Ultima Wolf

1412 Words
I'm one of the rarest wolves known to the will kingdom and I will rule one day with the Zeta wolf is by my side. We'd be the most powerful couple in the world that was only dominated by strong wolves such as myself. I've been searching for my mate for such a long time. I'm almost classed as ancient. I laugh at that thought. I've walked this earth for a very long time once as a powerful royal prince until my parent's pack decided to turn on me once my parents passed away. They have all blamed me for their deaths. The truth is they had caused my parents' deaths. Many had fought alongside my parents who were at war with the demon wolf pack. So many died that day including my parents I had fought alongside them and I will never forget the looks on their faces when the demon alpha ripped them into looking straight into my eyes before his fangs bit through their jugulars and ripped their jaws away from their muzzle. I never felt as much pain as I had that day, the day my parents had died to protect our pack and protect me. The day I lost my family, the only family I ever had. I never felt I always felt as though I had never truly belonged to that damn pack and I was right. Not a week after my parents passing they had a meeting that of course didn't involve their only son their only heir ho is supposed to take over from their king, their alpha instead they conspired against me and against my fathers wishes for me to be crown the new king and alpha of the golden ridge pack. Instead they went behind my back and voted me out of the alpha status that was rightly mine because they believed I had led my parents to their deaths which was utter bullshit and they knew it. I was on the battlefront alongside them fighting with them til death. They were my world and the pack had gone against their wishes for me to take the throne as their new king and alpha if anything were to happen to them in battle. I didn't go down quietly I rose up to my alpha role and challenged and every one of them knowing I could defeat all of them and have them either thrown in the dungeons o torture them for going against my father's wishes and orders what I didn't expect was my best friend to go against me and turn against me when he knew I treasured my parents till my last breath. They all accepted the challenge and one by one I defeated them all but my ex-best friend Xavier. We fought long and hard, our claws cashing at each other fangs snapping and ripping fur and flesh. Unfortunately, I underestimated him and he ripped my side out and whimpered but I carried on until the blood loss was too much and passed out. When I woke Xavier was looking down, sneering at me. I remember his words well that day. “To think I ever called you my best friend, to think I ever called you my brother. You're nothing to me, Alexi nothing. You did nothing to save your parents, nothing you don't deserve to be the alpha or king of this pack. I'm taking over at At least every member of this pack respects me. Unlike you. You're banished, Alexi, I never want to see your ugly mush around here again. If I do, I won't hesitate to finish what I didn't today. I'll rip you a f*****g part shred by pathetic shred. Get the f**k out of my f*****g sight you pathetic useless rogue.” I pulled my painful bleeding body up struggling to walk away. I limped out of the golden ridge pack, never looking back. I woke three weeks later to a beautiful red and black-haired girl smiling at me. “You're finally awake?” I coughed and sputtered and she offered me a glass of water which I gulped down after I gave her a throaty thanks. He smiled sweetly. She took the empty glass off me and placed it down on the dresser beside the bed I was currently lying on. “Where am I?” “You're in my home silly,” she answered, still smiling. “I know that, but where are we? Her smile faltered for the first time since I woke up. We’re in the woods in my cabin away from those that have no business being here.” “So why am I here?” She smiled at me like I just asked the dumbest question ever. “I saved you, dummy. If there were wolves and other creatures out there you'd be their dinner.” she laughed. “You were bleeding pretty bad. Lucky for you vamps don't dare come near this place,unless they want me to hex them.” “You're a witch?” “Don't look surprised, wolfy.” “You know I am a wolf?” Of course, silly, don't look so surprised. I can smell wolves a mile away, especially one that's in trouble and possible danger.” “Thanks for saving me. I'm Alexi.” She smiled sweetly. Did this girl ever stop smiling ? Was she genuinely always this happy? “Paige.” I looked at her. “My name it's Paige.” I smiled. “It's nice to meet you, Paige.” “Likewise, Alexi.” And that's how I decided she would be my strongest ally in this truly f****d up world we lived in and I was right. She'd stuck by my side since the day she found me almost on the brink of death and had brought me back. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I couldn't for the life of me think why no one had snapped this beauty up. She said it was because she was a witch and no one wanted to be with someone who delved in potions and s**t. But if she was my mate I wouldn't turn her away. There's so much more to her than her powers. Unfortunately for me, she wasn't my mate, but she was someone's and whoever that someone was would be delighted she was their mate. I sniffed the air, things were changing and for the worst there was a cloud of darkness surrounding the wolf world and that only meant one thing: the demon alpha was closer than I had anticipated he was coming for something important and something of value. Which meant a full blood moon war to get what he wanted. But mixed in with death and destruction was the most intoxicating scent I'd ever smelt. But it was mixed with another. But which one was my true mate or were they both a Zeta wolf? Which meant one thing: they were either of royal blood, alpha blood or betta blood. But I wasn't sure about it because I couldn't distinguish one scent from the other. I had to find out who's scent was my mates and who wasn't. “What are you thinking about Prince Alexi?” I looked up and smiled. Paige knew all my secrets. “Not much.” “You've found your mate, haven't you?” I grinned then it faded. “I also found something else too.” “So have I. The earth's mood is changing, it's not good Alexi, it's dark and dangerous, it's pure evil but I'm not sure what is causing this sudden shift.” “I do it's the demon wolf he's returned to claim something of value.” “The wolf goddess firstborn. The zeta wolf.” “Are you sure?” “Never more sure. This could be the end of us all Alexi only she can decide which way she wants this war to end.” I gulp something that has been prepared over centuries is about to come true and only the firstborn of the goddess Selene can stop the demon king from destroying the wolf kingdom. “What if there's more than one?” “Your mate is a zeta?” “I believe so.” “Then they are stronger together. They need to defeat the demon wolf before he turns everything and everyone in his way to ash.”
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