Twenty-one: Nia

895 Words

Twenty-one: Nia             You do things to survive.            When you are an immortal, life isn’t about living anymore. At some point, it’s just about putting one foot forward. Getting to the next day. Because that’s all you have left. I was born into the Spring Court.             A bastard.             The product of an affair.             Fae are open minded creatures. To a point. But they do like their lineages. I wasn’t just of the Spring Court. I was also of the Winter Court. My father was a winter fae. Sir Aspen. He was tall, with skin dark as night, and icy blue eyes.  My mother was a Spring Fae.             The sister of Lord Floris.             When my uncle found out that my Mother had had an affair with a winter faerie, he waited long enough for me to be bor

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