
833 Words
Abby We've been running for almost a week now and the pain has gotten worse, not better. I know he's f*****g that w***e. He's always f*****g her. He has no respect or compassion for how it will affect me. I almost lost Judas when he started this s**t and he blamed me. f*****g Me! He was the one who was cheating, not me! And he f*****g blamed me for almost losing our child when it was him who almost caused me to miscarry. The pain is excruciating. I feel like I'm going to pass out. Dots start to flicker in front of my eyes. "Mom, are you okay?" "I'm fine honey." "No, you're not. We can rest for a while." No, we have to keep going. Or he'll find us then.." I said everything was turning black around me. My kids muffled shouts I heard before the darkness consumed me. Serenity "Mom!" I screamed as she fell lifeless to the ground below. The thud shook everything around us. "Mom?" I said, shaking her. I knelt and felt her pulse. It was faint. s**t. I looked down and blood was pooling. "Sergo, quick, we have to get Mom to the hospital. She's losing blood. A lot of blood." He bounded over to us. Assessing the situation. "Help me Serenity, we need to get her to my back. My wolf is bigger than yours." I nodded, plodding over to him. Together we struggled to get her onto his back. We had to go into unknown territory to get Mom seen. We can't risk humans seeing us or going into a human hospital; it would be too risky for us to go there. They would ask too many questions. We managed to get to a pack close enough to where we were to get mom looked at while we waited. "What do you think is wrong with her Serenity?" "I don't know Sergo." "Do you think she'll be okay?" "I hope so." "Me too." We placed our arms around each other, praying mom would be okay and would survive whatever that had caused this. Abby I slowly came around, with beeping machines and an IV strapped to me. I looked around the plain white room. I groaned. The lady in the room smiled brightly. "It's good to see that you're finally with us, Miss. Lionheart, you had your children worried and all of us here." "Where am I?" "My apologies, you're in the silver moon pack. Our alpha agreed with you and your children coming in after your children said it was a matter of life or death." She chuckled. "We thought they were pulling our legs until the alpha greeted them and saw the state you were in. I'll just go and get the doctor. Would you like to see your children? They've been waiting patiently for you to come around?" "Yes please. " She smiled sweetly. "I'll be back in a tick." I smiled and she left the room. Suddenly, two teenagers ran through the doors, making a beeline for me. Hugging me. "We were so worried, mom." "You lost so much blood, we were scared we were going to lose you." "You'll never lose me, my angels, you're the reason I'm still living and breathing." "Sorry to disturb you, Miss. Lionheart, but the doctor is here to see you." Serenity and Sergo pulled away from our hug. Looking after the nurse who stepped out of the way to make way for the doctor. He was around forty and had dark eyes and devilish hair. "Good afternoon, Miss. Lionheart. You had us all worried when the alpha carried you in demanding, for us to work on you straight away." I was shocked, no alpha had ever done that for me before, even in my old pack. I was the black sheep no one cared for and it showed in my former pack. Although I was their Luna, they had no respect for me because their alpha had none for me. "You were lucky to survive, Miss. Lionheart, you were bleeding excessively. We had to work hard to save you." I nodded but I could feel a but or a sorry coming on. "We're sorry Miss. Lionheart, we did everything to save both of you, but your pup was too weak to survive the pain that you were going through." "I was.. " "Pregnant? Yes. I'm so sorry, Miss Lionheart." "It's okay," I said silently. He'd finally done it, he'd taken my life away, he'd killed my pup, our pup. My eyes glowed red. "Mom, are you okay?" "Mom?" My eyes flickered and returned to their purple colour. "I'm fine." "It'll be okay mom." "We're here for you mom. He never deserved you or a family." That was true, he'd turned our pups against me and killed another. I will avenge him and that's not just a threat, it's a f*****g promise he's done nothing but make my life feel worthless and not worth living.
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