Chapter Four

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*** A couple of Weeks Later*** I came bouncing down the stairs and headed towards Alexanders study. I knew he would be there, working, My parents had decided to take the children for a couple of days, to give me and Alex some alone time, to bond with Orian and to spoil Parks. She wasn’t getting upset, but you could just tell that she was a little down sometimes when people would pay lots of attention to the baby and maybe not as much as we should to her. But she understands that a baby NEEDS extra attention, but we really need to remember that it’s probably hard for her, going from being the only child for hundreds of years to suddenly having a baby brother. She adores him, but, as I said, you could just tell sometimes she feels a little left out. As I approached the door, I gave it a loud knock as I went inside. As usual, he was sat behind his desk, hard at work. I smiled to myself, wandering over to him. ‘Working hard?’ He looked up quickily and smiled back at me. ‘You know it, baby’. I fake pouted, ‘What?’ ‘You’re always working’. He playfully rolled his eyes and pushed himself away from his desk, but didn’t stand. ‘Come here’. Grinning like a Cheshire-cat, I went around the desk and plonked myself down onto his lap. ‘You know you’re my number one’. I giggled. ‘Oh really?’ ‘Well, You share that spot with two other special people but yeah, of course, you nutter’. ‘You’re f*****g adorable’. He just laughed as my lips pressed against his and I kissed him passionately. God, I can’t wait to be married to this man. As our lips danced together, My hands started running down his body, Just wanting to touching him.. And get him naked. I wanted him right now. Getting off his lap, I moved myself to his on his desk and pulled him to his feet. As soon as he was stood in front of me, My hands moved at lightning-quick speed to get his jeans unbuttoned and zipped and soon as they were, I pulled them down, along with his boxers. His c**k was already rock hard and stood to attention. I bit my lip in excitement as I looked up at him. ‘Hmm, Someone is all excited’. ‘f**k right I am!’ I looked up at him as I wrapped my hand tight around his d**k and started slowly... Almost teasingly pumping him. I licked my lips, making him grin before I leaned forward and replaced my hand with my mouth and sucked him all the way mouth and down my throat. His moans filled the room. Pulling off him, I started a steady rhythm, bobbing my head up and down. ‘Oh god, You’re mouth feels so good baby’. His words were only encouraging me to go faster, I really wanted to please him, and my efforts were rewarded with his moans and groans of pleasure and satisfaction. My quick movements changed to slow, deep ones, making sure he was completely filling my mouth and balls deep before I pulled off him again. *BUZZ-BUZZ...BUZZ-BUZZ...BUZZ-BUZZ..* I pulled off Alex completely and looked up at him. His phone was ringing. ‘Why did you stop?!’ He wasn’t best pleased, ‘I was about to c*m!’. ‘Who’s calling you?’ He shrugged. ‘Well, See if it's my mum or dad, Maybe there is a problem with the kids’. The realisation hit him and he grabbed his phone and answered the call before even checking the number. ‘Hello?... Oh, hey, You OK?’ He mouthed ‘’its just Fang’’ to me. f**k sake, Stopped for nothing. ‘Oh really? Yeah, of course, you guys can come over-’. I got bored hearing a one-sided conversation and went back to pleasuring him. It was almost funny to hear him moaning, trying to control himself while talking to his younger brother. ‘Yeah, yeah, Ok see you soon, bye’. I could tell he was rushing to get off the phone and when he did, He pulled away again. ‘You teasing little minx’. I bit my lip, trying to act sexy. ‘What you gonna do about it?’ Sighing, He grabbed my hands and helped me to my feet, before pulling his boxers and jeans back up, Covering himself. ‘Awww, no fair!’. ‘Baby, you’re so lucky my brother is on his way over, or I’d bend you over this desk and pound that yummy little p***y of yours until you screamed and begged me to stop’. He threatened. His words alone made me soaking wet. Fuck, I wanted him so bad. Like he could sense it, He stepped closer to me and pressed his body against mine. ‘See, Not nice when someone teases you, is it?’ Laughing to himself, he moved away and started heading out of the room. Oh, that’s so unfair! Straightening out my clothes, I ran after him, From what he was mumbling on his way out, Fang and Kat would be here soon. 
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