Chapter 1,

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Chapter 1, Dalicia Dalicia In a small town near Nairobi in Kenya, there is a girl named Dalicia with a coffee and milk complexion and black hair, with a white smile but at the same time sad, since she was a child she has always had to fight for her own. survival, her mother had abandoned her while her father had never known him. So, just seventeen out of the city orphanage, she found herself alone, along a street full of mud and rubbish left by passers-by, but she never imagined that one day it would become her life. When Dalicia was inside the orphanage, after her mother left her there one night while she was still sleeping at the door of the building, she thought she had found a quiet place to stay, but instead no, she had become the target of two false nurses who worked there and from the first time they saw her, they put their hands on her. At first they made her believe that they only wanted to visit her but it was not so, that time, when they closed the door of the infirmary, they abused her: she screamed, but without being heard by anyone, they covered her mouth with a tape giving her a strong slap to stun her, to r**e her, without any restraint, even if they saw her crying and suffering and when she left that room, she no longer even had the strength to weep and walk, for the pain that struck her inside her small body, being aware that what had happened to her, she could not tell and no one would believe her ! It was night and she continued to cry in silence, in her cold bed next to her other peers, with the fear of being targeted again by those two. Days passed, Dalicia began to live with that great pain that she carried inside, hoping to be able to get out of it, thanks to some family who went to visit the boys of the orphanage: if they decided to adopt her and take her away, it was the hope of a better life!... Nobody, however, seemed interested in her, so she began to resign herself and no longer settle down with care when the weekend came for visits: she suffered a lot from this! The years passed quickly, her seventeenth birthday arrived, she was sent away from the orphanage and when she came out of the sliding gate, she was confused, her heart was beating fast, she did not know where to go, what to do and what would happen to her! After crossing it, for one night Dalicia took refuge under a rusty car, with an orphanage blanket along with her trunk: the only memory of her mother, who had left him next to her when she left him on that cursed day, without knowing the real reason. Inside it were her few clothes and some notebooks with his old schoolwork in natural sciences: they were her only memory of the peaceful moments spent there, and while he looked at them, she fell asleep. In the morning Dalicia woke up, in front of her she saw a hot and pungent sun in her eyes still asleep and while she was awakening, a lady named Thaila approached her, with a large turban and a wide dress in bold colours. Dalicia when she heard her for the first time, it seemed to her a person with a warm voice, worried by the thought of seeing a girl alone in the street and at that point, Dalicia confessed to her that she was alone, without a family, that she had recently left the orphanage and she didn't know where to go! Mrs. Thaila got her into her car, she thought, that maybe she had finally found someone who wanted to take care of her, and she was happy about it! She agreed to follow her, and took her to his villa. When they arrived, Dalicia was amazed by the garden, it seemed almost an enchanted place among the tropical trees and the furniture enriched by many canopies, intriguing Dalicia to ask her what she was doing with it? But she didn't answer. They went up, saw many bedrooms and Thaila, replied that they were for her guests, made her sit in one of them putting her at ease, telling her that as soon as possible, she would have her housekeeper bring new clothes to her, while Dalicia, decided to arrange her things under the bed to keep them safe, but she was very tired and hungry and dozed off, for a few minutes. In that instant there was a knock on her door a couple of times… she didn't answer right away, and the lady who had found her started screaming her name, Dalicia, Dalicia! She did it aggressively, not with the worried tone she had known, leading Dalicia to become suspicious thinking that perhaps she hadn't done well to agree to follow her. She was afraid, she did not know what to do, whether or not to open the door or whether to escape from the window, but it remained too high to throw herself down and she was forced to stay, also because she did not know where to go! She opened the door, and that lady threw a slap in the face warning her not to make her angry anymore, ordering her to get ready for that evening, she wanted to introduce her to a friend of hers. While Dalicia was getting ready, secretly the lady stole her documents, then she started wandering around her room putting some herbs on the bed and while looking at her n***d body, she approached to give her some red underwear, but when Dalicia looked at herself in the mirror, she did not like herself as it was too flashy and put on a dressing gown, Thaila, told her that his friend, he would like it. That evening Dalicia still did not understand what was happening! Evening came, that house began to fill up with other girls like her: some of them were half n***d, others in slip, so Dalicia approached one of them to ask her what they should do? Iside, one of the youngest, replied that they had to keep company with some gentlemen who came to the villa and if they requested it, they had to move with them to their room, to then be paid at the end of each service. Dalicia realized that by staying there, she would become a p********e, but above all she understood many things when she saw one of the "nurses" of her orphanage enter first as a client: she could not believe it, but she was sure of who she had seen and understood why no one wanted adopting her, it was those two who decided her fate, making her sell it to this "lady", who ran the largest brothel in the city of Nairobi. After these reflections, she was called into the main hall where she passed by one of those two who had r***d her and at the idea, she was terrified, but only one blocked her to touch her and she again, could not do anything, to stop him! They looked into each other's eyes, he let her go and with that mischievous air said to her: > She did not respond to his provocation, but had to live again with her worst nightmare ... that of seeing them again and she thought that one evening, they could have her back, for a few coins! She had just arrived and was considered interesting for special customers, so that evening, half-n***d she remained in the company of a very intransigent gentleman, she was very scared and did not know what would happen, he was a man in his fifties who as soon as he saw her, looked at her and he grabbed it as if it were an object to use at his pleasure, starting to touch it everywhere, especially around his legs, requesting it then, in the room to be alone. They went upstairs and arriving along a corridor to Dalicia's room, he took her violently slamming her against the wall, taking off her clothes with a certain aggression. She began to tremble, but at that reaction, he stopped her with a heavy slap on the face that knocked her unconscious, thus being able to r**e her, in the roughest way anyone could not imagine! When she freed herself from that ignoble being who threw her money for her service on the ground, Dalicia remained grieving on the floor for the strong contractions, she could not move and for half an hour, no one noticed her condition so that the Maitresse entered. who forced her to get ready immediately for another client, but Dalicia didn't have the strength to answer her, she didn't feel like seeing anyone else for that evening, but her tormentor didn't care, he already wanted her fresh and helpful again and her only thought was to collect the money and leave without asking her why so much pain. Dalicia with the little strength she had on her legs, went out of her room, she knew that if she didn't go out, "that Lady" would surely kill her. She was observed by several customers who tugged at her giving her some money and after a few hours, the second and last customer of the night arrived: a somewhat rough-looking man who immediately wanted to meet her and without knowing her name, began to touch her immediately asking her to come up. With little voice, Dalicia answered yes and they found themselves in her room, this time the second client only asked her to undress in front of him and o******x, while she did it, he screamed the name of another woman saying to her , who was a w***e and after finishing, Dalicia ran to the bathroom to throw up everything she had been feeling at that moment! He left the bathroom, that customer was gone, he thought that he had not even paid for it but had to change his mind, on his bedside table he saw a large sum, he was amazed and a part of that money hid them hoping to be able to escape, then giving the other half, to the "Lady" as agreed. Dalicia returned to her room where she began to cry, then slipped under the shower to free herself as she hoped, from what she had suffered throughout the evening, being aware that it took time to get rid of everything and that unfortunately, she had to repeat it. that the Maitresse had stolen her documents and declared her to belong to her. The next day she slept in her room, at least, she tried to do so that she was awakened by the maid who brought her food: a sturdy lady of very dark skin, who knew of a cook but who as soon as he gave her breakfast, left without speak to her. Dalicia got out, was a little better and went to the garden of the villa, she was attracted by nature and animals, at the end of this nightmare, she would have liked to continue her studies to become a veterinarian or simply take care of animals, even if she did not know if she would never have succeeded, given her situation! She narrowed her eyes and felt the strong scent of the flowers that entered her nostrils and remained delighted but her moment of peace ended when she was called back by that "Lady" who wanted to inform her of a new move for her, would take her far away from Nairobi to move to Amsterdam, Holland where she was requested by a night club boss who had seen her in a photo and wanted her immediately. Dalicia was speechless, that woman once again had decided her fate! She spent her last evening pleasing several customers, the next morning accompanied by the Maitresse, she had to leave for Amsterdam and after that eventful night without having the chance to rest, they left immediately for the airport. When they arrived, the Maitresse made her pass for her niece, reaching the credibility of the officers, and Dalicia with her few suitcases she had, got on the plane, hoping to return one day to Kenya, as a free woman!
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