A Hatred

1240 Words

After my dad left me to try and get some sleep, I started thinking again. My heart was aching. Was Niklaus missing me, or am I missing him? I barely know him but yet at that moment, he found me I just felt like my whole world was revolving around him. At least he is a guy I can get along with.  I laughed at the thought of Lucas being my mate. We never got along most days, but we were still close friends. It’s kind of weird thinking about everything now. All the secrets between Lucas and his dad, I never met his mother. I guess it made sense as to why I could never go to his house. Kids can be very nosey. I tried to control my thoughts so I could finally get some sleep.  *The next morning* I got up very early, the sun was just starting to rise. I could hear a lot of different voices talk

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