Ten: Louisa Endless

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Chapter Ten: Louisa Endless             My brother was home, and we finally were going to try to save my sister. I should have been happy about this. After helping Tatiana pack, I went to my room where Nia was pacing back and forth.             “I don’t like this,” she said, “she’s too young, and you know that children are the most susceptible in Faerie. What if something happens?”             “I don’t like it either,” I said.             “Then why are you letting her go?” Nia demanded.             “Because,” I said, “she deserves to get to know her father, and she deserves to see her mother again. Bradley is the best shot at that happening.”             “I think I should go with him,” Nia said.             I was surprised by her request. “I thought you said you wouldn’t go back. Not until Edward wasn’t on the throne.”             “This is for Tatiana,” Nia said, “and I know it’s dangerous, and I know we might not see each other again…”             I pressed a finger to her lips. “Please,” I said, “don’t talk like that. You were the head of the Queens Army. If anyone could help save my family, it’s you.”             Nia raised an eyebrow. “You’re not going to stop me?”             “I suspected when you were talking about working with Bradley, you weren’t talking about doing it at home. I know you, Nia. You like saving people. I’m grateful that you’ve stayed and helped me out these past several years, but you were never supposed to playhouse.”             She smirked. “I know I wasn’t. But I do like playing house. I love our life here with Tatiana. Even if we have a roof that leaks, and we have to fight off demons and swat pixies occasionally.”             I smiled. “I’m glad. Then, go. Help my family. Help our family. I’ll be back when you get here.”             “You know what I would like to do when I get back?” Nia asked.             “What’s that?”             “Marry you,” she said.             I stared at her, shocked. “Nia…I…. you’re positive?”             She nodded. “I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, and you’re the one that I want Louisa. I was in Faerie for hundreds of years, and no one else ever made me feel the way that you did. In front of all of our family and friends, I want to make it official. What do you say, my darling girl?”             My heard was pounding against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and I kissed her. “A thousand times, yes,” I replied when I pulled away, breathless.             Nia smiled, and stroked my cheek. “I don’t want to leave you.”             “I know,” I said, “but I have to stay here. And someone has to make certain that Bradley doesn’t mess Tatiana up more than she already is.”             “Then, I guess I’d better pack.”             “I’ll help,” I said.             I took her by the hand and led her to our bed. Nia laughed as we fell into it. “Louisa,” she said, “that wasn’t what I meant when I said pack.” I grabbed my staff that I’d placed nearby, and I tapped it a few times making it glow. Nia’s things floated, and started to pack themselves. “I can multi-task,” I said into her mouth as I kissed her and pulled her into me on the bed. 
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