Chapter 17

1444 Words
Aries never expected to wake up in between such gentle warmth. His breath didn’t hurt anymore. And there’s no sting on every inch of his skin. Something warm, comfortable wrapped his whole body, comforting the pain which had been lingering in his flesh since he was born. But the most amazing feeling came from his left hand. Something extremely soft and warm was covering it gently. It tickled a little bit because of the frostbite on the back of his hand, but it’s so comfortable and alluring. Aries suddenly opened his eyes widely. He found himself lying in the cold cell of the dungeon. The night had already fallen and there were sliver moonlights pouring down into the cell through the steel bars on the narrow window. He moved his fingers and felt the shrilled pains entrenched into every part of his body were still fresh. Though he is able to recover from all kinds of wounds, which doesn’t mean that he can’t feel the pain. And most of the time, the pain he felt was so much stronger than anyone could ever endure. “f**k!” The memory from before he passed out gradually came back into his mind. He remembered in the morning the King hit him for no reason. But he didn’t feel aggrieved or unfair. To be beat up for no reason had become part of his life since he was a kid. He didn’t know he could and he should defend himself from things he’d never done. In the deadly silence of the dungeon, Aries propped himself up to sit on the bed. That’s when he noticed the soft thing called blanket was wrapping around his body. When he was little, he used to dream about having a soft thing to sleep in. Gradually he just stopped dreaming about things which would never happen to him, such as sleeping on a soft bed or, having a decent meal around the table. “Hot.” Before he could think a little bit further about this magically appeared blanket. A tiny voice came from beside his bed. Aries turned his head and saw a slender figure who wrapped herself into another similar blanket, was sitting on the floor beside his bed with her upper body leaning against it. It was Lucy. She had already fallen asleep like that for a while. Her head was placed on the hem of the bed unconsciously. Aries noticed she pressed her cheek on the back of his left hand. That’s the weird softness he felt while he was dreaming. Weird but not disgusting. Aries slowly turned his left hand around so he could cup her soft tiny face into his palm. That was the second time he got to touch her skin like this. It’s similar to the first time yet different in certain degrees. Though they’d been married for a month and a half, but they only touched each other like this for one time. That’s about a month ago, when Lucy became weird and hysterical. Aries remembered that day Lucy didn’t eat anything but locked herself into the bedroom the whole day. When the night came, she started to scream, cry, even howl and smashed everything in her bedroom into pieces. Aries was ordered by the King to stand outside the door to listen and wait. When midnight came, Lucy finally stopped her hysteria. She opened the door and let Aries in. “Kiss me.” The moment she saw him, she ordered him determinedly. Aries noticed her hair was in a total mess and the clothes she was wearing became rags. The blood stains scratched by her own nails were all over her soft skin. She cupped his face with both her hands and ordered him to kiss her. But Aries didn’t understand. No one had ever taught him what kiss is. He didn’t know what it meant. He just stood there staring at her tearful eyes while wondering what happened to her. Then Lucy tiptoed herself up and pressed her soft lips on his. It was the first time Aries kissed someone. Before he married Lucy, he never got the chance to speak to a normal person, let alone touching a girl who was so soft and sweet. Even at their wedding, Lucy refused to let him put the wedding ring on her finger because their skin would touch. The process was surrogated by her maid Anne. But that night, Lucy kissed him out of the blue. Aries was surprised but found that he didn’t hate it. He wrapped his arms around her back and started to kiss her back. Suddenly, Lucy bit him on his bottom lip and pushed him on the chest with all the strength she could gather. “f**k off! Don’t you ever touch me again!” She screamed at him with tears streaming down her cheeks like a river. Then she stormed into the bathroom and locked herself there the whole night. After that, Lucy started to cut him every night with a sliver knife like crazy. With each stab, she screamed at him and cursed him to go to hell. Aries didn’t know what happened to Lucy that night. But he got to know “kiss” means something very special. That’s why he got furious today when he noticed Lucy kissed that hypocritical Louis. He shouldn’t have done that. He should conceal all his powers and stay weak. It’s essential for him to carry on his secret revenge plan smoothly. But he lost it the moment he found out she offered her sweetness to another man to taste it. “Don’t you belong to me?” Aries asked Lucy bluntly. He never got the chance to live a normal life, so he didn’t actually understand what marriage means. Still, he figured out from his short marriage life with Lucy that marriage means they belong to each other. Aries didn’t like Lucy. Actually, he hated her just as he hated everyone else in the world except Anna. But he hated what belonged to him to be taken away even more. And he didn’t want to lose Lucy for some weird reasons which was ineffable for him. “Please...” As if suffering from some kind of unbearable t*****e, Lucy whimpered in her sleep. From Aries’s position, he could see her eyes shut tight and her cheeks burned up. Her breath was heavy and ragged like she was sick. And she emitted this bizarre scent which made his heart pump like crazy. Aries remembered a month ago, when Lucy got hysterical. She smelled like this, too. He knew by instinct that now she was begging him to kiss her again. Does he want to? Yeah, he wants to do it badly. He hated Lucy but missed the warm softness of her sweet lips so badly. That’s the only joy he ever felt in his whole life except that little one from Anna. “” She started begging again. Tears ran down from the corners of her eyes like broken diamonds, which made her look so fragile and cute. Aries scooped her up gently from the floor then set her on his lap. Under the thick blanket, Lucy was shivering heavily, not because of coldness but because of heat. She was now in the heat but she didn’t know. It struck her unexpectedly during her sleep. She lost her consciousness instantly, but stuck her fingernails deep into her arms to ease this unspeakable suffering she’s going through. She knew she needed something desperately to help her out of this suffering but she didn’t know what it was. She was still a virgin and she had never kissed anyone before. “Please…help…please…” Her body, her skin and her breath were in such a high temperature. Aries felt like she was capable of scalding him by merely touching his skin. But he didn’t hesitate and he didn’t retreat. He didn’t know what s*x was but a part of his body had this weird reaction to her arousal. He knew he must touch her with his own body and kiss over every inch of her smooth skin. “Aries.” While he printed a string of hot kisses over her bared shoulder, Lucy called his name and put her soft hand on the back of his neck. “I’m sorry.” She whispered as she wrapped her legs around his scarry waist unconsciously. But Aries didn’t give her any response. He just kept kissing all the way down to her belly and inhaled her amazing scent like crazy. He didn’t know the meaning of “sorry”.
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