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POV: DALIAH "Let me go!" I scream, my voice filled with desperation and anger, directed at whoever has a tight grip on my shoulder. As I turn to face my captor, shock courses through my veins, for it is none other than Dylan, the son of the Alpha — my secret crush and the one I was destined to be with. "You will be punished for what you've done. Do you even comprehend who Eunice is?" His fingers constrict around my neck, cutting off my air supply, and my vision blurs. "She is My Luna." Frantically, I attempt to strike him, but my blows are futile. It is as if I am striking an impenetrable wall, my fists connecting with an unyielding force. The air grows thinner with each passing second, and as my body weakens, the struggle finally ceases, and I collapse to the ground, gasping for breath. Dylan lowers himself beside me, his eyes taking on a darker shade, indicating that he is connecting with someone, possibly through a mind link. After the connection ends, he clears his throat, preparing to address me. "For the next few days, you shall be confined within the wretched depths of the dungeon." Horror floods my being, and my eyes widen at the ghastly fate that awaits me. Having experienced the dungeons a few times before, I know the abysmal conditions within — its darkness is suffocating, and the guards exhibit a complete lack of mercy. Preparing to depart, Dylan rises to his feet, but before leaving, he turns his gaze towards me. His expression is devoid of any sympathy or remorse. "Before I depart, I, Dylan Reviera, renounce you, Daliah Romanoff, as my mate and the future Luna of our pack." I am in a state of shock, unable to comprehend the words that echo in my head. Dylan, my mate, stands before me, his expression void of any emotion or remorse. It is hard to fathom that he knew all along, being twenty-four years old, yet he stood by, watched as others within our pack beat, and abused me. "Dylan!" I manage to utter, my voice trembling with disbelief. Instantly, his command resounds through the air. "Guards!" Several guards swiftly approach us, bowing reverently before the Alpha couple. Eunice, appearing by the Alpha's side, leans in and whispers something into his ear. After a contemplative pause, he nods in agreement. "Lock her up and subject her to daily lashings until I decree otherwise," Eunice's voice remains eerily calm and composed as she issues her orders. However, my focus remains fixed on Dylan. As tears well up in my eyes, a single droplet rolls down my cheek, a painful reminder of my shattered hopes. Yet, before I can even attempt to wipe it away, a powerful hand seizes my arms and forcefully pulls me away from the presence of the Alpha and his chosen Luna. As I am unceremoniously dropped to the ground within the suffocating confines of the dark dungeon, a sense of desolation washes over me. I lie there, discarded like a worthless object, and the weight of my circumstances intensifies. A searing pain tightens in my chest, and an inferno ignites within me, a torment, unlike anything I have ever experienced. A sob escapes my lips, and for the first time in my existence, tears stream down my face. I weep for the wretched existence I have endured since the tender age of thirteen, for the abandonment and loathing of my parents, and most devastatingly, for Dylan. The mate I believed would love and protect me has instead shattered my spirit, extinguishing any will to fight. In the darkest recesses of my mind, my wolf cowers, and I let out a howl, a mournful cry that echoes my profound loneliness. Days turn into weeks, and with each passing day, the guards visit me, inflicting excruciating lashes upon my fragile form. I am granted a mere morsel of sustenance, a meager meal consisting of bread and water, once a day. The bond between Chalo, my wolf, and I remains eerily silent. She too is consumed by a profound sense of depression and sorrow, mirroring my state of being. Summoning what little strength I have left, I rise from the frigid floor, mustering the courage to make a declaration. "I, Daliah Romanoff, accept Dylan Reviera's rejection." The words leave my lips with a mixture of defiance and resignation. However, I do not feel the familiar snap of the bond breaking on my side. It is Dylan who will experience the excruciating pain of our bond severing, a pain that will surpass any suffering I have endured thus far. A flicker of defiance lights within me, fueled by the knowledge that he will bear the consequences of his heartless actions. Perhaps, in some twisted turn of fate, this lingering bond will serve as a reminder of the pain he inflicted upon me, a constant reminder of his betrayal. Yet, even in this wretched state, I refuse to succumb entirely. With renewed determination, I vow to myself that I will rise above this despair. I may be trapped in this suffocating darkness for now, but I will not allow it to define me. I will endure, and when the time is right, I will emerge from this dungeon, reborn and resilient. For the pain inflicted upon me has become the fuel that will ignite my transformation, propelling me toward a future where my strength will be my guiding light. POV: LIAM Reluctantly, I found myself compelled to attend the gathering, as it was my solemn duty as the Lycan King. The Dawn Rise pack, while not boasting superior strength or wealth, managed to thrive and survive through the strength of their alliances. Despite the Alpha and Luna's lack of intellectual acumen, their dedication and earnest efforts as leaders were admirable. As the celebratory event commenced, an announcement reverberated through the air, revealing the decision to pass on the mantle of Alpha to their son, Dylan. It was evident that he possessed a formidable presence and displayed potential surpassing that of his parents in terms of leadership capabilities. With a beaming smile, Dylan ascended the stage, accompanied by a wolf radiating joyous anticipation — a clear indication of his Luna. Undeterred by any semblance of nervousness, the Alpha stepped forward, delivering a concise yet heartfelt speech that acknowledged my presence, prompting a wave of applause from the attendees. The momentous occasion culminated in the summoning of Dylan to take his solemn vows. "I, Dylan Reviera, pledge to lead our pack with fairness and integrity, striving to do my utmost for our collective well-being," he declared resolutely, his words carrying a weight of determination. The culmination of his oath arrived as he clasped his father's hand, solidifying the transfer of power from one generation to the next. The sound of applause filled the air, reverberating with a mixture of pride, hope, and anticipation. The crowd, moved by the significance of the moment, erupted into cheers, their voices blending harmoniously in celebration of their newly anointed Alpha. The atmosphere transformed as jubilation took hold. The rhythm of excitement coursed through the pack, as wolves alike joined in a joyous display of unity. The air pulsated with an electrifying energy, as they danced to the beat of their collective spirit. The rhythmic pound of paws on the ground echoed in sync with the lively music that resonated throughout the gathering. Amid the revelry, the young Alpha, Dylan, stood at the center of it all, surrounded by his pack mates, friends, and family. The weight of his newfound responsibility settled upon his shoulders, yet his posture remained steadfast, embodying the strength and potential that lie within him. With each cheer and every beat of the drums, the bond between the pack members grew stronger, fortified by their shared purpose and unwavering loyalty to their new leader. As the night wore on, the celebration continued, infused with a sense of renewed optimism and a collective resolve to face the challenges ahead. Now, with Dylan at the helm, the pack possessed a beacon of potential — a young Alpha eager to lead, driven by a desire to guide his pack toward prosperity and greatness. "Can we go now?" my Beta, Daniel, pleads, his weariness evident in his voice. His reluctance to attend the gathering mirrored my sentiments. "Not yet, Daniel," I reply, a tinge of regret in my tone. "Our departure is scheduled for tomorrow. Let's make the most of the evening for now." As I attempt to immerse myself in the festivities, a low growl resonates within my mind, accompanied by an instinctive surge of alertness. It is Saga, my inner wolf, stirring with an urgent message. 'Mate,' she snarls, her primal instincts roused as she rises to all fours in an instant.
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