Chapter Three

1160 Words
When we pulled up at the house, I was so glad to see everyone’s cars and no one waiting outside for us. Getting out, Alex went straight to the backseat and unlocked the baby. I watched him and then we headed into the house together. It was strangely quiet. Walking down to the living room, Everyone was in there, Reta, Mum, Dad, Chris, His Husband, Fang and his new Bride and Parker, They were talking among themselves, not realising I had come into the room. I cleared my throat, trying to get everyone's attention, It worked. They all turned to look at me, Waiting for what the big surprise is. ‘Thanks for coming everyone’. ‘No worries, What’s this about?’ Chris was the one to speak first. ‘Well... We have someone for you all to meet’. As I said that, Alex came around the corner carrying Orian, Now out of his car seat and awake. As he entered the room, everyone instantly stood up, ‘Everyone, This is Orian, Our son’. I told them. ‘Oh my gosh, he’s beautiful!’. My mum came rushing over, Followed close behind by Grandma Reta and then everyone else. ‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!’ I stole a look at Alexander and gave him an ‘’I told you so’’ look. He just rolled his eyes playfully and passed the baby over to his mother to have first cuddles. Alexander’s P.O.V I passed the baby over to my mum and went to sit down on the chair. It was so nice seeing how excited and happy the family was about the baby. I never for a second doubted that it would be any different, I knew everyone would love him, But, Seeing it made it even more amazing. Kane looked over at me and I offered a smile, More than surprised when he returned it. He whispered something in Rose’ ear and then came over to sit next to me. ‘So, Made me a grandfather then have you?’ He joked. I smiled and nodded ‘Is that OK?’ ‘Well, What can I say, He’s f*****g adorable’. ‘Yes, He really is’. It was nice to be able and sit here with my brother and talk without animosity. ‘Look, Kane..’ I turned my whole body to face him, Sighing as I did so, debating mentally whether I should bring this up now or not… ‘Yes?’ He waited. ‘Can we please just... Leave everything in the past and move forward?’ He remained silent, ‘I’ll hold my hands up and admit I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes when it comes to you and.. Others, but..’ ‘But?’ I didn’t really know how to word it without the possibility of offending him, and I didn’t want that. I was treading on eggshells. ‘We have both made mistakes and choices that... In a long run have sort of worked out-’ ‘You mean like you cheating on your girlfriend, her cheating on you with me, selling her to a vampire that apparently got her pregnant, turning her, falling in love with my daughter and now giving me a Grandson?’ ‘Well, When you put it like that’. There was silence for a moment, and I started to worry if this was truly a bad idea, but after a few seconds… that felt like hours, he smiled again. ‘I’ve definitely made mistakes to Alexander, but bringing that little boy into this family would an amazing thing to do. If you can forgive me for my mistakes, I can forgive yours’.  I stood up and so did he. ‘Brother?’ I asked, Opening my arms. ‘Brother!’ He confirmed and we hugged. I didn’t even realise that the other members of our family were watching until we pulled away and suddenly felt quite a few pairs of eyes on us. ‘Ok, Ok, Nothing to see here, Back to the baby’. I told them sternly and walked over to the bar cart to get a nice, strong drink. Raven’s P.O.V ‘Oh Honey, What happened to your face?’ My mum asked, raising her hand to tilt my head back and take a closer look at the cut and bruise on my chin. ‘Oh, it’s nothing mum, Honest’. I pulled my head away and looked down, Trying to hide it. ‘It looks pretty painful. What happened?’ This time it was my dad that spoke. ‘Honestly, nothing, I had an accident’. All the memories I was trying to hide and forget about from last night and what Alexander had told me came flooding back. I hard a gasp from across the room and my eyes shot up. Chris had read my thoughts and heard and saw what I was thinking. Fuck. Chris, We need to talk - I thought over to him silently. He nodded and I excused myself and left the room, with him following close behind. ‘Right, what the f**k happened?’ I rolled my eyes, annoyed. ‘You already know, you read my mind!’ I snapped. ‘We agreed we would never do that to each other!’ ‘You were lying to your mother about how you got hurt!’ He snapped back. ‘FIne!’. I sighed and looked down, trying desperately to think of something… anything I could say, but nothing was acceptable now other than the truth... And that's exactly what I gave him. Every Last Detail. ‘f**k! Are you safe? Is Alexander prepared for if this nutjob comes back?’ I nodded, even though I wasn’t completely sure. I put my mental wall up when we started this conversation, so Chris had no idea of my mental doubts. Luckily. ‘Come on, We should get back in there’. I started walking before he really had time to respond, but he grabbed hold of my arm as I stood in the doorway and leaned in close. ‘Don’t you think its weird that people are dying and they have some connection to Alex?’ I thought about it for a moment. Not everyone has a connection... ‘You’re being stupid’. ‘You can honestly say that you don't think its coincidental?’ ‘I think its completely coincidental!’ I told him firmly as I walked back over to the family... Before he could see the doubt on my face. 
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