#8 - So Very Unprofessional

1780 Words
"I'm sorry." A mug of great smelling coffee appeared in my face the moment I opened the bedroom’s door. Whoever or whatever the person was apologizing for I did not care as I grabbed on to the perfect peace offering so early in the morning. I sipped and savored its taste while thanking whatever brilliant mind had invented the magical drink. “I know you don’t want to be here–” “Wait, Liam?” I blinked at the kid who looked too awake for any creature of our species. “What are you doing?” “Apologizing for the job?” The determination in those little sharp eyes was both amusing and heart warming. "We both know you aren't." I gestured for him to come in. "Only because I knew you'd say no if I asked." “Fair enough.” A couple of more sips and I was feeling human again, almost. “This is to die for. Thanks.” For that I was treated to the proudest smile. “I figured you’d need it since you didn’t sleep at all.” “H–How do you know about that?” I couldn’t help the heat that flooded my face. As innocent as the question was, it reminded me of the real reason I’d only tossed and turned instead of sleeping the entire night. And no, the job and being in an entirely new place had nothing to do with it. Well, being here did, but only because my decision to step out of the mansion to get some air had presented me with a body. The sexiest thing I had ever seen! “I heard you.” Probably when I’d come back in running as if I was being chased by ghosts. “You did?” I sipped on the coffee, hoping it would hide all the colour blooming in my cheeks. Damn that Ethan for being out swimming at such an awkward hour! “My bedroom is not that far and you were kind of pretty loud when you came back in the house and after.” The kid shrugged, not saying any more and I was grateful for that. I wasn’t exactly in a state to answer any of those honest questions the kid tended to have. “Sorry for waking you.” “That’s okay. Want something to eat? You barely ate last night.” "Last night?" I gaped at the kid's observational skills that were beginning to make me feel less as the nanny and more like the one needing taking care of. He was right though. Dinner had looked delicious, but the knots in my stomach at how quickly my life had changed wouldn’t let me enjoy it. That and a pair of amber eyes whose gaze felt hot on me. My heart skipped a beat at the thought, reminding me of why this job was a bad idea. "Did anyone tell you that you are too smart for your age?" "I never really talk to anyone." "What, why? You don't strike me as someone who-" I paused and stared, his father's words ringing a bell. And speaking of daddy dearest, the memory of those toned abs and glorius muscles somehow found a way of squeezing itself in my head, leaving me a bit distracted. Get a grip Linda! I did. Thankfully. And noticing the resigned look on Liam’s face, I decided to ask something else while I gestured for him to lead the way to the kitchen. “Your dad said you took a liking to me, I'm guessing there is at least one person you didn't?” "Many.” The kid shrugged, before getting up. I was tempted to ask how many, but I followed after him instead. "So, why me? I could have been a serial killer." Stepping out of the room, I scanned the hallway and was glad when I found it empty of anything resembling Ethan Easton. "Oh please, a killer?” The kid scoffed. "What, you don't agree? Why is that?" "You were crying about a failed interview, that's so not serial killer." "For the record, I did not fail the interview and I could have easily gone all psycho with my sadness." "Yeah, right." The kid rolled his eyes, making sure I saw it too. “You did make him smile, that’s why.” He suddenly said after a beat of silence, leaving me confused. “Smile? Who?” “My dad.” “I did no such thing.” Ethan’s bitter expression in the boardroom flashed before my eyes, making it plain impossible for me to believe that he’d smiled at anything I had to say. “You wouldn’t have seen it. You were long gone by then.” “Wait, when exactly was this?” I ran after the kid, fear of him falling gripping me as he slid down the banister. “Right after you left for your interview.” “Before the interview? You were watching us?” “I was minding my own business. Hannah, look who we have here!” Liam exclaimed as we came into the biggest luxurious cooking space I had ever seen. “Oh, its been so long that I have been able to cook a real meal around here.” Hair held tightly in a neat bun, a boisterous older lady bounced around the massive kitchen handling ingredients with the expertise of a professional chef. Probably the reason behind last night’s dinner too. Her words would have had me asking why she hadn’t been able to cook, but all the happy family photos hanging in almost every photo worthy space around the places I had been around the mansion had given me a pretty good idea. They were all filled with smilling faces. Two of which I had already met and their lack of all those smiles told me there was a sad story to tell about the third face. I couldn’t just decide whether the reason was divorce or a more grim reason that even I did not want to think about. “Welcome, child.” I was wrapped up in a warm hug. “Thank you, ma’am.” “Oh please, Hannah is just fine.” She waved me to a seat as Liam brought out two bowls and a box of cereal. “It’s such a joy to see master Liam so happy." The lady beamed beside me, but it wasn’t enough to hide the pain that laced her words too and that made me cross out the possibility of divorce. My throat went thick with that thought even when I had no business with whatever tragedy had happened to this family. “It’s so good to see his lovely smile. Thank you for bringing it out of him. Now that you are here–” “I’m no savior, Hannah.” I mumbled, hating the fact that they were all making me feel pretty much like one. “Hope you like it. It’s my favourite.” Whatever Hannah was going to say, it was interrupted by Liam setting down a bowl of cereal in front of me. “Dig in.” “Thanks kid.” I ruffled Liam’s hair and somehow that sent Hannah grinning from ear to ear. “What?” I couldn’t help but ask, but the woman’s grin only grew wider. If that were even possible. “Good morning Hannah.” I was about to press the matter when the one I dreaded to see suddenly spoke from behind me, sending my heart hammering in my chest. Crap! “Mr Easton?” Shock registered on the older woman's face, but before I could think more of it, a wide smile replaced it. "It's so good to see you down here. What can I get you? Coffee?” Down here? Whatever Hannah meant by that I couldn't think about as the pounding in my heart only got louder the longer Ethan took to answer her question. I felt his gaze on me. Was he distracted…by me?” "I'll have what they are having." Ethan slipped in the seat in front of me and suddenly I didn’t know what to do with myself. And he was shirtless? Of all the unfortunate things that could have happened to me today. Was he out to torture me? I sipped on my coffee, hoping, praying that he wouldn't notice how much his presence affected me. How so very unprofessional of me! "Oh thank God." Hannah seemed to offer a silent prayer of thanks to the heavens before she carried on. The kid couldn't stop beaming either, making me realize that I'd missed some important occurrence. “Good morning, Miss Bryson.” Were morning voices supposed to sound so…sexy? And why the hell was he whispering, making me want to lean in and let that velvety sound caress every part of my soul? “Good morning, Mr. Easton.” I croaked out, eyes boring into my bowl of cereal as though it was the most interesting thing. “And Linda is just fine.” “Only if you call me Ethan.” Was he bargaining with me right now? I scowled at that, but was met with a show stopping smile that made my stomach come alive with butterflies and me taking the deal. “Fine.” I turned to my cereal, determined to ignore all the amount of temptation calling out to me. If only I was on the same page with my mind that kept replaying all I had seen so far. "So we should probably talk about how this is all going to work out.” Starting with you putting a damn shirt on! "Ta, ta, ta... there will be no talk of business while you eat!" A glare from Hannah landed on Ethan and Liam as if daring them to comment on my statement. "Yes ma'am." "Yes ma'am." "Linda, dear?" I was still stunned at the obedience displayed by the two people in front of me when Hannah's scolding made me jump. "Yes ma'am?" "Good." "I thought she was supposed to be sweet." I whispered without thinking when the woman turned away and nothing would have prepared me for the two goofy grins that got displayed in front of me. "Don't let her hear you." Ethan leaned in and whispered before scooping a spoonful of cereal and shoving it in his mouth. A very sensual mouth! "Because that, apparently, is part of her being nice too." "Oh? I see." I turned to my cereal too, but not because I was scared of Hannah. This was such a bad idea!
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