Chapter 3: Why me?

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Ava I slam my bedroom door behind me, ignoring the sounds of clamoring people on the other side asking me where I was or if I'm okay. I have no interest in answering any of their questions. I just want to sink into my bed and forget the previous night. I still can't believe it. I can't believe that I just happened to run into HIM. Why HIM? WHY ME? I move to my bed but stop mid-stride when I see it's already occupied. Tom lays down on his side, the blankets barely covering him, but he's fully clothed. I sigh and collapse beside him, face down in the soft bedding. “Where the hell were you?" he asks in that sarcastic tone of his. “Somewhere I wish I could forget." “I could probably whip something up for you, but I don't think either one of our mothers would approve," he says and then lies down on his back. “Please, like my mother would care two cents whether or not you use a potion on me." A silence follows, and I know he's thinking that I'm exaggerating. He probably wants to say something like, “You're mother's great. She loves you. Why do you always say she doesn't?" Then, of course, I'd say, “She's not your mother. How would you know?" And that would conclude the twentieth time we've had that conversation. Instead of going through the same song and dance, he asks again, “Where were you that was so terrible? You left the party rather quickly. I was kind of surprised. I hadn't even gotten to opening my presents." I frown, feeling guilty. “I'm sorry, I know it was your birthday, but when I heard what my mom said, I just couldn't take it. I needed to get out of there." “Yeah, that's what I thought. But she only said hello. What's so bad about that?" “She called me an alpha. She can clearly see that I'm not one. It's like she's rubbing my face in it." “You can still be alpha, even if you weren't born one." I sit up, my face red. “Oh, come on, Tom! You know that's not what I want. That's what SHE wants and everyone else in this godforsaken place. I want to be free to be me without other attachments or constraints. Being an alpha would ruin that, don't you think?" “Well, haven't you told your mom that?" “Of course! But she won't listen! She thinks I'm destined to be alpha simply because she was. I can't get her to understand that's not what I want at all." He scrunches his eyebrows. “No attachments at all? What about me?" I laugh and shove him playfully. “You and me? We're forever, kid. Besides, you're a witch, not one of these mangy mutts calling themselves shifters." He laughs. “True enough. But don't you want a relationship one day? What about finding a mate?" At that, my face turns a violent shade of red, and I can feel the heat traveling through my body. His eyes go wide. “Don't tell me…that's where you went last night! You met your mate! But how? How did it happen? Who were they? Do I know them? Are they here now? Oh! You HAVE to tell me!" Sometimes, I really regret having a witch as a best friend. It's like he can see right through me, no matter what I do. I roll over to my back, my eyes rolling with me. “I don't want to talk about it," I say glumly. “Come on!" He shakes me with a hand. “You can't leave me hanging like this! Tell you what. I'll tell you whom I ran into last night if you'll tell me." “What! You met someone last night!" It's a feeble attempt to change the topic, I know. But I have to at least try. “No, no. You tell me first," he says with finality. “Ugh, fine." I grab a pillow and slam it across my face. “His name is Devon." Tom squeals in delight next to me. “Devon? Sounds like he's handsome. Is he? What does he look like? Where's he from?" “Calm down," I say. “One question at a time. I don't know what he really looks like. We met as wolves. He's tan, I know that much, and big. Like really big. But he's also kinda mangy looking like he hasn't had a bath for a while." “Mangy? Where exactly did you meet this guy?" “Outside," I say, hoping he won't ask more, but he does. “Where outside?" He eyes me with skepticism. “Outside…you know…the boundary." “Outside the boundary! What the hell, Ava! What were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt! What if…" his voice goes silent as gears begin whirring in his skull. “Wait…you said you met his wolf. You don't mean he's what I think he is." I sigh heavily and throw another pillow on top of me. “He's an omega! Holy s**t, Ava! I always knew you were the rebellious sort, but getting into bed with an omega? Now, THAT's bold." “I haven't gotten into bed with him, and I don't plan to either. He can go crawl in a hole and stay there for all I care," I grumble into the pillows. “But he's your mate! You can't just ignore him!" “Sure I can. We haven't Bonded, and unless that happens, he's NOT my mate." “Okay, whatever you say. But this is BIG, Ava. I don't think you realize...." “Who'd you run into last night?" I ask, cutting him off. “What?" “You said you met someone. Who was it?" “Oh, right." Finally, a change of subject. “You know James' son? Sam Kelley?" James is the second in command of the pack, my mother's right-hand man. I nod. “Well…" he smiles. “Sam? You hooked up with Sam?" Now, it's my turn to be shocked. He laughs. “No! But we did get to talking and...." “And what?" “And he invited me out this weekend." “Tom! I can't believe it! I didn't even know you had a thing for him." Tom shrugs. “Yeah, neither did I. But things happen. He's really great, Ava. I think you'll like him. I smile, truly happy for him. But I can't help but think of Devon outside the boundary. Surely I can't be the only reason he was wandering so close to pack territory. Can I? The thought of him makes shivers run up and down my spine. A sudden heat floods between my legs, and I close them, hoping Tom hasn't noticed.
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