Chapter 2,

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Chapter 2, The Arrival Of Dalicia In Amsterdam The Arrival Of Dalicia In Amsterdam Upon arrival in Amsterdam, Dalicia was struck by the modernity and history of that place, even if she felt a certain cold! They were expected by a certain Francisco from the Tropical Night Club who was along an avenue renowned for its red lights: here many girls were put on display as if they were display mannequins and from what he could see, that type of activity was carried out even in the morning. They arrived at the Night Club of Francisco, they were greeted by a robust body garden with an earphone in their ear that led them into the room with large sofas, while Maitresse asked Dalicia if she liked her new home because from that day on. , it would stay there. While waiting Dalicia looked around and began to disgust every point of that place for the very provocative decor, with statues that depicted every s****l position without any restraint, with photos of n***d women, while in that instant, the door opened of Francisco's room who let them in. She hugged Dalicia's Maitresse and then she too was introduced to her new boss who began to look at her without letting her express how she felt: he wanted to see her without clothes and Dalicia obeyed, even though she was shaking with embarrassment, but she had no choice! When he undressed, he spun her around and then wanted her to parade down the aisle as he heard his enthusiasm for the new purchase he was about to make, thanking Maitresse, who will stay with them for two evenings to observe Dalicia how she would behave with new customers! At that moment Dalicia thought back to Francisco's words, which for him was a purchase but she did not consider herself to belong to anyone! After the introduction, Dalicia was seated in her new room much larger than the one she had in Kenya and when she entered, she observed the walls of the room which had weird s*x tools hanging for the most demanding clients, in case she needed to please them up. at that point, even if she, she hoped never to meet them. Dalicia began to observe all her new room in silence, while the Maitresse, continued to exult for all that she had just obtained! Evening came, and Dalicia had to get ready with a new lingerie, she was wanted for one in the morning down in the room where, like her, there were other girls who had to dance the Lamp-Dance when other customers arrived and in these two evenings, Dalicia would only work in the night club because the "Lady" wanted to be sure she had brought a reliable girl who always followed the rules of the "ride". In the meantime she was made up and sent down to the ballroom, waiting for her was a short-haired lady of a certain age who taught her the steps to be able to do on the tube, where if on request, she would take off her clothes. The two evenings passed quickly, but not for Dalicia who was the victim of several misadventures with disgusting customers who required absurd performances and that morning, at the end of those two evenings, when she woke up she was left alone without warning by her Maitresse, who had left for Kenya. He got out of bed and went into the breakfast room with the other girls, while at that moment, Francisco's assistant arrived and brought him half of the money they had earned. When she received her package, she was not very eager to open it like the others because inside, she continued to despise with all herself what was happening to her. For that night, she thought she had had the night off as a part of those girls, but since she had just arrived, they wanted to "test" her on the street, where for them, it was a way to win new customers for the club and if had she succeeded, she would have received even more money. Dalicia still obeyed, and in the late afternoon, prepared with skimpy outfits to go into p**********n on the way! ... it arrived at night, and with other girls was put on a black van with tinted windows that did not allow to see out and then, she could not see where they were taking her, but Dalicia, did not yet know that in that vehicle with her, there were her future friends Giamila and Natasha whom she would meet when they got off, after a series of customers! Dalicia was left in the dark, along a tree-lined avenue near a wood where several cars passed along the road and the train behind it. At the beginning of that evening, she found herself alone with a few drops of rain that was falling on her, feeling n***d, shaking and afraid also because if she had not been with anyone, that night on her return, she would have received a punishment. She tried to get busy close to the others, although she had no intention of performing in those clothes, if they could be defined as such, she wore only a red miniskirt with a leotard over it, a black jacket, long leather boots and a small handbag where she kept her make-up, her phone, in case she had trouble with any clients, and finally, a box of condoms, so that their girls wouldn't be carriers of disease. After a long wait, she got into the first car of a fairly young client, who drove her nearby to a secluded spot so they could consummate their relationship. Without asking her what her name was, he told her that he found her very attractive and interesting, for that reason he got her into his car but when they were alone, he became more aggressive, tore her clothes off passionately and began to touch her without worrying about hurt her: he was only interested in an excellent performance, given how much he had to pay for it! After almost an hour he accompanied her back, not exactly to the place where he had found her but she anyway, gave him the business card of the night to use it if he was interested in her or the club again, he replied that surely he would returned and hurriedly, he unloaded it on the road and left immediately. When he got out of that vehicle, his first sensation was that he felt even dirtier than before, he couldn't imagine what he had just done but it was just the beginning of those evenings he should have spent there. She restarted by herself along the road, put herself back in her place and soon after was picked up by another customer: this was a bit older, he just wanted to look at her, touch her and also him, she left the business card of the nightclub. When he brought her back to where he had found her, he made her get out of his car throwing money at her on the wet road, humiliating her, while Dalicia could no longer understand who she was and if she would handle everything that was happening to her. It was some time before Dalicia dared to bend down to collect that money on the street, she didn't care much if they got wet and while she was at her position with legs shaking from the cold she started to cry but recovered , it had to be strong! Suddenly, while it continued to drizzle, she saw another girl similar to her approaching, a little more tired: it was Giamila and as soon as she saw her, Dalicia thought it might be a good idea to approach her to talk to her a little, both of them were in waiting for other customers and they didn't know they were part of the same club yet, as they had arrived at different times. At first, Giamila didn't seem like a type of many words, but Dalicia, managed to tell her his story ...
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