Chapter 8

1145 Words
Inside the Vogue bar, place furniture richly and classic likely known as the devil dom. It is a spot where powerful men and women always visit and mostly at dusk time. Lilly was seated at one of the tables beside the corner of the bar. She didn't know what led her here but she thought it would be the best place for her to express her pains. She had received numerous phone calls from her uncle Thomas and his wife, but she didn't bother herself to pick up any of their calls. What the in need in that, she had always been a puppet to them all her life, listening to every word they told her and following their instructions carefully without making any mistake. And what came out of all these, was nothing but a backstabbed, a big betrayal she couldn't forget even after thousands of years past. She can't believe she had always been a pushover to them all this while. Everything she had always done was for them to appreciate her and Loved her instead they treated her like a commoner. She had never hidden anything from them right her childhood, she accepted them as her parents and told them everything that ever happened to her even when Michael first ask her out, she told them first. The memories of that day were as fresh to her as fresh fruit on top of the tree. The way he speak to her was so sweetie like she was the only woman on Earth. She thought it was love and nothing else but her instinct was wrong. The love she had always thought it is, was just a game for them to humiliate her. What had she done wrong that didn't see right in their sight! She has given Micheal her heart and soul, she was ready to climb the highest floor just for him. She had never expected not even in her wildest dreams that he would one day betray her in such a way that would strike her to the deepest sea. And most especially with her cousin Sofia who she had loved with all her heart right from the time she first saw her. Was this how wicked and heartless life could be to her? She thought they said no one would ever get to know about her spending a night with the strange man, she would have thought that was all a lie! They are just lying to her face all these while to get what they always wanted! Cheaters! They're nothing but liars and cheaters to her. “Hello Miss, are you okay?“ The bartender asked since the girl have been souring in drinks. “I..I.. am fine!“ She shouted and laughed funnily without knowing what was fun to her. “Miss, I think you should go home now,” the bartender said in a calm tone despite the harsh tone the girl reply him. “Why?“ Lilly asked as she raised her head to look at the bartender standing in front of her but her vision was a bit dizzy that she couldn't get a clearer sight of his face. “Because this place isn't safe for girls liked you” the bartender replied tonelessly. “W-what? What do you mean not for girls like me? Do you think I'm a child and I can't make good of myself? Well, I'm just nineteen and I can take good care of myself without the help of anyone! Now, move away and get me more drinks!“ She snapped. The bartender refused to get what she demands, instead, he standby to help her before the wolves would devour her. “Miss, I think you had had enough. You have to go-” “Why harass the poor lady?“ A manly voice said behind the bartender which draws the eyes of both the bartender and the girl to him. He was a chubby man in his fifties, his neck was filled with priceless jewelry and also his fingers. He was holding a glass of wine in his left hand, his eyes were as dark as the night. He smiled when their attention has been drawn to him. he had been watching the girl and the bartender for a long time now and wondered why the bartender keeps on insisting the girl left when he could have fun with her just for the night. “Sorry sir, but she's drunk and needs to go home” the bartender explained but that only brought a mischief smile on the cubby man's face. That's good, unconscious girls are always sweet on the bed when they didn't get a single idea of what they are doing. It would be desirable to enjoy this lost sheep on his own. “Oh.. get away and stop bothering the lady, don't you see she didn't want to leave? Go and get her what she demands before you disturb her peace!“ The cubby man thundered. The bartender didn't want to leave, he knows if he left the girl behind, this man would take advantage of her! “Didn't you get what I just say? I said leave!“ He snapped again but didn't get a response from the bartender. With that, he chuckled lightly and get closer to the bartender to whisper something in his ear. “Do you want to leave here alive or dead? If you don't want to then, keep on resisting and I promise your head would be on the ground within two minutes” With that piece of the word, the bartender shivers and left immediately without thinking twice. He knows the man would do just what he says, in order not to be a victim of that, he had to get away as sooner as possible. When the bartender disappear out of sight, the cubby man turned to the girl and could see she was smiling sleepily at him. “What a sweet girl,” he thought and took his seat beside her. “Who are you?“ Lilly asks in her unconscious stage without knowing the intention of the man beside her. “Oh, I'm a good Samantha that would help you feel good,” the man said, dirty and nasty while his eyes washed over her body. “Hmmm, alright make me feel good!“ Lilly exclaimed excitedly. And the man was proud that his plans were getting in place. “Of course,” he said, leading his arms under her skirt to her thighs. “Get your arms away from her!“ A thunderous voice barked which send the all place quiet. And when the cubby man turned to see the intruder who dare to interrupt his scene, a cold chill shivers down to his throat. Then, he knows the gates of hell have opened!

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