Chapter 16

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Lily’s POV I don’t think it’s a good idea to stop him. Cora whined in my head, He’s too angry to listen. He might hurt us as well. “But I can’t let him beat Aries with that horrifying whip. He might actually die!” Louis said Aries will never die. They can’t kill him. Remember? “Whatever, I can’t let the King do this to him. It’s not right. Aries didn’t poison that dog. He shouldn’t take the blame for that.” Well, we didn’t know that for sure. He might be the murderer. Cora changed her opinions. I knew she hated Aries more than I did, His brain might twitch or maybe he just wanted to be beat up by someone. He’s sick. Who knows what he’s thinking about? “Even if the dog was poisoned by him. We still need solid evidence to punish him. This isn’t right. My father once told me to be a great Alpha I should always be fair to everyone, even the evilest criminal, so I won’t let this happen. It’s not fair to Aries.” You’re too kind to fulfill this mission. Cora whined, Why must you be such a kind person? I shrugged my shoulders, “I guess my parents taught me well.” As we spoke, I rushed into the dungeon under the castle and saw the back of the angry King. I didn’t know how he did it, but he walked so much faster than me. When I finally caught up with him, he had already let the guards drag Aries out of the cell to the corridor. I stood behind the King and stared at Aries. Just like at the front door when he was cuffed by those guards, he didn’t speak nor resist. He just stood there in front of the angry King with his eyes fixed on the air as if the King did not exist. “You filthy bastard!” Everything happened so fast. I thought the King might at least interrogate Aries, then I would get the chance to defend him by telling the King that I brought him to visit Anna this morning. But the King didn’t ask Aries a single question. He just lifted up his hand and then smashed that huge whip onto his chest. Aries was hit to the cold stone floor instantly. The whip slashed through his flesh, almost cutting his chest open. For a moment, I thought I saw his ribs were exposed to the air. But he didn’t scream. He didn’t defend. He didn’t beg. He didn’t even groan. He just lay there on the cold floor silently with his body trembling out of extreme pain. My mind went total blank at that moment because of this hellish scene. Then, before I can make any reaction to stop this. The second whip came down from the air. The cruel t*****e landed heavily on his back. I heard his bones c***k and the blood was splashing everywhere. Then there came the third, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth. I stood there like a frozen statue, totally freaking out because of this extremely brutal scene. Then the tenth landed on his back. Aries coughed lots of blood out and finally groaned because of pain. No. That’s so cruel… Even Cora couldn’t help but whimper about what’s happening here. I finally got my nerve back and pulled the King’s arm to stop him, “Stop it, Dad! Please, stop!” The King turned his head to me. His eyes glared right into my scared ones. I shivered at the strong royal aura around him, but I mustered my courage to not step back. “He’s my husband, Dad.” I said that with my trembling voice, “Please do not do this to him. Please. I need him.” The whole dungeon fell into deadly silence before he answered my request. His eyes were red. His nose flared. For a moment, I thought he might want to hit me with that horrifying whip, too. But all he did was pull his arm away from my grip, then turned his heels. “It’s time for you to find a new husband, Dear.” He said that then walked away with that horrible whip holding in his hand. I saw Aries’s blood dripping from it down to the floor all the way to the entrance of the dungeon. I gulped then kneeled beside Aries to check his wounds. He’d already passed out. Instead of a wounded person, he’s now more like a pool of smashed meat. His backbone was cracked into pieces and there was no intact skin on his entire body. I know I need to help him to heal, but with such severe wounds, I don’t even know where to start. I called Anna via mind-link, “Could you please take the doctor to the dungeon? I need him to check Aries. And bring me a blank. It’s too cold here.” Anne took my order. About 5 minutes later, she showed up alone with a first-aid box in her hands. “The King forbad the doctor to come down here, Your Highness. And he said your husband must stay here in the dungeon.” That’s out of the line. Cora frowned. I knew she couldn’t stand Aries to suffer like this, either. I sighed and took the first-aid box from Anne, “Just go get me two blankets and Aries’s clothes. Then bring me some water and food. I’ll stay here with him.” “O..Okay.” Anne widened her eyes in surprise but ran for my request quickly. I opened the box and checked the contents carefully, trying to find something useful to heal a wolf. But then something amazing happened. I heard small cracks coming from Aries’s broken body constantly, as if his bones were reset automatically. His shattered flesh moved like little worms under his broken skin, then stuck together by themselves and healed as new. His skin soon grew and covered all his exposed flesh and bones. Wow! That’s unusual even for a wolf. Both Cora and I were surprised. Normally, a wolf with such severe wounds would take weeks to fully recover. He took less than ten minutes. What Louis said is true, he can't be killed by anything. “Yeah. I guess he’s immortal. There’s no defeat of the Winter King.” This perception disappointed me so much, but a part of me still felt relieved that he wouldn’t need to suffer from those horrible wounds for a long time. I used the gauze from the box to wipe off the blood from his body. Then I dragged him back into the dungeon and put him on the cold bed which was made of solid stone. Do you still want to stay here with him? His wounds have already healed. Cora pouted reluctantly. I sat beside the bed and looked at him while contemplating, “I think I need to guard him until I find out who poisoned that dog. I’m afraid that someone else may come down here to t*****e him.” Cora frowned in disbelief, If he’s strong enough to kill that warrior, why does he pretend to be so weak? If he shows everyone how powerful he is, then no one would dare to treat him like that. I bit my bottom lip at my bold assumption which suddenly hit me just now, “ Maybe he’s pretending to be weak to escape from all these tortures. Remember? Louis said they starved him a whole year because he killed that wolf. If he shows everyone how powerful he is. They might never allow him out of that well.”
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