First kiss?

1455 Words
"I never knew you were dating and had a girlfriend," Archie said, his icy cold eyes falling on Celeste who looked quite beautiful right now. She shook her head and refused. "I thought you should be dating a reputed doctor, not a mere club waitress." He taunted, irritatingly. Celeste's face lost it's shine when she heard that. "I am a waitress, not a stripper." She taunted him. A while before his tone was so rude and humiliating. As if being a waitress was the cheapest job in the world. Celeste realised Archie was insulting her again the same way he did that day, "Does it make any difference?" Archie asked her. "That's my club and I obviously knew how waitress ready to jump on anyone's bed if thrown money on them." Archie taunted her again. The tissue she was holding in her hand was crushed angrily. "Hey.. Wait wait.. Celeste and I are quite good friends." Andrew held Celeste's hand and smiled. Archie's irritated even more to see that. He wanted to take away Celeste at the moment and locked her somewhere. But only he knew how he managed to stay calm even after seeing them there. "Do you know each other?" Andrew asked Archie wondering. Before Archie say anything, celeste interrupted him. "No.. Not at all. I never know him." She said that made Archie annoyed. she tried to get up but then her eyes went to Zina standing behind Archie. The same model whose name was rumoured to be Archie's girlfriend. Their scandal was posted on the front page when she searched about them. Zina approached them and grabbed Archie's elbow. "Archie, I think we should not disturb them. Let them have their time." Zina held Archie's hand, and they went to their seat, which was just opposite Celeste's. They both sat in their places. Celeste felt a little uncomfortable when Archie sat straight from where he could see her. Meanwhile, Archie was restless, wondering if something was going on between Celeste and Andrew. "If they are a couple and Andrew marries her, I'll lose everything. I'll lose a single penny of the Turner group," Archie muttered, becoming even more nervous. He couldn't let them pair up or marry at any cost. "Did you say something?" Zina asked him. She understood Archie was staring at Celeste.". "No. Why did you call me here?" Archie took a glass of wine and started drinking. Zina wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer to her. "Archie, please forgive me. I shouldn't have said those things about your grandpa that day," Zina told him. "I love you very much," she said, but Archie's attention wasn't on her. His eyes just stayed on Celeste. "What happened? Tell me," Zina asked. "Huh..." Archie looked at her with a blank face. Celeste was shocked at how Andrew and Archie were so close, even calling each other so casually as if they had known each other for a long time. Her face turned nervous. "Archie Turner, maybe he's here on a date with his girlfriend. Anyway, how is Jack?" Andrew asked Celeste. They started talking. Celeste took her first bite of food and suddenly found it very spicy. Andrew quickly gave her water to drink. Seeing this made Archie even more jealous. Celeste glanced towards Archie and Zina. The wine glass slipped from her hand and fell to the floor. "Ohh..." Celeste stood up from her seat. "No problem, you can clean it in the washroom," Andrew said. Celeste also wanted to leave for a while. She got up and went to the girls' washroom. She arrived and grabbed a tissue paper to clean the wine that spilt on her clothes. She didn't know what happened when she saw Archie and Zina together and just split it. She cleaned it and looked at her face in the mirror. Fixing her face a little bit, she turned to leave. Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist. Celeste was startled when it happened. She turned back and found that the person was no one else but Archie Turner. She tapered her eyes. "What? What are you doing here?" The door was just behind her, and she had no idea when Archie arrived there. But why? "Oh wow... I didn't know that you had plans to come here with Andrew. I might as well join you. Haha..." He laughed with a scary laugh. Celeste turned nervous. Did he come to take revenge for what she did last evening? "What's going on between you and Andrew? Is he your boyfriend?" he gritted his teeth and asked her. Celeste was puzzled, wondering what made him so angry. "What's wrong with you? What does it have to do with you?" she asked, trying to snatch her hands away from him. But the more she tried to take it back, the more fiercely Archie kept holding it. His grip around her wrist tightened as if he was ready to break it. "You denied everything from me just because he is your boyfriend, right?" he asked in an annoyed tone, jealousy in his eyes. Celeste tried to get away, but Archie pinned her against the wall, pushing himself against her. His eyes went to her deep neckline; from his height, her breasts were visible. "You don’t wear such clothes; then why today? You did it just because you want to seduce him, right?" Suddenly, the sound of shoes started coming from behind. Someone was approaching the washroom. Celeste was looking at Archie angrily. "Celeste..." Andrew was knocking on the door and calling out to Celeste. "Are you okay?" Andrew sounded a bit worried. Archie brought his lips close to Celeste's ear, his breath touching her ear. Goosebumps spread across her entire body. Maybe no one had ever come this close to Celeste before. "Tell me, if he's not your boyfriend, then why is he so worried about you? Are you not dating him huh? " Archie said, his warm breath driving Celeste crazier than his words. All her senses were becoming active. "Let me go, or I'll scream, and your friend will find out what you're doing here with me," Celeste threatened him. Archie smirked. "As if your threat makes any difference to me," Archie said, leaning his whole body against Celeste. As Celeste opened her mouth to scream, Archie covered her mouth with his. He grabbed her hands tightly and started kissing her forcefully. "Uhhh... Leave me... Archie..." She was trying to push him away, but the more she did, the more he was kissing her aggressively. Their lips were fighting a strange battle; he was trying to swallow her, and her lips were getting away from his. He grabbed her shoulder and started sucking her lips. He just wanted to shut her mouth, but he never knew she tasted so delicious. Her words were melting into his mouth, and his hands, which were gripping her body, now started moving to her waist. "Celeste... Are you there? Celeste?" Andrew kept knocking on the door, but Celeste could not even respond. Her lips were being invaded by his lips; he was kissing her as if he owned her. It's all his; he wanted to savour everything right now. Andrew left, the sound of tapping shoes fading, but Archie was not ready to leave Celeste; he kept holding her. Celeste bit his lips aggressively. Archie immediately left her and backed away. He touched his lips and found blood on his fingertips. He stared at her annoyingly. "Don't do that to me again." Celeste pushed his chest and walked out of the washroom. When she came out, Andrew was talking with Zina. He saw Celeste coming out with a panicked face, almost crying. Andrew was stunned to see her this way and turned worried. "Celeste, what happened to you?" he asked, grabbing her shoulder. Celeste shook her head and grabbed her purse. She did not want to stay there even for a moment. "What happened, can you tell me? If anyone tried to..." Andrew asked angrily. But Celeste refused to say anything, her eyes glassy. "Nothing. Can we leave?" She asked him, Andrew nodded and grabbed his car keys. They both stepped out of the restaurant, and the car fled away. Zina stood there and watched Archie coming out with bruised lips. Her nostrils flared up, her guess turned out to be correct; it was Archie who might have kissed her brutally. Archie was someone for whom girls were ready to die, what exactly happened between them? "What's wrong with your lips?" She asked Archie. "Nothing. I think I should leave. I have a meeting now." Archie said and walked out of the restaurant and found Celeste had already left.
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