kiss. I beg him to return it, my hands slide into his hair as I pull him closer to me and latch onto him with my legs. Once I am sure he is not moving, I tilt my head back for air, his lips make their way down my throat with small soft kisses.  “I love you Kai” I mumble.      It takes him less than a second to respond, his hands make their way down my body, under the dress and inside me with his fingers. I hold on for dear life as he pleasures me slowly. After a minute I hear him lower his zipper, he lifts me up as he gets onto his knees and his pants slide off his toned body. He doesn’t place me knot my back but keeps me latched onto him. He positions himself so that when he lowers me down an inch, his tip slides into me.      I cry out with pleasure as he bounces me up and down on him, painfully slow at first but picking up speed after a few minutes, letting me slide down onto him deeper and deeper until he is fully inside me, filling me right up. My nails are digging so deeply into his shoulders I’m afraid I may draw blood. He doesn't seem to care. He holds my ass and guides me up and down, over and over until I can’t take it any more.  “Kai!” I scream. Just like that in the next moment I am on my back and he is pounding into me, harder than ever before.  “Yess!” I cry out with immense pleasure.  I can hear the sound of his balls slapping onto my bare skin. Kayden's shoulder is close to my face, I tilt my head up and clamp down onto him with my teeth. I don’t know what made me do it, but the second that I did I felt my whole body go into a fit, and Kai cries out, not in pain but with pleasure. I feel him tense up inside me and he slows down.      I feel so tired suddenly, my whole body feels like dead weight. I try to keep my eyes open but I can’t.  Kayden pulls me back into his arms and I fall asleep.      When I wake up next I’m back in the bed, not at  the cabin but at the castle. I see Kayden across the room, it looks like he just came out of the shower, he has a towel wrapped around his waist. He sees me looking at him and he smiles slyly at me.  “Good morning beautiful”
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