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A week and a half passed and I’d left a bunch of messages on Jacksons voicemail but he hadn’t called me back, not even a text. He hasn’t even been to school. That’s what led me to stand in the back yard, looking up at the sky. So many thoughts rushing through my head. I’d spent those days laying in that hospital bed and the weeks after thinking about everything. Jackson. Sierra. My parents.   My parents. The ones that raised me, looked after me, supported me. Somehow, over the last couple of weeks I’ve felt distant from them, like there’s something else that I should know. I overheard the doctor talking to my mum down the hall from my room, he was questioning her about blood types and comparing them to hers and dads’. I decided to do a quick search on Google and the results solidified for me the feeling I’d been having for a while now, but I didn’t know if what I was thinking was true or if there was a better explanation for it.    Jackson. The guy I had liked for over a month but still couldn’t seem to figure out, but couldn’t get him out of my head. I was even dreaming about him.... vividly. He had ignored all my calls and messages, so I wasn’t sure if he liked me or hated me. But one thing I did know was that he was the one that got me to the hospital, so he must care for me in some way. I felt more alive when I was near him, and like something was missing when I wasn’t. I’m just not sure where things will go from here.    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     “Is she ok?” “I don’t know. She hit her head pretty hard, maybe she’s braindead?”  “Don’t be stupid, she’s a wolf, anyone can see that.” “Doesn’t look like any wolf I’ve seen before” “She’s special, can’t you feel it?” “Feel what?” “That energy resonating from her, she’s not just any wolf... She’s a blood wolf”   I opened my eyes and everything was spinning... fast. I tried to get to my feet but my legs buckled. I could feel a presence near me, nothing like I’d ever felt before but still so familiar. I blinked repeatedly, trying to focus my vision, when I saw it.   A massive blonde wolf standing right in front of me, staring at me with its massive blue-white eyes. Everything came rushing back to me. The change, the pain, the memories. I stood up, using the nearest tree to steady myself. “Are you okay?”, I heard a deep voice inside my head. “Am I okay? Am I okay? You could have killed me”, I thought, with a sarcastic tone. I had no idea how I heard it or how it heard me, but I was more than freaked out by it. He just stood there looking at me, why is he looking at me like that? “Like what?”, he replied to my absent thought like it was part of the conversation. I didn’t even acknowledge his smartass comment, I just turned away from him and started making my way off deeper into the woods.    “You realise who you are right?”, He said as he followed me. “I don’t care”, I replied, trying to avoid any contact. “Oh, I get it, you’re new”, his tone sounded surprised. I turned back to look at him. “New?”, I echoed his tone. “Yeah, like really new. Is this your first shift?”, He asked, sounding amused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about so leave me alone”, I replied, turning to walk away again. I felt an unexpected sharp pain dig into my hips. He was on top of me, trying to pull me back to him, his claws piercing the skin on my hips was painful enough and then he bit me, he actually bit me.    “Get off” I roared as I lost control of my temper. I turned fast and pinned him to the ground, his eyes looking up innocently at me. “Mine”, he breathed in the back of my mind. My body came alive with sparks caused by his tone of voice, it was an amazing feeling. I had never felt anything like this before, not that I’d ever been this close to somebody in my life, but it was the most euphoric feeling to ever exist. Then, in a blink, the roles were reversed and I was the one pinned to the ground. “Change”, he demanded in a guttural growl that I felt to my core. “I don’t know how”, I replied staring up at him in awe of his beauty. I was seeing this terrifying beast in a whole new light.    A loud crunching noise coming towards us broke our connection, he leant down and licked my snout before disappearing. Just before the sound reached me, I looked down and I was back to normal. Completely human, but... completely naked. I had no clue how this works but it was pretty cool if you asked me.    My mother came racing out of the shadows straight towards me. “Dakota”, she breathed a sigh of happiness, until she saw my naked, dirt covered body. “Get in the house NOW!”, she yelled. I quickly obliged and covered my body as best I could with my hands. I ran to my room, made a turn straight for the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stood there for 5 minutes catching my breath while thinking of the encounter I’d had in the woods. When he said “mine”, even the memory of it, had my heart speeding up, it’s rhythm in my chest deafening.    I turned the shower on, stepping in, bracing myself against the wall, replaying that moment over and over in my head. I could feel what it did to my body. I stood there for a long time, thinking over everything that happened tonight and how this stranger had made me feel like a different person. I wondered whether he was just like me and hoped that I would eventually see him again.    Replaying that one moment over and over, then remembering having him on top of me. My cheek tingled where he had licked, it seemed like a kiss goodbye. I slowly slid down the wall and let the water run over me, it was calming in a way, to let the water wash away all of my problems. I sat there until the water went cold. Only then did I get up, turning the shower off and grabbed a towel. There came a knock at my door. “Dakota, your father and I want to talk to you”, my mother called, sounding stern but somehow sweet at the same time. I pulled my Pyjamas on and quickly made my way out to the living room. My parents’ unhappy faces stopped me in my tracks. “Sit”, my father said in a low tone.   “What’s going on guys?”. 
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