#7 - A Near Kiss?

1711 Words
My job interview was supposed to change my life, but this was not how the whole damn thing should have turned out. Still pacing in the beautiful garden I had escaped to, I glared at the impossibly huge mansion that seemed to be smiling, ready to welcome me back into its warm prison. “Argh! Why the hell did it have to rain at that stupid moment?” I tugged at my hair as if that would get my brain spitting out options of how I was going to get out of this. Even though, technically, nothing was holding me here. I mean, despite signing what I had, or what their lawyer had said, I could walk out and forget all of this ever happened. But the kid… God! My emotions where already all over the place where he was concerned. I couldn’t just bring myself to break the promise I had made to Liam. Not when he’d gone to this extent to get me a job and made me feel so treasured. But then could I do it? Have someone depend on me, again? Let myself be sucked in, into a world that I had avoided like the plague? Family… The mere thought of it left me feeling so uneasy, I could pass out. Damn! My phone rang, making me jump. A reminder that the claws of my past still affected me more than I was willing to admit. My landlord's name flashing on the screen only made me even more uneasy. What the hell was I going to say? "Hello?" "Linda, hi. I just wanted to confirm that you won't be needing the apartment anymore before I put up a vacant notice." The cheerful voice on the other end of the line was surprising, but whatever they’d said was even more surprising. "What do you mean needing it anymore? I still live there. Oh my God, are you kicking me out?" It was probably long overdue, but being told it was actually happening– "Kicking you out? God no! What kind of monster do you think I am?” My landlord gasped. “Well, I didn’t think you were a monster.” I admitted sheepishly. “But I would understand if–” “Look, despite the circumstances of the last couple of months, you’ve been one of my best tenants. And why in God’s name would I do something I couldn't do when you still owed me?" "When I still owed you? That is past tense, Mr. Turner.” “Yes, yes. As of this morning your account is settled to the very last coin.” “To the very last–” My eyes widened at that. “Settled? How?” A movement in one of the upper rooms of the mansion caught my attention, giving me a possible answer to the ‘how’. But… he wouldn’t. Couldn’t have… “I’m going to have to call you back.” I cut the line, before I got a response and stomped my way back into the imposing building. How dare he?! “You, what did you do?” I barely kept myself from yelling once I stepped back into the office I had escaped from a while ago. Thankfully the jerk was alone this time around. “I’m assuming that was your landlord on the phone.” He wasn't even going to deny watching me? I scowled at that. But if he saw it, Ethan chose not to address it, making me scowl even more . His suit jacket discarded, he casually leaned back on the edge of his office table instead and folded his arms, the action drawing my attention to the bulge of his biceps through that perfectly fitted dress shirt. Weren’t businessmen supposed to be fickle and thin instead of bulky and sexy? Annoyance prickled at the thought that he was able to distract me so easily too. “I had Craig settle all your debts.” “All my– you can’t just go around paying my debts!” I fought to steer my wayward mind to what was important. “Would you rather have someone slit your throat, then?” His brow shot up. “No one’s going to slit my throa– Wait, how do you know someone was intending to slit my throat?” I swallowed hard at the thought. My landlord was not the only one I owed money to, but surely my other creditors wouldn’t think of– “How did you even find out about who I was owing?” And so soon? What else did he know? Feeling like an open book in front of him, I held my head high, hell bent on not letting the feelings of shame show. “You are welcome.” He turned to leave and the fighter in me wouldn’t settle for being dismissed like that. The least he could do was give me an answer. “We are not done!” I hissed, reaching for him as he passed by where I stood. I really needed to stop this newfound habit of grabbing onto the guy. “Anything else?” Those amber eyes pierced me with the most intense gaze as a warm breath sent tingles spreading all over, igniting a fire I’d thought was long extinguished after Chad. How the hell had he ended up coming so close? And what was he doing? My breath hitched when I felt a hand snake around my waist and I should have moved. When he leaned in, I should have taken a step back. No matter how small, I should have, instead of holding my breath and letting my eyes flutter shut in anticipation. “If there is nothing, Linda… we can go and make sure that all your stuff has been delivered.” “S–Stuff?” My eyes shot open as disappointment prickled. What was wrong with me? “You touched my stuff?” I demanded, albeit breathlessly. “Craig had the movers pack everything carefully.” Ethan spoke with that smooth tone as if that made it okay. How was he still so in control? “I’m not staying–” I couldn’t. If that near kiss just taught me anything, it was that this would turn out to be a total disaster. A near kiss? Could I even call it that? His arm was still wrapped around my waist, but that scrutinizing gaze certainly didn’t seem like a kiss was what he'd been aiming for. And why would he? It was not like I was his type or anything. “You haven’t even seen it yet.” He let go, still so composed. Unlike me. I did not know how to feel about that. “Seen what?” I evaded his thoughful gaze and sank on the couch. “Your room–” “I do not need a view of some room to make my decision.” “I decided to have you close to Liam’s…” He carried on as if he’d not heard a word I said. I hated that too and was about to snap at him when his son rushed back into the room and gave me a hug of death. At least that’s how the little kid’s tight hold felt like around my neck. “This will be so much fun!” “No it won’t” I shook my head, hoping the kid would get that we were on different pages now. “And eavesdropping is so not cool.” Liam reacted to the later with a sheepish grin before his little eyes lit up with excitement again. “Of course it will, I promise. I mean, you and me being so close will be just as if we share a room. We’ll read stories and play games–” “I don’t even like games.” I pouted even as I felt my decision take another hit from all that excitement shinning in the kid’s eyes. “Don’t tell me you are one of those weirdos who’ve never played a game in their life.” “I–I am not.” I felt like shrinking under the kid’s judging gaze. Where the hell had he learned to do that? An apple doesn’t fall that far from the tree. My mind gladly pointed out, making me notice that his father had me under his gaze too. Heavy with something I couldn’t quite decipher. “That’s okay, I’ll teach you.” “Liam… I am not stayi–” The kid was up and running, pulling me along before I could say anymore. “He’s never invited anyone to play with him in a long time.” Ethan pointed out as he leaned on the door to the room where I’d been dumped by the kid after letting me know that he hoped I liked it. “Stop encouraging him. My life is out there, not here.” I felt a pinch in my chest at my own words. “Did Craig get everything that is important to you?” “Well, yes, but that is not the point.” I couldn’t believe how little my stuff was. My whole life had been folded and packed in a couple of medium sized bags. Or maybe it was because of this luxurious and gigantic room that was going to be my bedroom that made them appear so little. “Good then. Anything else?” Ethan asked and I hated him sounding like he actually cared. This was just a job. One I was being force.d to take. “Don’t sound like you care about me. This is just a job.” I grumbled, defeated. “I don’t sound like I care, Miss Bryson.” He came close. Too close, making my heart race. “I do care about you.” “Why?” I shouldn't have bothered, but I needed a distraction or I swear my legs would have turned to jelly if he kept staring at me like that. “Because my son is important to me and this job is about him, which makes you very important to me.” “Oh.” Was that disappointment I felt?
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