Chapter 7

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In famous five star hotel on top the gallery roof where a large number of people seated enjoying their peaceful and glorious evening. Eating, laughing and discussing a business ideas. In one of the tables, seated a handsome man in retor blue suit. His appearance was enchanting but his face expression say a different story. He takes a look at his wrist watch and sighed. He has been seated for over twenty minutes now waiting patiently for the devil to arrived. What's keeping him so long? He wondered and looked at around but didn't get a sight of him expected for lusty ladies who was drooling over themselves for him despite the fact they're with men. “women” he muttered understand his breath as he shot them a flirting gaze. “Are you here to flirt with the ladies or have a meeting with me?” a deep voice said behind him which makes the ladies agape subconscious at the handsome creature that just arrived. Lucas smirked as he knew the person he was expecting have finally came out of his shell. He turned his gaze at him. “ Speak of the devil, what took you this long?“ He asked, “Do you really want to know?“ Nicklaus shot a serious glanced. “Oh let me guess, cutting of some assholes fingers?“ Lucas asked with a chuckle. “I guess you're right” Nicklaus said and take a seat. “Now, have you gotten what I ask for?“ Lucas smiled and brought out some file in a brown envelope and drop it on the table. “That's all the information you need to know about the girl. But let me ask, what interest you in this one? Is not that you don't have them every day” Lucas said, trying to find out what's the reason behind his actions. He had known Nicklaus right from young youthful ages and ladies don't not really fancy him that much since he can easily get them anytime he wants.. “What can I say. Maybe this one is different” he said calmly and smiled a little. Lucas was flattered, he had never witnessed Nicklaus smile so pure about a woman before. Since he had demanded for her report, he guess there would be more to this girl then he expected. “Because you slept with her and couldn't get enough?“ Lucas inquired raised an eyebrows at him. Nicklaus scoffed, “I guess the little mouse have told you already” “Little mouse? You know he's my younger brother and he would probably tell me everything” “And how he slept with women too?“ “No, apart from that. But he'd tell me how you demanded for the daughter of Thomas to get a deal done with him when I thought we're going to chop off his throat” “Yeah, that I wasn't sure of. I thinks there is something fishy about that girl and that so called Thomas. If I find out, he was lying to me? I would make him pay dearly for it.” “Alright, that I can assure you of. You'll find out whatever you want to know about the girl inside those files” “Hmm” Nicklaus sighed and snaps his fingers, a waiter man in black and white uniform ran up to him in an immediate response. “Yes sir?“ The waiter man said, “Get me a whiskey” Nicklaus demand and the man ran towards to the bar room. Lucas looked around and seem the ladies were still staring a them with lustful gazes. “Why, don't you chill out with one of the ladies?“ Lucas asked as he winked at them again. “No I can't do. They're out of my taste” Nicklaus uttered irritating at the ladies. He was surprised at himself he gets to refuse a gang of sexy whores the first time. what the hell have happened to him? “ WOW! That's shocking but I guess more for me than” Lucas inquired, as the waiter dropped the bottle of whiskey on the table with some glasses. At that moment, his phone vibrate from his breasts pocket. He grabbed on it and saw the caller ID. It was one of his men, he sent to watch over the girl. “Boss, she's drank” the man on the line said. “What bar is she in?“ Nicklaus asked as his expression become more colder and darker. “Vogue bar” the man on the line reply. “Alright I'll be there in just few minutes and make sure to get your eyes on her and don't allow any bastards come close to her” Nicklaus warned, the man on the line clearly understand what he means. He knows if he dare to make a slight mistake of losing the girl from his sight, he would be dead as a dead meat! “Yes boss!“ He responded in a submission tone. Nicklaus ended the call and stood up from his chair. “What happened?“ Lucas asked, wanting to know the what's up because from the expression of Nicklaus face, he knews something ain't well. “Nothing, much. Just going to have a fun ride. Are you coming?“ Nicklaus asked with mischief smile, and Lucas could tell whatever this fun ride Nick was referring to, it going to end up being bloody. “Sure”
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