Nine: Hook

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Chapter Nine Hook             The most bull s**t phrase in the world is ‘and they lived happily ever after’. Happily Ever After implies that happiness is something that is eternal. But happiness come and goes in waves. When I set sail with Emma, we were happy. Her, me, and the boy. Edward might not have been mine by blood but he was my son in more ways than one. I raised him.             Clark was never too far. He visited the ship when he could, and sent us help if we were ever in danger. When Emma made a deal with The Omen to give Edward a home, she hadn’t been in her right mind. She’d escaped a forced marriage from a Faerie King. She’d killed her husband. Gotten pregnant. And trapped in hell by the man who was supposed to be her adopted brother who she’d awkwardly been in a relationship with based on childhood trauma and longing.             Oberon had played mind games with her, convinced her that the child was a vessel for him. Determined not to bring back the man that had haunted her for her whole life, she gave away the child to be used by The Omen.             A vicious demon who lured children to their deaths and fed off rage and anger.             There was no true way to kill a demon. They could only be exorcised. But the trouble was, getting close enough to do it.             For the first seventeen years of his life, Edward Endless was a sweet, kind boy. He liked swimming with dolphins and had a crush on a mermaid who frequently followed us during our travels. Then, on his eighteenth birthday, everything changed.             I remembered it clearly.             Emma and I had been asleep, in the Captain’s Quarters. The door creaked open, and I saw Edward standing over me.             I frowned when I saw him. He wasn’t the type to sleepwalk. “Eddie,” I said, “everything alright?”             “You’re not my father,” he said.             His eyes weren’t the same green of his mothers that they normally were. They were black.             “Boy,” I said, “you don’t know what you’re saying----”             “I’m not your boy!” he snarled at me.             With a sword in his hand, he lunged at me.             Emma woke at that precise moment. “What the hell?”             “The omen!” I shouted, jumping from the bed just as Edward tried to stab me with the sword again.             To my surprise, Emma reached for a necklace she’d started keeping on her neck not too long ago. It had a crystal, clear liquid in it that seemed to glow strangely. She got up from the bed and rounded to where Edward was.             “You’re not my son!” she shouted.             Edward turned to look at her, his head slightly lopsided, and glared. “I’m what you made me, mother. You sold me off to make me this! You couldn’t stand the thought of me in your womb. This is your fault.”             “I know,” Emma said, “I know what I did to you, my darling. I’m sorry for it. I’m also sorry for this, too.” Before I knew what was happening, Emma tossed the vial of water on Edward’s face. He let out a sharp cry, and dropped his sword.             “Hook! Grab him!” she demanded.             With a kick, I knocked him on the ground as he struggled and then grabbed hold of his arms. He thrashed against me.             “I’m going to kill you, pirate,” said Edward, “you’re not good enough to touch my mother let alone f**k her! She belongs with my father! The King of Faerie! I’m going to make sure that happens.”             “No, you’re not,” said Emma, “you’re going on a f*****g time out.”             Edward looked at me and laughed. “What are you going to do?”             “Hecate!” she called.             There was a gust of wind, and the First Witch stood before us. She glanced from the thrashing Edward to Emma. “Well,” she said, “aren’t you mother of the year. I wondered how long it would be before you called me.”             “I don’t need sarcasm,” she said, “I need help.”             “I can see that,” she said, “and as always, I live to serve.”             “Emma,” I said, “Emma do you know what your doing?”             “What a mother must do,” she said darkly.             “Then,” I said, “I’ll help. Whatever way I can.”             “f**k you, pirate!” Edward swore.             That was when we did the most dangerous thing I had ever done. And the perfect little world Emma and I had built for ourselves was stripped away. But one way or another, we would get it back. I swore it.      A/N: DREAMERS! It finally happened. I am beginning to update this story again. I'm so sorry for how long it took. I got distracted by other projects and health issues, but I revisited the other books and made myself fall in love with the story again. I'm going to try and keep this free until its finished, because fantasy, as much as I love it, tends to be harder to write ending wise. I also know a lot of you waited a long time and I'm thankful you were patient for the most part.  Love n' stars,  Cambria Covell P.S. I've started an art ** @cambriacovellartist which is were I post sketches of characters and things if you'd like to follow. Also, you can find spotify playlists for The Fairy's Bargain, The Dragon's Heart, and The Dragon Queen as well as ones for the Royals and Rebels series!
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