Chapter Four

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"Oh..." Cole teased, flashing a mischievous smile. "I have a penchant for extraordinary things, Aurora." Amelia stifled a chuckle and started to speak, but Adrian's stern yet composed voice interrupted her. She turned to find Adrian, who had quietly left the stage while she was engrossed in conversation with Cole, a conversation she had willingly engaged in. "The party is almost over. It's time to leave," Adrian announced, a smug smile playing on his lips as he watched her intently. "Sure, yeah," Amelia nodded and walked to his side. "Goodbye, cousin," Adrian sarcastically muttered, and Cole returned the grin as Adrian and Amelia made their way out of the hall and into the awaiting limousine outside. Once the driver started the engine and they began traversing the less crowded streets of California, Adrian leaned back, closed his eyes, and sighed. Amelia, clutching her purse tightly and feeling nervous, attempted to break the silence. "The party was amazing," Amelia complimented, hoping to elicit a response. However, Adrian remained silent. She pressed her lips together and held her breath anxiously. As soon as they entered the house, Adrian spoke up abruptly. "What were you doing with Cole?" Confused, Amelia replied, "I don't understand." "You acted as if you were best friends or something more," Adrian snapped with a mixture of sternness and coolness. "Smiling and talking to him as if you've known him for ages." "What?" Amelia chuckled disbelievingly. "He's your family. If we're going to play the couple's game, let me at least play the part well." "No. You weren't hired to act as my wife or any of that nonsense. That part is just a facade. You're here as a damn psychologist, and I would gladly do away with that too," Adrian retorted, his eyes fixed on her. "We just talked..." Amelia attempted to explain. "Just talked? You were about to reveal my illness to that bastard!" Adrian accused, his tone filled with anger. Amelia watched him in confusion. "Would that be a problem? He is..." "Family?" Adrian scoffed. "I can't believe this." He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Listen, Aurora. You will stay away from that family as far as possible. And you will not utter a word about my illness to anyone!" Adrian declared, turning to leave. But before he could exit, Amelia spoke up. "He's my friend," she calmly began. "Well, news flash, Aurora," Adrian interrupted, turning back towards her. "He's my enemy. If you're living in my house, you live by my rules... or you can leave!" His anger seethed through his words. "Fine!" Amelia fired back, walking past him and heading to her room without a backward glance. As soon as she reached her room, she slammed the door shut and collapsed on the floor with her back against it. Her heart raced, and she berated herself for her impulsive outburst. "What were you thinking?" she scolded herself. "Arghhhhh! But he's such a spoiled brat! Nicholas didn't expect me to endure this for 100 days! He even despises his own family!" she reassured herself. She let out a frustrated sigh, biting her lip in contemplation. Nicholas was transferring the $50 million tomorrow. She couldn't leave just yet; she couldn't afford to. "Go and apologize to him, Amelia. Tell him you'll abide by his wishes," her mind suggested, berating her actions. However, she dismissed the idea. Cole was the only person she had genuinely enjoyed spending time with in a long while. She didn't want to lose that connection because of one spoiled brat. But there was also the money and the other benefits promised by Nicholas. "Damn it," she muttered, then headed to the shower for a quick wash before going straight to bed. Exhausted, she fell asleep as soon as she lay down. About two hours later, she woke up. She still hadn't fully settled into this place. Getting up, she walked towards the kitchen to get some water but noticed that lights were still on in a room. The door was slightly ajar, so she peeked inside and saw Adrian sitting behind a massive mahogany desk, two buttons of his shirt undone. He seemed lost in thought. The image tugged at something within her. "He must be going through so much," Amelia murmured, averting her gaze. She sighed and decided to head to the music room Lydia had shown her earlier. Sleeping would be difficult, just like the night before, so it was better to spend her time there. Sitting by the piano, she played the familiar melodies her mother had taught her. ****** Amelia gasped, choking on the water she held, when she heard the voice behind her. It belonged to someone she recognized, and the shock of realizing who it was overwhelmed her. Adrian rushed over to her, his face filled with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked urgently, watching her closely. Amelia could only manage a nod in response. She set the glass of water down on the kitchen table and looked up at Adrian, her mind flashing back to their fight from the previous night. "I was planning on leaving," she began. "Don't," Adrian interrupted, cutting her off. Amelia raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I wasn't thinking clearly earlier. Don't leave, Aurora," he pleaded. Amelia couldn't help but question his sincerity. "Are you playing with me right now?" "You're not the type to back down, Aurora. Forget what I said earlier and focus on your job," Adrian said, turning away without another word. "The piano... I didn't know you played so well," he added before walking away, not looking back. Amelia was brought back to reality when Lydia entered the room, breaking her train of thought. "Good morning, sir," Lydia greeted Adrian. "What happened to him?" Amelia asked Lydia, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not sure, Lydia," Amelia replied. "He smiled at me, and there were no dark circles around his eyes," Lydia observed. "Huh?" Amelia was confused. "Did you know he's an insomniac? He's always grumpy in the mornings, with dark circles under his eyes," Lydia explained. Amelia rubbed her chin thoughtfully for a moment and then left the room without saying another word to Lydia. Once in her bedroom, she picked up her phone and immediately dialed Izzy's number. "Something crazy just happened. I don't know what happened yesterday, but Mr. Grumpy wants me to stay!" Amelia exclaimed. "What?! Adrian has finally accepted you?" Izzy responded with excitement. "It sounds unreal, right?" "Well, kinda. I knew he would give in eventually. I mean, how could he resist someone as beautiful as you..." Izzy teased. "Stop it, Izzy," Amelia hissed. "I think it's related to the music last night. He was really nice to me this morning and even complimented my playing." "Wait, what?" "My grandfather used to be an insomniac. My mom would play a certain melody for him before he fell asleep. Maybe Adrian actually slept last night," Amelia speculated. "That could be it. Well, I hope your theory is correct. At least you get to keep your job and live in luxury," Izzy remarked. "Yeah, I guess..." Amelia said, a grin spreading across her face. "Damn it, Adrian! You didn't tell me anything about the party last night," Izzy complained. "It was great," Amelia replied, her tone hinting that there was more to the story. "Spill it," Izzy demanded, her voice filled with anticipation. "I met someone. Adrian's cousin. He has the coolest personality ever!" Amelia exclaimed. "Wow, wow... I sense love in the air. Well, it could be, but you don't believe in love, so maybe it was just a passing thing," Izzy commented. "You're crazy," Amelia said as they both burst into laughter. "Anyway, I have to go now. We'll talk more about that guy later," Izzy teased before hanging up. Amelia lay back on her bed, a contented smile playing on her lips. "Good morning, Father," Cole greeted almost immediately as Damon entered the dining area and joined him for breakfast. Damon didn't respond right away but eventually spoke up. "Last night, at the party. Were you flirting with that Aurora?" Damon asked, his gaze filled with curiosity. Cole pressed his lips together and forced a smile. "Why are you asking about something insignificant? We were just talking." Damon chuckled. "Insignificant? You always take everything lightly. That's why you'll never surpass Adrian." "Are we playing that game now, Father?" Cole retorted. Damon sighed. "Prove yourself. I prefer actions over words. That brat proved he wasn't an insomniac. Now, there's no way to oust him from the company." "What if I have a way? Would you finally believe that Adrian is no match for me?" Cole asked, capturing his father's intense gaze. "Tell me your plan," Damon replied, his interest piqued.
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