
2431 Words
    I toss and turn all night, not liking having to sleep in a separate room from Kayden. Eventually Maggie comes in and tells me to get up. I get to have a nice long bath before the activities for the day start. I relax in the water, there's rose petals and vanilla, making me feel calm. It’s around noon already, the ceremony is happening in the evening, that’s all I was told. I feel nervous, not knowing what is happening after I leave this room. Theodora knocks on the door before coming in,  “Good morning.. How do you feel?” She sits down beside me and starts to wash my hair.  “I’m a little scared to be honest” I sigh “Scared? Why’s that?” She laughs as she massages my scalp.  “I don’t really know what Maggie has planned.. I was hoping for a low key relaxing day but I think it’s going to be the opposite” I tilt my head back as she rinses my hair out. Once I’m all clean she holds up a towel as I step out.  “I am sure it isn’t as fancy as you think. Kayden told her to keep it under control. I’m more concerned about how you are feeling, making sure you stay relaxed and calm” She smiles.  “Oh? I feel a bit sick but I’m sure it’s just from being nervous” I tell her.  “You sure about that?” She smiles at me oddly.  Before I can answer her Maggie bursts through the door handing me my robe.  “Alright, let’s get started on hair and makeup” She claps her hands, three women follow behind her and make me sit down at the counter.      Once Maggie is happy with my hair and makeup she lets me finally eat something. Maggie clears the room and tells me she will be back in thirty minutes. I start digging into my French toast and fruit salad, I am starved.  “So have you thought about what I said?” Theodora says as she sits down next to me. She takes one of my strawberries and pops it into her mouth.  “I don’t know what you mean” I say confused.  “Oh Child.. You’re pregnant” She smiles at me happily.  “What? How do you know?”  “I am a Witch, plus your breasts are getting bigger… but I can sense the life inside you” She places her hand on my stomach, “I’d say your about eleven weeks along” I try to think back to my last period, it was only a few weeks ago… “That can’t be right.. I just had my period like three weeks ago”  “Do you forget that your body works differently seeing as you are a supernatural being?”  “I guess I never thought of it before.. Please don’t say anything to anyone.. I’m not quite ready.. Plus I think Kayden should know first”  “Of course, but I think he may already know.. He is very in tune with his senses. He may be able to sense it already.. Either way your secret is safe with me” She pats my shoulder.      Maggie bursts back into the room, “Okay! Time to get the dress on! Then we have an hour for photos and then it will be time for the ceremony” Maggie ushers me back into the bedroom and makes me put on the dress.  “You look just like her” She sniffles when she sees me.  “My mother?” I ask, looking into the mirror. I never really thought about it before, but I suppose looking now I do look a lot like her.   I smile at my reflection, “I wish she were here with me”  “She would have been proud of you” Maggie comes beside me, placing her hand on my shoulder. She stares at me in the mirror a little bit too long, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. There’s something in her eyes that makes me feel a chill down my back.  “Right well, you wanted to keep on a strict schedule did you not Maggie?” Theodora comes over, removing Maggie’s hand from me.  “Yes… of course.. Let’s go” She and Theodora exchange a look that I don’t understand before we leave the room. I am pulled all around the castle for photos, eventually George comes up to me and tells me it’s time.  “Are you nervous dear?” He asks as he loops his arm through mine. Theodora hands me my bouquet and walks up the aisle before me, acting as my maid of honor.  “Not in the slightest” I say, my mind totally focused on Kayden at the end of the makeshift aisle. The garden looks wonderful, there are arches going all the way down to a giant floral covered archway that Kayden is standing underneath. I see Tyler standing to the side of him, acting as the best man. Kayden smiles brightly when he sees me, his eyes water with unshed tears.      Uncle George walks me to Kayden, handing me off to him after giving me a kiss on the cheek. Kayden takes my hands and stares me deeply in the eyes.  I don’t hear anything anyone is saying until Kayden starts speaking, his vows.  “Taryn, I have been in love with you for years. Ever since we were children, I always knew you were the one for me. Then you were gone, and so was my heart. I had lost you, forever I thought. You can’t imagine the joy I felt when I saw you again for the first time. The happiness I feel now being reunited with you will last me a lifetime. I hope to be the husband you deserve and give you the life you always dreamed of. I love you more than anything Taryn” He says, one tear slides down his cheek.  “Taryn, would you like to tell Kayden how you feel about him?” The Minister asks me, I nod and clear my throat.  “Kayden, You saved my life. More than once. I would not be the person I am today if not for you. You changed my life for the better, I never thought I’d have a family again and then you appeared. You gave me back everything and so much more. You make me the happiest person in the world, thank you. I love you and forever will” I say as I feel my own tears slide down my face.  The Minister says a few more words before telling Kayden he is allowed to kiss me, he doesn’t skip a beat. He launches forward, taking my face in his hands and bringing me up close to him, our lips locking.  The entire world disappears as we share our first kiss as husband and wife. I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me tighter before dipping me low, deepening the kiss. He stands me back on my feet and ends the kiss, too soon for my liking. Everyone clasp and we smile at them. We sign the official papers, George and Maggie coming over to us, hugging each of us.  “Congratulations my dear” Uncle George says to me as he squeezes me tightly.  “Thank you.. For everything” I smile brightly at him “Oh it was my pleasure, I hope you two are very happy together”     We head to the banquet hall for dinner and Theodora taps her glass, gathering everyone's attention" I would like to say a few words. To the beautiful couple. I’m not going to wish you a happy long life together because I’ve seen that you will have one. Instead I’m wishing you both patience and time. Time flies by too fast so enjoy the small moments when they come” She raises her glass and we all toast.      Dinner goes by quickly, before we know it we have to get changed for our departure. Kayden won’t tell me exactly where we are going, only that I will love it and to dress warmly. Theodora has packed my bags for me and chose my outfit to wear for the trip as well. Everything is planned out, I get out of my dress and into the soft pants and t-shirt with a light sweater. I slide on the sneakers and grab my backpack purse.  Kayden meets me outside, he is wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. He looks really good, leaning against the staircase.  “Ready to go Mrs. Stormborne?” He extends his hand to me “Of course Mr. Stormborne” I take his hand and he pulls me into him. I tilt my head up and wait for him to kiss me. It takes less than a second for our lips to touch and I am lost in the kiss once more.   “We have to go or we will miss our flight” He says.  “We can’t just fly?”  “I wish we could, but it’s too far. And we may be seen, so it’s safer to go by plane. It will be a long journey though, I hope you don’t mind.. We will have plenty of time to relax once we get there. I think it will be worth it”  “I can’t wait,” We get into the SUV and are driven to the airport, just making our flight. Kayden got us first class tickets, it is my first time on a plane. As much as I want to stay awake and enjoy every minute of our trip I feel so tired. I place my hand on my stomach and close my eyes.      I have a new life inside me, how am I going to tell Kayden about it. What if he doesn’t want children? What if he’s mad.. Even though it’s so early I love the little bean so much already, I don't know what I’ll do if he doesn't want it. The flight is really long and then we have two layovers. Kayden takes me to a nice restaurant while we wait for our next flight.  “Can I get you something to drink?” The waiter asks, Kayden orders us wine. I don’t say anything but I know I won’t be able to drink it. After dinner we go to our gate, sitting in the waiting area for twenty minutes before we are called for boarding. I yawn as we sit down in our seats,  “I know you're tired, we are almost there. I promise” He says as he pulls me into his arms, I fall asleep within minutes.  I wake up to the plan shaking, there is turbulence. My hand goes back to my stomach immediately,  “It’s alright, just a little storm” Kayden assures me. I know we can’t really get hurt, if the plan goes down we can just Transform but I am still worried about my baby.  “Are you scared?” Kayden asks “Yes” I whisper “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you”  A few minutes later the plane evens out and settles down. I relax back in my seat, exhaling a deep breath I didn’t realize I had been holding.  “Attention passengers, we are making our final descent. We will be arriving in fifteen minutes. Thank you for flying with us”  Thank God.  “We don’t have to fly anymore right?” I look to Kayden hoping this was the last flight.   “Not on a plane.. We have one final flight, but it’s a special one.. Just us”  Is Transforming while pregnant a good idea? I feel nervous suddenly, should I tell him now or wait?  “Kayden.. I’m really tired. I don’t think I can” “Oh don’t worry, I hadn’t planned on making you fly. I will carry our luggage and you can rest on my back. It’s a short flight too, so don’t stress out. In an hour we will be there and you can rest”  “Okay” I am relieved to say the least.  Once we are off the plane I get a good look at where we are, “Ireland?” I ask. It is so beautiful, I never want to leave.  “Yeah, do you like it?”  “It’s wonderful” I say looking around, we rent a car and Kayden drives us to a remote area, near a cliff’s edge.      He Transforms and lifts our bags in his talons, letting me climb onto his back, he takes off, down the side of the cliff. The entire time I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the scenery all around us.      After forty-five minutes Kayden lands on a small little island,  it has a small dock with a boat, a pathway leading up to a beautiful cottage, a barn behind it. I can hear the ocean splashing on the cliffs nearby.  Kayden Transforms into his human form and picks me up in his arms, carrying me into the cottage.  “I hope you like it.. We have it for two weeks. We have horses, sheep and chickens too. We can go to the mainland and see the culture whenever you want. I heard there is a really nice farmers market on Sundays” He places me down inside the cottage. It is small and cozy, I feel relaxed and calm.  “Why don’t you go upstairs and have a bath while I grab our bags?”  “That sounds nice, thank you” I kiss him before walking up the stairs finding the bathroom.
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