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Kayden      I put out a patrol, hopefully they can track down Jacob before he gets too far, he already has a huge head start. The patrol left about an hour ago, I told them to make camp for the night and keep searching until they find him.       I feel on edge, I want to see Taryn. I walk through the castle halls, looking for her, eventually I find her outside in the gardens.  “Hey beautiful, how’s your day going?” I sit down beside her, I see she is sketching the birds in the birdbath.  “I was bored sitting inside so I thought some fresh air would be good. Your mom won’t let me help with any of the wedding things so I have been twiddling my thumbs all day”  She sighs and puts her pencil down.  “I’m sorry she has taken over” I put my arm around her and pull her in, she leans against my chest.  “it’s alright.. I don’t know anything about planning a wedding, I just wish she would let me help more”   “Do you want me to talk to her?” She shakes her head no,  “Don’t.. I really don’t want to cause any trouble. Besides, she sees to really be enjoying herself”  “Alright.. if you’re sure” I look up to the sky, the birds flying overhead. Being in the gardens is so relaxing, especially being here with her. We sit for a while before I tell her I have to get back to work. She reluctantly agrees to let me go. I head back inside and go find my mother.  “Hello dear, look at this for me would you?” She hands me a photo, it’s a grand hall all decorated to the nines.  “What am I looking at exactly?” I c**k my brow at her.  “Well I was thinking we could transform the dining hall into this for the wedding” She gestures to the room around us.  “Mom… I was actually thinking we could tone it down a bit. I want to have the ceremony in the gardens” I begin to explain to her. “The gardens?” She repeats.  “Yes mother. We don’t want a big fancy wedding, who is even going to come anyways? Our family is so small. We only have you and dad left..”  I continue, she looks at me thoughtfully for a moment before nodding. I know she is caving.  “I suppose you are right. There’s no point in having a big wedding. There’s no one to show off to anyways” She sighs “At least let me decorate the gardens” “Of course mother.. Just keep it toned down is all I ask”  “Oh alright” She huffs  “Great. I have some work to do, I’ll see you at dinner” I give her a kiss on the cheek and head back to my office.      I call to check in on the patrol, they have found his trail but still haven’t caught up to him. They are making camp for the night and picking up the trail in the morning at first light.  I glance at my watch and see it’s almost dinner time. I head back to our room and shower, changing into clean clothing and heading downstairs.    “So tomorrow night we will have the rehearsal dinner, then you will sleep in the main guest room on your floor. We have to make sure you and Kayden don’t see each other before the wedding” My mom says to Taryn as I’m walking in.  “Ah our last night alone” I whisper to Taryn as I sit down.  “Any ideas on what we should do?” I raise my eyebrows at her seductively. She chuckles and smacks my arm. Our food comes out and Tyler gives the all clear that it has been tested for poison.  “So Kayden, do you have any ideas for your honeymoon?” My father asks  “I was thinking about taking Taryn to the Bahamas for a week”  “I was actually hoping we could go to the countryside” Taryn speaks up  “The country side? Like a farm?” Mom asks with a scoff. “Yes, I have always loved the peacefulness of it.. I’ve only seen pictures though, but I have always wondered what it would be like” She says thoughtfully.  “The country side it is then. I’ll set it all up” I smile at her and she leans in to give me a hug. I kiss her forehead “Thank you babe”  “Of course, I’d do anything for you”  “You two are so sweet, it’s sickening” Mom says sarcastically rolling her eyes.  “Let them be young and in love.. we were like that once upon a time, don’t you remember?” Dad says.  “Oh of course I do… to be young again” She looks at dad lovingly for a moment before sighing and going back to eating.  “Want to go for a walk?” I ask Taryn after we finish eating, she nods and smiles   “Let’s get out of here then” I say, pushing my chair back and standing up. I lead her from the castle, towards the lake. I take her hand as we walk around the lake.  “Are you nervous?” I ask as a cool breeze wraps around us.  “No.. are you?” She looks out to the water. “No. I can’t wait to make you mine.. I wish you already were” I say as I pull her up into my arms. Her small body lifts off the ground as I spin her around. She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck.  “I am yours Kai” She leans in and kisses me softly. Our kiss deepens, I carry her backwards towards a tree, gently pinning her against it. My tongue gliding over her bottom lip, she moans with pleasure. My hands slide down her back, to her ass, giving it a squeeze. She wraps her legs around me and pushes her back forward. Her hands come up and drag through my hair, making me press into her harder. Her dress is hiked up to her thighs, I pull her panties down past her knees.  I shift her weight and throw her legs over my shoulders, making her squeal in surprise. My face is level with her sweet spot now, I shove my face into her. Her hands come down on my hair again and she holds on for dear life as I lick and suck her soaking wet p***y.  “Kaii” She cries out my name as I tongue f**k her. Her body tenses, her legs tighten around my head, I grip her thighs and pull them apart.      I lower her back down and she wraps her legs around me again, I unzip my pants and pull my boxers down to my thighs. I push inside her hard and begin to pound her into the tree. Her nails dig into my shoulders as each thrust makes her back hit the tree harder than the last. I c*m inside her and pull her from the tree, holding her in my arms as I lay us down on the cool grass. “Want to go for a swim?” I ask, it’s dark enough we can skinny dip without being seen.       She nods, getting up and running towards the water. I chase after her, pulling my clothes off, tossing them to the side. I pull her dress over her head and pick her up, walking us into the lake. The water is cool, but with Taryn’s body heat it becomes warmer by the second.  She is able to control her body temperature when least expected, other times it is unmanageable.      We splash around in the water, I make bubbles and drop them on her head like when she was a kid. She laughs and splashes me in retaliation. She looks up to the night sky,  “There’s going to be a full moon soon” She points to the moon, she’s right, it’s all but full. Only a sliver is missing. “It’s beautiful” She continues.  “Yeah it is” I’m not looking at the sky, but at her. Her long dark hair trailing down her back, her pale skin glowing under the moonlight. I move closer to her and pull her into my arms, taking her into a deep kiss.  “I love you” I whisper. She places her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around me. We stay in the water for a little longer.  “Do you want to fly?” She asks.  “Absolutely” I transform first and watch her after. She is beautiful, her Dragon is exquisite. She flies up into the sky, the wind is strong tonight above the trees. I soar past her, doing circles around her.  Quit showing off!  I can’t help it, it’s been so long since we flew together     She snorts and flies straight up, disappearing in the clouds. I wait a minute before chasing after her, giving her a head start. I let her stay just ahead of me, letting her think she’s going to win. At the last second I wrap my wings around her and we plummet into the lake. When we break the water surface we have both Transformed back into our human forms.      We float for a while longer, watching the night sky. Taryn starts to yawn, coming closer to me and snuggling into my arm.  “We should head back, it’s getting late” I tell her as I pull us towards the watts edge.      We get dressed and start our way back towards the castle. Once inside Taryn goes and has a shower, washing off the lake.  We crawl into bed and fall asleep quickly, both of us exhausted.      The next morning I wake up early, kissing Taryn before I get out of bed. I have a lot to do today, including planning our honeymoon. I have an idea which I think she will really like. I find a small cottage in Ireland, right on the cliff’s edge. The owners are barely making ends meat so I made it worth their while to rent it out to us for two weeks. I even paid for accommodations for them while we are there. They have horses, chickens, and sheep. I’m sure Taryn will love the excitement of gathering eggs for breakfast in the mornings.  Once everything is set up I call in on the patrol.  “Have you found him yet?”  “Yes Sir, we are on our way back now with him” “Good. I want him in the dungeons by first light”  “Yes Sir”      The day goes by quickly, my mother is running around making arrangements. I was told to stay out of the way and not to disturb her or Taryn. My Father comes in and spends some time with me.  “Now that you are going to be married you will officially be Reigning King, not just acting King. I know you’ve been doing all the duties of King for years and I thank you for keeping my condition under the radar” He tells me as he sips his decaf coffee.  “How much time do you have left?” I ask “Few months... If I’m lucky” He sighs and leans back. He looks worn, “Promise you will take care of your mother once I pass okay? I don’t want her to be alone”  “Of course I will.. I wish you had more time”  “Me too.. But we can’t live forever.. Excuse me I need to go rest” He sets his cup down and leaves the room.      A few hours later my mother comes by telling me to go get ready and come downstairs. I shower and get dressed in my suit making my way downstairs.      I see Taryn standing by the bottom of the stairs, she is wearing a long green dress, it hugs every curve making her look stunning. Her hair is in a long side braid with some white flowers placed in it. My mother and father are standing to the side, there is a photographer taking their photos. I come down and place my hand on Taryn's lower back. She looks over to me smiling, I lean down and kiss her. I hear the clicking of the camera, our pictures being taken.  “Oh you two are so adorable” The lady says as she snaps more photos.  “Well come along, we have a lot to do” Mother says as she ushers us to the grand hall.  “We need to have these photos done within the hour, then on to dinner. After that we will go over the itinerary for tomorrow. Then off to bed for the beautiful bride, she needs her beauty sleep after all. Don’t want any tired eyes for the morning” Mother says, her eyes glued to Taryn.      We do as she says and let the photographer pose us like living dolls. Over the next hour we have had at least one hundred pictures taken, Taryn is tired of posing, as am I.  “Are we finished yet?” I ask the woman.  “For now” She gives me a look before walking away.      We finally sit down to dinner, and mother pulled out all the stops. We have a massive seafood themed dinner with all the fixings.  Mother goes over all the plans for tomorrow making sure I know exactly when to be up in the morning and when to get dressed. Taryn will be taken care of by a crew mother hand picked.  “Time for bed Taryn, upstairs with you”      I’ve barely been able to speak to Taryn all night and now Mother won’t even let me kiss her good night, telling me it’s bad luck. I watch with sadness as she walks slowly from the room.
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