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POV: LIAM My heart races, a mix of anticipation and worry coursing through me. 'Where?' I respond, my thoughts echoing her agitation. I scan the bustling party with desperate intensity, my senses strained to detect any trace of her presence. However, she remains elusive, her identity hidden from me. As I attempt to immerse myself in the festivities, a low growl resonates within my mind, accompanied by an instinctive surge of alertness. It is Saga, my inner wolf, stirring with an urgent message. 'Mate,' she snarls, her primal instincts roused as she rises to all fours in an instant. My heart races, a mix of anticipation and worry coursing through me. 'Where?' I respond, my thoughts echoing her agitation. I scan the bustling party with desperate intensity, my senses strained to detect any trace of her presence. But she remains elusive, her identity hidden from me. Driven by an insatiable need to find her, I swiftly break away from the revelry. I stride purposefully toward Alpha, my footsteps echoing with determination. The atmosphere crackles with tension as the others around him instinctively shrink back, sensing the power radiating from me. Their expressions contort with a mix of fear and apprehension, but I pay no heed to their unease. Right now, my sole focus is finding my mate, and nothing else matters. "Did every single member of the pack make it to the sacred ceremony?" I growl, my voice dripping with authority. The intensity of my question reverberates through the air, causing a collective flinch among those present. It is clear that my domineering aura is not to be trifled with, but I could not care less about their discomfort. The urgency within me demands immediate answers. Alpha stammers, his gaze avoiding mine as he attempts to respond. His feeble attempt only fuels my frustration, pushing me further to the edge. I can feel the pulsating energy coursing through my veins, my Lycan nature straining against my control. But I reign it in, channeling the raw power into my words. "My Lycan is yearning for her other half, but I cannot locate her. I can only catch a faint trace of her scent," I assert, my voice resonating with an undertone of frustration. The Luna, sensing the mounting anger within me, seeks refuge in the protective embrace of her husband, her body trembling. It is she who dares to respond, her voice laden with exasperation. "Yes, my King, all the unmated females are present," she cries out, her voice filled with a mixture of helplessness and annoyance. The weight of her words reverberates through the stillness, adding to the brewing storm of emotions swirling within me. Then it happens. A surge of primal possessiveness surges through me as I sense an audacious attempt to approach my companion. My eyes, once filled with intensity, darken to an ominous shade, and a chilling growl escapes my lips. At that moment, the forceful presence of Saga takes over, his commanding tone slicing through the silence like a sharpened blade. The room trembles under his authority, and one by one, everyone bows before him, acknowledging his dominance. "I swear, if I don't find her within the next five minutes, every single one of you fuckers will meet a gruesome end!" The venom in my voice hangs heavy in the air, my threat echoing through the room, sending shivers down the spines of those present. The desperation within me has reached its peak, and I am willing to unleash my fury upon anyone who stands in my way. Suddenly, a defiant voice pierces through the tension, challenging my authority. "My King, there are certain women who have been causing trouble in the dungeons. Perhaps your mate is among them," a woman shouts, her words laced with both defiance and fear. Without a moment's hesitation, I growl, my muscles coiling with anticipation. Instinct takes over as I sprint toward the source of the disturbance, the guards parting like obedient shadows to clear my path. As I move closer, the intoxicating scent of my mate becomes more potent, a heady mixture of allure and sweetness that intensifies my resolve. Following the scent trail, I track it with relentless determination. A panicked scream pierces the air, further fueling my rage. My blood boils, my heartbeat pounding in my ears as I close in on the origin of the distressed cries. With an overwhelming display of strength, I tear the iron bars off the cell, the metal screeching in protest against my fury, and step inside. The flicker of compassion replaces my fury as I take in the sight of the fragile girl before me. Her tear-streaked face reflects the torment she has endured, her vulnerability tugging at the depths of my being. Despite the anguish etched upon her features, there is an undeniable beauty that radiates from within, a spark that refuses to be extinguished by the darkness that surrounds her. Yet, it is the sight of her extended claws, a desperate display of self-defense, that pierces my heart. The jagged edges of her nails serve as a painful reminder of the cruelty she has endured, the scars etched into her very soul. The realization of the suffering she has endured ignites a profound sense of protectiveness within me, compelling me to shelter her from further harm. Without hesitation, I approach her with measured steps, my voice softening as I speak, seeking to assuage her fears. "It's all right," I whisper, my voice laced with gentleness. "You're safe now. No harm will come to you." A mix of emotions floods my being: protectiveness, possessiveness, and a burning desire to eradicate the pain she has endured. "Mate," I breathe, the word carrying the weight of destiny and commitment. As those sacred words escape my lips, a wave of fear ripples through the guards surrounding us. They recognize the power and authority that accompanies my proclamation, and their bodies tremble in terror. Their widened eyes reflect the realization that their lives hang in the balance. In a swift and calculated display of lethal efficiency, Saga springs into action. In a mere two minutes, the once-standing adversaries crumble to the ground, their life forces extinguished. Silence settles over the scene, interrupted only by the soft rustle of lifeless bodies and the weight of the consequence I have just imposed. Gently, I lower myself to my knees beside her, my fingers tenderly brushing the disheveled strands of hair from her face. Her lifeless, yet still hauntingly beautiful, blue eyes lazily meet mine, capturing a moment frozen in time. A pang of anguish grips my heart as I realize the toll this ordeal has taken on her fragile form. Her frailty is evident, her pale complexion serving as a haunting reminder of the neglect she has endured. "What did they do to you?" I murmur, my voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and rage. My lips press against her forehead, a gentle kiss laden with both love and determination. I hold her in my arms, acutely aware of her ethereal weight, and the urgency within me intensifies. The darkness that has enveloped her being must be unraveled, and those responsible must face the consequences. Resolute, my gaze hardens, and a vow forms in the depths of my soul. "Someone will pay for this," I declare with unwavering resolve. Each perpetrator, without exception, will face the full extent of my wrath. The weight of justice hangs heavy in the air, and I swear upon the bond that unites us that no stone shall remain unturned in my pursuit of retribution.
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