Where are you, Abby?

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Jonathan Judas and I have been searching for our mom other and our siblings for weeks we have no idea where they are all we can do is follow their scent and hope and pray to God will find them and hope they will accept us and our sincere apologies our father had brainwashed us as we grew older saying that our mother didn't want us, hated us and had no time for us. He plagued our brains with information that was so venomous against our mother we believed him instantly as everyone in the pack had. I'm regretting how I treated not only my mother but my older siblings my father had posted signed us into believing that they were there as our enemies, not our siblings and once we were of age they would turn against us and kill us because they hated the fact our father had spawned them and not their father. Now I'm beginning to think it's all BS. They've never once in the time I've known them seen or mentioned their father. We don't even know who he is. He wasn't in the picture but my father said he'd be back to claim his mate and his children. Christian I've been out in the wilderness for a month now and I still haven't found her, my mate, my Abigail. Once I find her I'll make amends and tell her how sorry I am for everything I've ever done to her. No more whores just me and my mate. She's everything I've ever wanted. Ever needed why didn't she understand? I wanted her and I would never reject her. She was my soul mate, my one and only. She may have rejected me but I never agreed to that rejection and for that, I have paid the price of the excruciating pain that can with it every time she was with another wolf I felt everything the seed ng pain through my body I used whores to pushed away the pain but it never subsided I wonder if she ever felt it too? I needed to find her before anyone else did. I could smell other wolves in the air, not just wolves but rogues as well. They were searching and I knew they were searching for her. Where are you, Abby? I sniffed the air once more and smelt three wolves. They all had her beautiful smell of intoxicating strawberry shampoo. But it couldn't be. She'd had pups. I grinned widely. The one had a slightly different smell: the smell of old spice and wood. She had two heirs and one was a boy. I grinned widely that I had an heir to be taken over from me. I needed to find them before anyone did. Quaid Where the hell was she? She couldn't be that hard to find; she was a mere omega living with gammas; she couldn't have gotten very far. Unless the whispers were true. She was one of a kind wolf that had the power to control all wolves and make them bow down to her. She had the power to destroy or rebuild. Nagh. Not, Abby, she's too frail and naive to hold all that upon her shoulders, unless it was all an act. I shook my head even if it was, I doubt Abby could ever pull it off because she wasn't strong enough. I was running as my wolf. He was large and a rustic red colour. It was faster this way and I could cover more ground. I lifted my head and smelt the air. There were too many wolves around. I couldn't make out any of them apart from the gross stench of rogues. I had to continue until I could smell her. She used this special perfume only I could smell no one else could, not even Christian he had found her by another scent. My wolf always went crazy when she was near us it always smelt like the flowers that grew near our home and it drew me in every time she smelt so sweet I always wanted to take her and never let any other wolf have her. She was f*****g mine I saw her first no one would ever have her not even my alpha or beta she belonged to me and only me. I may have bullied or tortured her but that was because of my jealousy toward her and my friends I knew they both wanted her and Christian just happens to be her fuckin chosen mate. Why had the moon goddess given her to him and not me?! I may be an asshole and a bully, but, Christian was no better nor was Tyrone. They both bullied her throughout school and I did f**k all alto stop it but join in. I enjoyed watching her whimper and begged us to stop. It got me so fuckin hard I had to do what I had done that day. I wanted to stake my claim on her. I know I'm a sadistic bastard but I wanted her and no one was getting her but me. She was mine, mine to f**k every which way I pleased and mine to dominate. No fucker else was ever going to get that chance. I stopped and sniffed the air. I grinned as I smelt her scent; the perfume she always wore the mce id asked her where she got it from and she smiled and simply answered. “The flowers in the garden. I made it myself.” I smiled and told her it was the most beautiful smell I'd ever smelt and never to change it and she promised she wouldn't. Then I smelt the most overpowering scent. Two other wolves were close to her so close they were overpowering her beautiful fragrance, one of forest bloom and the other of the forest like Christian smelt. I growled I knew his scent any f*****g where he used the same goddamn aftershave since we e turned from a pup to a teen wolf with f*****g hormones. She'd had his f*****g pups that f*****g bastard had f****d her when she rejected him and given her f*****g pups. I'm going to f*****g kill him she's mine! They both knew to stay the f**k away from her but he couldn't f*****g help himself, could he? She should've been my mate not his now she's got his f*****g pups and not mine! Where are you Abby? The Rogue King Me and my pack were running through the forest, that bastard alpha couldn't lie for s**t. I knew he was hiding Abby either inside his pack house or somewhere far from it so no one could get to her. I could smel her sent all over the f*****g place he was lying through his teeth and if I heard one more liencomng from his lips I was in gogn to knock his good damn perfect peraly whites down his throat before I ripped him apart. Abby was supposed to be my queen to rule by my side to take out the bastards who had deceived me and thrown me into the woods to survive, the longer I was out here alone the more bitter I got the more bitter I got the more angrier I got for my entire pack turning against me and the more time I had the anger built up so I could plan my attack I gained enemies and those who had turned rogues not only by choice but bece they had been thrown out of their pack. They joined me in my revolution then Abby came to me it wasn't intentional, it was by pure fuckin luck and damn she was a hot piece of meat. She was bearing the pups of her beta, a guy who had forced himself onto her because she rejected him. I would never do that to my baby, my queen. I had promised her solace and safety in my pack as long as she would become my queen. I was surprised how quickly she agreed. Then that dumb f*****g beta and his alpha had shown up, my mistake was showing them what kind of wolf she was. Not many know of their existence, only a mere few know what she can truly do and in the wrong hands can cause absolute destruction. She was meant to be my f*****g queen to take down those who had wronged me and I would return to the throw with my queen by my side and rule over all ware wolves and that damn royal moon black would be bowl ng down to me and my queen. No longer would they be on top of the chain and ploughing through inquiry packs in the destruction of the entire popularity of those neangothols I would be on top of the chain and kill every last one of them my pack was turned over to them they didn't think I was the right king to take my own kingdom into a battle show wrong were they their weakness will be their ultimate fall. I sniff the air Abby isn't far ahead. I can smell her sweet perfume. It was the first thing I smelt before she approached my land and I ordered all my guards to let her through and not to kill her. I wanted her and I was sure as hell going to get her. Two other scents I didn't recognise were alongside hers another female and male could these be her heirs? It's taken sixteen years to find her. She's some hard wolf to find she hides her scent well. It's faint but I can smell it. It's so intoxicating and I can't wait to smell and taste her. If I hadn't screwed up she would still be with me and bearing my offspring I know how special she is and how special our offspring would be these idiots had no f*****g idea. I had to get to her before whoever was searching for her did.
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